View Full Version : LEAST favourite character from each FF game that you've played

05-14-2019, 04:17 AM
FF1- Thief, stupid little shit can even STEAL. GET A NEW JOB. BOO YOU WHORE !

FF2- Leon. megalomaniac little shit. Also his name reminds me of how some people who started with the KH series call Squall " Leon", ugh.

FF3- Onion Knight. so irritating in Dissidia. Terra can protect herself thanks ? Go away. Is his name Onion Knight because he makes people cry in pain ?

FF4- Edge. He says something in the DS version like, " That's right, this is a men's mission only !" only or something, so he can go and eat the bad FFVII Korean BBQ plate that Cloud says that it tastes like dog food, thanks.

FF5- Exdeath ? wtf is in your castle ?

FF6- Setzer. I used to love Setzer, he was so edgy, but today, it looked like he wanted to rape Celes, so, he can stay on the airship kthanks.

FF7- Sephiroth. Seph got stabbed by a 16 year boy, so he got butthurt ? ...............K.

FF8- Quistis. You'll know why I hate her, so will just quickly move on.

FF9- Amarant. That place could've been for Beatrix or Lani, characters that actually some decent character.

FF10- Seymour. No brainer.

FF12- Balthier. I don't understand why people like him ? he's so annoying. But opinions.

FF13- Snow. Snow is Balthier but after a couple of beers at the pub and has been found sleeping in the street. Don't @ me.


Your turn, be as salty as you want.

Lord Golbez
05-14-2019, 05:39 AM
FF - Thief
FF2 - ?
FF3 - ?
FF4 - Namingway
FF5 - Butz
FF6 - Umaro
FF7 - Rufus
FF8 - Irvine
FF9 - Brahne
FF10 - Rikku
FF12 - All of them? Fine, Vaan.
FF13 - ?
FF15 - ? Prompto, maybe.
FFT - Algus. The worst character of all time. Hate him so much.

05-14-2019, 12:23 PM
FFI - those damn Lufenians with their four-word language
FFII - I actually don’t dislike a single person here?
FFIII - the four old men
FFIV - Rubicante. It’s the voice
FFV - again, don’t think I dislike anyone?
FFVI - see above
FFVII - Yuffie x10
FFVIII - the Moombas
FFIX - Eiko
FFX - Tidus
FFXII - Al-Cid, I guess? But more because he felt kinda pointless
FFT - Marach. I like the idea of him, but his and Rapha’s arc seemed pretty out of place for some reason
FFTA - Llednar. Too many battles were lost.
FFTA2 - whatever the fuck that Khamja last was called. My God, was she bland

05-14-2019, 12:56 PM
1 - I found White Mage pretty dull and uninteresting.
2 - No real strong or negative opinions towards any of the characters to be honest.
3 - Never cared for Arc much, but again it's more of a one I like less rather than outright dislike.
4 - Palom and Porom can go really far away and not come back, despite being useful in battle.
5 - Krilie, maybe. Another reasonably close one.
6 - Kefka, awful, awful, awful, awful, awful
7 - Sephiroth was cool when I was 13 but over time is pretty damn bad as a whole.
8 - Irvine. Just the pits. A character vacuum of super massive black hole proportions.
9 - Eiko. Whiny, annoying and small.
10 - Khimari was another character void.
10-2 - Paine is everything Auron wasn't with a voice that sounded bored constantly.
12 - Everyone except Fran, pretty much.
13 - THE JAZZ and Oerba get pass marks. The rest, nope.

Wolf Kanno
05-15-2019, 06:31 AM
FFI: Thief - smurf Thief.

FFII: Lelila - Never particulary cared for her. I don't think it helps that she's often playable during several points in the game that I didn't like.

FFIII: Alus - Could have been more interesting but he's kind of unremarkable and associated with one of the game's nastiest boss fights.

FFIV: Surprisingly, no one.

FFV: Krile - I don't hate her, but she is a bit of a Mary Sue if you ask me.

FFVI: I like everyone actually.

FFVII: Yuffie - smurf Yuffie.

FFVIII: Ultimecia - I honestly feel VIII's scenario would have worked out better if they dropped her ent8irely and made Adel the real villain.

FFIX: I liked most of the cast.

FFX: Yuna -

I hate Yuna. Beyond hate. I like her less than a party of four thieves in the Marsh Cave. With no potions. In front of the Crown chest. I'd say with three of them dead as well, but, frankly, it's a party of four thieves without potions at the bottom of the damn Marsh Cave, so its basically the same either way.

FFXII: Reddas' subordinates in Bafloheim. They just feel really out of place in the game.

FFXIII: Vanille - While I have an aversion for most of the cast, Vanille probably fills me with the most ire cause she tries too hard to be "cute" and "kooky" and she's just a mess to watch anytime she appears on the screen and opens her mouth.

FFXV: Lunafreya - There are some bland characters in this game, but Lunafreya is the one that probably gets thrown in the players face the most, but she's just not really interesting as a person. While I don't care about the whole Versus XIII debacle, even I'll admit that Stella was more charming and interesting in her brief moments she showed up in the teaser trailers than Lunafreya was for the entirety of the FFXV multimedia extravaganza.

FFTactics: Marach - I'll second Fynn with Marach. Not a terrible character, but I'll admit the story sequences involving him are not my fave. Not helped that he's a mixed bag as a playable character.

Tactics Advance: Mewt - Yeah, surprisingly enough, despite the game's best attempts to make you feel sorry for the scrub, I still find him to be a bit whiny and selfish. Never had an issue trying to drag his ass back to the real world to deal with his alcoholic dad and dead mother cause in an ideal world, he's jerk.

Tactics A2: Adelle - Well first off, her intial personality and role is pretty similar to Yuffie from VII who is already firmly in the "fuck you" list of characters. When she finally does get some angsty characterization, it basically turns out to be her struggling with the fact she's too awesome. Have we talked about how A2 has a lot of questionable writing?

Mystic Quest: I like everyone surprisingly enough.

The After Years: Ceodore - Not a terrible character, he's just a bit bland, even when compared to his fairy tale parents. I'd still take him over most of the chumps on this list.

X-2: Yuna: Damn straight I'm putting her on this list twice, now she's a perky doormat with bad puns. I can't use her? Then probably Rikku who goes from "slightly likable" in the original to "very obnoxious" in this entry.

Crisis Core: Genesis - May be the worst character Square has ever created. The fact I'm willing to rank Yuffie and Yuna above him is a testament of how much I hate his existence.

05-15-2019, 12:53 PM
FFIV: I don't know ? Maybe Tellah ? But it's because we don't see him for a long period.
FFIV The After Years: Leonora. I hate how she becomes fond of Palom even if he's still an ass with her.
FFV: Krile but I really like her too LOL
FFVI: Umaro, because his backstory is not really explained.
FFVII: I absolutely can't stand Caith Sith, I find him so annoying everytime andf I'm glad we don't have to bring him often.
FFVII Crisis Core: Genesis. He's not bad but he could have been better.
FFVIII: Seifer. Another character I can't stand. I never managed to connect with him.
FFIX: Quina, but I still like them. It's just the one I find the less instesting.
FFX: Kimahri. I still like him though.
FFX-2: Paine. I never connect with her personality.
FFXII: Basch but he's great too :P
FFXIII: Snow. He's a good guy but all the "hero" thing annoys me.
FFXIII-2: Alyssa. I saw her betrayal coming so early ? I've always known she was an enemy :P
FFXIII Lightning Returns: I don't really know ? Most of the characters are recurring ones so.
FFXV: Loqi ? He's just a faithful soldier to the Empire and it makes him a bit annoying :P

Snap Jumper
12-13-2019, 02:47 PM
I: Bikke. He might want to get a better group of pirates to help him out.
II: Gordon. He always seems underleveled to start.
III: Alus. Great, I'm stuck in a town now and involved in bar fights.
IV: Palom. What a little brat. He's really annoying.
V: Butz. Go ahead and attack a guy in his own home. Go ahead and poke a sage with a stick.
VI: Locke. This guy has an inflated sense of self-importance and wastes a lot of effort protecting women that don't need it.
VII: Cait Sith. He's a confusing character that you can't trust, nor get rid of.
VIII: Irvine. The women aren't there just for you, sir. In close second is Quistis, with the very annoying habit of finishing others' sentences because she "knows them that well."
IX: Amarant. If you want to be loner, fine. Stop hanging around the party and go alone.
X: Auron. What a bossy, know-it-all jerk that thinks he's king of the world. It doesn't help when some characters call him Sir, inflating his already huge ego.
XI: Maat. You're seriously going to make me do sidequests to increase my level cap?
XII: Vaan. He's an annoying kid that never has any idea what's going on. Yet, we're forced into playing as him in towns. Dishonorable mention goes to Fran, who mostly exists as Fanservice.
XIII: Snow. Oh my, Snow, will you just please shut up?
XIV: Komuxio. What useless quest are you going to have "Dancing One" or "Walking One" do next?
XV: Gladiolus. Chapter 10 sealed it up for him. Tough choice, as Cindy and Prompto are also options.

12-14-2019, 03:56 PM
Most of these characters I actually like, just, if I had to pick one.

IV: everyone who "dies"
V: Lenna, just not as interesting as the rest of the cast, but maybe that's necessary in their little band of cartoons
VI: Locke, he seems the most invested in the Returners at the start but there doesn't seem to be much in his arc regarding that as things go on? But it's been awhile, I might not remember enough to give him credit.
VII: Vincent. You realize he's kind of a creep when you get into the backstory of Lucrecia.
VIII: Card Queen just go where I want you to be ok!!!
IX: Amarant. Boing generic tough guy.
X: Yuna. The days before the English localization had its own lip animations made for a lot of weirdness in trying to voice the English lines to match the animation. Yuna really got the worst of it.
XII: Fran has the worst stats :(
XIII: NORA crew, Snow gets a pass 'cause he's always getting punched in the face over it at least.
XIV: Lahabrea. The whole ascian thing was a big boring drag, which especially sucked 'cause they're the main series antagonist. Shadowbringers really turned that around and has me excited about them but Lahabrea's arc is long over at this point. Not to mention you can't skip the Praetorium cutscenes so you're always seeing him and the weakest point of FFXIV's writing almost every day that you log in.

FFVII: Crisis Core: Genesis. We didn't need another antagonist at all, especially not this guy. All characters original to Crisis Core are detrimental to the continuity but Genesis especially.
FFX-2: Nooj, get outta here with those weird pajamas

Wolf Kanno
12-15-2019, 12:20 AM
XII: Fran has the worst stats :(

To be fair, her stats are better balanced in The Zodiac Age. :D

12-17-2019, 02:21 PM
Are they? I didn't give her a chance!

Also I forgot FFXV: Lunafreya, just because of the unlived potential. She seemed like there were some interesting ideas with her arc that just never happened, I would have liked to have seen more of her side of the journey up to the anticipated wedding.

Wolf Kanno
12-18-2019, 04:46 AM
Yeah, they beefed up her MP, Magick Power, and she has the highest vitality of the party. She works really well as a tanky mage.