View Full Version : Favorite character from each FF game you've played.

Wolf Kanno
05-13-2019, 10:02 AM
Pick only 1 character that you could say is your favorite character from each FF game you've played. Go!

05-13-2019, 11:25 AM
FF IV - Tellah
FF V - Galuf
FF VI - Shadow
FF VII - Barret
FF VIII - Squall
FF IX - Vivi
FF X - Rikku
FF X-2 - Paine
FF XII - Basch
FF XIII - Sazh
FF XIII-2 - Noel

05-13-2019, 11:53 AM
FFI - Matoya
FFII - Minwu
FFIII - Aria
FFIV - Golbez
FFV - Galuf
FFVI - Cyan
FFVIII - Squall
FFIX - Vivi
FFX - Kimahri
FFX-2 - Paine
FFXII - Basch
FFT - Ramza
FFTA - Ritz
FFTA2 - Hurdy

05-13-2019, 02:00 PM
FFI - Garland
FFII - Minwu
FFIII - Refia
FFIV - Tellah
FFV - Faris
FFVI - Edgar
FFVII - Rufus
FFVIII - Laguna
FFIX - Zidane
FFX - Rikku
FFX-2 - Paine
FFXI - Prishe
FFXII - Balthier
FFXIII-2 - Alyssa
Lightning Returns - Lumina
FFXIV - Y'shtola
FFXV - Aranea

And for the heck of it, spin-offs:

FF Mystic Quest - Phoebe
FFT - Alma
FFTA - Ritz
FFTA2 - Adelle
WoFF - Enna
FF Type-0 - Seven

Lord Golbez
05-13-2019, 02:31 PM
FF - Bikke the Pirate and surprised I be that anyone else could be chosen

FF2 - ?

FF3 - Cid the Ghost

FF4 - Rydia

FF5 - Faris

FF6 - Kefka

FF7 - Cloud

FF8 - Laguna

FF9 - Vivi

FF10 - Auron

FF12 - Balthier

FF13 - ?

FF15 - Ignis, I guess.

05-13-2019, 09:59 PM
I - Black Belt
II - Leila
III - Xande
IV - Rydia
V - Faris (Ghido honorable mention)
VI - Celes
VII - Barret
VIII - Laguna
IX - Vivi
X - Tidus
XI - Prishe
XII - Ashe
XIII - Fang
XIV - Y'syale
XV - Gentiana

X-2 - Yuna
XIII-2 - Chocolina
Lightning Returns - Snow

Mystic Quest - Tristam
Tactics - Agrias
TA - Marche
Type-0 - Cater

05-14-2019, 03:57 AM
FFI - Garland
FFII - Minwu, Maria
FFIII - Dasch ?
FFIV - Rydia, Cecil
FFV - Bartz, Faris
FFVI - Terra, Sabin
FFVII - Aerith, Nanaki, Cloud.
FFVIII - Rinoa, Squall, Zell
FFIX - Zidane, Kuja
FFX - Yuna, Auron, Kimahri
FFX-2 - Yuna
FFXII - Fran
FFXIII - Sazh, Vanillie
FFT - Ramza
FFTA2 - Hurdy

05-14-2019, 01:02 PM
1 - Garland
2 - Maria
3 - Nobody stands out
4 - Kain
5 - Bartz
6 - Sabin
7 - Rude
8 - Ward
9 - Beatrix
10 - Auron
10-2 - Uh, nobody.
12 - Fran
13 - The Jazz

Wolf Kanno
05-14-2019, 10:11 PM
FFI: Garland - Easily the most memorable named character in FFI

FFII: Josef - Probably the most shocking death and one of my favorite guest party members.

FFIII: Aria - see above, her theme is also one of III's best tracks.

FFIV: Cecil Harvey - I always go back between Cecil and Kain on which one is my favorite characters.

FFV: Faris Scherwiz - Awesome character with a good back story and combines most of the games awesome and funny moments. She also has many of my favorite outfits.

FFVI: Terra Branford - Cool backstory, has some of the most interesting character moments in the game, and the best character in Magitek Armor bar none. Her theme is one of my favorites in the whole series.

FFVII: Aerith Gainsborough - Again, I like her cool backstory, but honestly her upbeat attitude and how it plays off Cloud's taciturn personality that makes several of their moments together some of my favorite. She also has my favorite set of Limit Breaks among the cast.

FFVIII: Squall Leonhart - A character who hits a little close to home for me, I feel Squall's personal journey of opening up is one of the better character arcs in the whole series.

FFIX: Vivi Ornitier - Debatably one of my favorite characters in the whole series. Vivi is attached to most of my favorite moments in FFIX and his story arc is one of my absolute favorites within the series. He's also a badass Black Mage. If only his theme song was better...

FFX: Auron - Ended up having one of the better back stories among the whole cast, and while his big secret was easy to figure out, it was still one of the more interesting moments in the game. His design is also my favorite among the cast.

FFXII: Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca - The real heart of FFXII's plot and probably one of the most complex female leads in the series. It still makes me sad that Yuna and Lightning get more recognition than her.

FFXIII: Sahz Katzroy - The lone redeeming factor for me in an otherwise awful game. Sahz is not only one of the few unique elements of XIII's plot, but he's attached to many of the games actual best moments. Shame the sequels dropped him like a rock.

FFXV: Ignis Scientia - My favorite among the four man band. Ignis has the best quips and put downs, has the most fun moments with his cooking, my favorite limit break attacks, and is attached to many of the games most heart wrenching moments. Its hard not to like the guy.

FFTactics: Ramza Beoulve - My favorite main character in the whole series, and one of the rare idealist main characters I truly like. Ramza is such a treat to watch throughout Tactics.

Tactics Advance: Marche Radiuju - The heart of TA, how you feel about him will largely describe how you feel about TA in general.

Tactics A2: The Four Kings - It may say something that my favorite characters are villains from one of my favorite side stories.

The After Years: Ursala - I always had a soft spot for Yang and his daughter turned out not too different. She was one of my favorite chapters in this title.

X-2: Paine - Despite resembling my ex, her disposition is closer to my own and she's one of the few elements of X-2 that doesn't make my eyes roll.

Crisis Core: Zack Fair - I've always liked Zack and CC pretty much gave me the character I was expecting to get out of him. If I was relegated to original characters not from VII, Cissinei is my next choice.

Mystic Quest: Tristam - I mean he's basically Edge to begin with.

05-15-2019, 12:56 PM
FFIV: Kain
FFIV The After Years: Kain, again :P but I also really like how Edge matured.
FFV: Faris
FFVI: Locke, who's my favorite FF character ever.
FFVII Crisis Core: Zack
FFIX: Zidane
FFX: Tidus
FFX-2: Rikku
FFXII: Balthier
FFXIII: Lightning
FFXIII-2: Hope
FFXIII Lightning Returns: Lightning
FFXV: Noctis