View Full Version : Maybee's Top 30 Final Fantasy Ladies List !

05-17-2019, 04:45 AM
Hello ! I thought I would do this for some fun. First things first, I apologise if a fav girl of yours is not on the list or I've completely forgotten somebody. FF does have a lot of characters. If this does good, then I might do one for the men.

Okay, let's start off with some Honourable Mentions.

⭐Lani- Final Fantasy IX


The aggressive and un-lady-like assassin from Final Fantasy IX. She's used quite well during throughout the game. She knows that she's not a main character and she's not supposed to be, unlike a certain male red-haired parter of hers. She has a badass and let's admit it here - very sexy design. If Square wanted to include more to her character one day in a future remake, they'll be more than welcome too.

Also is that blood on your titties girl ? You can't be on my top list if you have dirty titties. Clean your bra girl !

⭐Ursula Final Fantasy 4- After Years


While Final Fantasy 4 The After Years was not the best game nor the best game sequel ever, it did have one charming factor to it, and that was the amazing Ursula.

⭐ Drag- Cloud Final Fantasy VII


"BOOOO ! Only a honourable mention ???! " Well, while Cloud DOES make a beautiful woman in that plumy purple dress, he's still a man, and Cloud considers himself to be a cis man, so he cannot really count on this list.

Sorry Miss Cloud.

⭐Quistis Trepe- Final Fantasy VIII


While I'm not the biggest fan of hers ever, a lot of people are and people who don't even like the game that she's from, Final Fantasy VIII consider her to be a saving grace, which is a achievement worth noting. She also has some of the best limit breaks in the series and her saving Squall from the robot spider is badass. Too bad she's mostly used as Twilight Love Triangle bait. ( and makes some..... really stupid decisions )

⭐Princess Leena- Final Fantasy V/ Penelo- Final Fantasy XII


These girls are cute and kind, but that's all that they're really are. They're "nice", but not nice, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I admire Penelo for her kindness and her motherly traits towards Vaan, and Leena is a cute Princess that wants to save her Dad. These two could've been a lot more but they're unfortunately lacking a lot of depth.

05-17-2019, 05:02 AM
30- Rikku Final Fantasy X


I wanted to put her higher, I really did. Final Fantasy X's Rikku is a bright and intelligent teenager who's not afraid to speak on what's on her mind. She has a lot of heart and soul and is just always there to support people in need. However I feel like X-2 absolutely destroys her character and just ruins her. Rikku grows up to act like a preschooler and I'm not a fan of her X-2 costume. That thong sneaking out her very short dress. Ugh, Kuja had better tastes in fashion.

In short, Rikku is low on the list because she had so much potential in the sequel, but she just becomes fanservice and it's frustrating. It's not even GOOD fanservice, because Rikku was smart, she had a brain on her shoulders and then....."Oh poopie !"

While it's not the end of the world as we know it, I just, why does Rikku act like a three year old in X-2 ? Why ? There's actual children higher than her on this list, and that's saying something.

Rikku goes from calling Wakka out on his racism and blind faith, to speaking like a baby. And it's annoying, because she had the power to become a mechanic or even the future leader of the Al Bhed.

X-2 is and can be fun, but it did a huge injustice to a bright and wise character. While there was already some pretty uncomfortable fanservice used with Rikku in FFX, FFX-2 just presses the button to 11.

Lord Golbez
05-17-2019, 06:37 AM
I haven't played FFX-2, but I kind of feel like Rikku already acts like a baby in FFX.

05-17-2019, 09:00 AM
Lani not in the top 30 :(

05-17-2019, 09:39 AM
Yeah Rikku was just kinda whatever in X-2. Which is a shame because I like her so much in X to call her my favorite character in the series. Hell she's better in the fucking Eternal Calm short than X-2 proper, and I so wish the game would've run with that more. There's still some elements of X Rikku in X-2 Rikku, but really, the entire Al Bhed family right down to fucking Cid himself got so ridiculous in X-2 it's depressing.

Wolf Kanno
05-17-2019, 09:50 AM
Honestly, Rikku was being used as fanservice since the first game. Her incredibly lengthy "changing scene" being one of the most obvious. While I personally hate the Hyper Genki Girl type characters, Rikku is hardly the worst offender, at least until X-2.

Sad to see so many characters I like get relegated to just Honorable mention. :cry:

05-18-2019, 05:29 AM
29- Rosa Joanna Farrell- Final Fantasy IV


Rosa is perhaps one of the most romantic and loyal characters within the series. She stays by Cecil's side through thick and thin. Rosa is one of the characters that really should be a cameo in the Kingdom Hearts series, as she's able to see the light within Cecil's darkness. While Cecil just views himself as a Dark Knight with stained hands, Rosa is able to see the good within him, and while Cecil did need to "battle" his darkness, she was basically correct. Rosa is fascinating because she's highly emotionally intelligent. While she does play damsel now and then, she's able to see people as whom they truly are.

A few years ago, I might of put Rosa on the honourable mentions or not even on this list to begin with, but somebody on EOFF pointed out how Rosa is not as useless as most would think. She helps Rydia recover from her Pyrophobia, she was brave enough to go searching for Cecil alone, in a attempt to try and save him, and as the game points out- Cecil would be nothing without her deadly bow n arrow and powerful White Magic.

Rosa's character is a lot like herself. You have to dig deep to find something there, and when you do, you'll realise that she's a diamond in the rough. She's not a warrior like Lightning Farron or Tifa Lockhart, but she's kind and sweet, and I think we need some more "Rosa's " in this world right now.

If you're reading this and you think that there's somebody close to you that needs a big hug right now, why not give them one ? And maybe share some tea and biscuits together.

05-19-2019, 01:59 AM
28- Serah Farron- Final Fantasy XIII/ XIII-2


Today is a cute character with her only really huge flaw is her terrible taste in men. Seriously, what is she thinking ? Serah is a character that goes through quite a lot and only really wants to be happy with her older sister Lightning and her fiance Snow, however not everything goes as smoothly as she would like. Serah starts out a bit damsely, but in XIII-2 she takes matters into her own hands.

Serah is a sweet hero of Final Fantasy XIII-2 and she makes the game feel bright. Though she lacks spice, she lacks vinegar to really make a strong impact.

05-19-2019, 02:10 AM
i would've taken Lani over Amerant any day.

05-19-2019, 02:19 AM
27- Krile Mayer Baldesion Final Fantasy V


Poor Krile might have one of the most weirdest names in fiction ever. Though fortunately enough she's a neat character as she feels somewhat rare. She's a younger Final Fantasy character that doesn't act like she's had 7 cups of coffee before waking up in the morning and she doesn't feel annoying either, in fact she's rather sensitive, intelligent and mature.

One thing I really like about Krile is her relationship towards animals and how she seems to be "in tune" with them. She also follows her heart and intuition and of course her biggest factor, her relationship with her Grandpops Galuf. This is a bit personal, but my Father wasn't really the best growing up, so I've always felt like my Grandfather was more of a "true" Father. So I feel like I can relate to Krile rather strongly.

Krile seems to be ignored or neglected when it comes to FFV fandom, and I think that's a big shame, because she's a cute and caring girl that's wise beyond her years.

Wolf Kanno
05-19-2019, 06:26 AM
Rosa is definitely one of the more underrated female leads in the series. The fact she's sort of remained the template for them within the series is sort of a testament to her. I can't really say much about Serah since the idea of playing XIII-2 is as enticing to me as getting a root canal. Krile... My only real beef with her is that she kind of steals the thunder of most of the cast when she shows up, especially Lenna who I feel is a bit more underrated than she should be. She's not without her own merits, but I feel she does overlap a bit too much with Lenna at times.

05-19-2019, 10:48 AM
26- Elena- Final Fantasy VII


Elena while working for the professional Turks is a bit of a clumsy one, but she tries and she feels rather human and reminds us that people who work for Shrina INC are at the end of the day, people doing their careers and just doing their job. While her partners are calm and collected she's rather nervous and you can easily tell that she's rather new to the job. Still, she tries and never gives up or doubts herself and even though she's on the "villians" side of the table, you almost feel like she could be your friend......almost.

Lord Golbez
05-19-2019, 08:37 PM
I love the Turks in general, so Elena is definitely a worthy inclusion.

05-20-2019, 04:26 AM
25- Prishe- Final Fantasy XI


Prishe is a character that I like, but I wish I knew more about because I haven't played the game that she's originally from and have only experienced her from the FF fighting game spin off Dissidia. Though from what I know about her, is that she is simply awesome. Her design is 10/10 and she's a female monk which is another 10/10. Prishe also has a pretty cool personality, has she sort of has a tomboy feel, but at the same time, feminine in a way. She just speaks her mind and she was friendly and outgoing. I know that many are looking forward towards Tifa's announcement in Dissidia NT, but what about poor Prishe ? Hopefully Prishe comes to NT with Miss Lockhart soon.

If there's a chance to smack up Snow with Prishe, then I might play NT Square.

05-20-2019, 04:44 AM
24- Cidney- Final Fantasy XV


Oooof here comes the opinion/s that everybody may not like, but I found Cidney cute ! Yes cute ! I found her accent so adorable, and her kindness towards Noct's crew even more adorable. Yes, Cidney is sexualized but ..... I don't think it's that bad. It's a open yellow jacket and some short shorts, it's really just the same level as Tifa's titillating clothing and Lulu's 'let the girls hang loose' victory cheer in FFX. What I found more frustrating is that Cidney ( and Iris ) could easily fit into the main team, she just felt like "one of the boys", and she had endearing flousing romantic relationship with Prompto. I don't want the " Backstreet Boys", I want girls on my squad too.

Cidney was just a ball of sunshine and it felt so warming to see her, not because of her sexual design, just because she was so cheerful, helpful and happy. She was a bright spark on such a disappointing game. And again, another oooof- I think she's one of the best FF Cids.

Cidney is fine and I love her.

Also most of the people who complained about her design, turned around and did something like this :

http://home.eyesonff.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxISEhUTExMWFhUXFxUYFhUWGBgXFxgYGBUXFhcWGBcYHSggGBolGxUVITEiJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0mHyUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLy0tLS0tLS0tLS0tNS0tLS0tKy0tLf/AABEIANEA8QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEAAECBwj/xABDEAABAwIDBQUFAwsEAQUAAAABAAIRAyEEEjEFBkFRYRMicYGRMlKhsdEUwfAHIzNCYnKCkqKy4RVDU/HCFiQ0c5P/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwABBAUG/8QAMhEAAgICAQIEAwYGAwAAAAAAAAECEQMhEgQxQVFhcQUTMiKRocHh8CMzNEKB0VKx8f/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9RhdBd5VvKtJio5hZC6hbAUIcwshdwtwqCo4DV1lXULahKOIWELtclQhEWrUKVckKFEcKjtjaVPDUjVqGAL AcXE6NHUoiQvLfylbS7bENw7JPZcGgkmo6CQALkhuXTmUM5UrG4cfOdArbu8NbFP7xhnCmD3R48z1PwUGBzBlRw9p/wCZZ4GHVHeAblE/tdFXxuGq0KJqvpua1rxTOeGEVCM2XI4h8wCdOCqHeJkACm4BrQ1txxOZ7jb2nH4Ehc7JHJPwO0p4oJRTLtcS4xpoOHdAhvnlAUQt ZRUNpsedHD4omzBOqCWDN04 Q1Pkl8JLujSsuPwYzbvPFNuVwYGGkyo0ktJecgdVc5t3EN7TLOUs/N967Ux1cNlGZznEOgyQXNuSOtm9oe9rAZqBIRdnNGXvS2pSZU7Nws9sntG1GnhkfnnpVkkBjijNCk55kObh8SyDVolwpsIvFWi4B 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WMzhcK7qf7QvVcUZHLZ5rUxRmc4HKLfNaxWIDmsHaGwM6cyboS8qJxRfLROTL76ng6fBVjhmHg3w5eaqFy4LjzRKCAstfZGe6PX/CxVoPP4rFfElhbCb2Mpfo8MwdTr66ojht96tR4bka0Td0kwFtuxGcWKensmkP8AbCU5IbxYco4vMJzSmTY1OKL3cCD8LfNJ9CG2A hNGOxop4IERdg9SPnK5XxFtxjBeLNWBbBm7dYl9Uk2zGPIplbjmDV0dUmbEqtbTAJuePxWtpYkxY2WPNi55GPcgluxgnHE1cQ5hF RzKhMzAbUFMMaAdQIf3uOttFc3r7oe0n2awI/iYJ06ys3AfLKpJmGNa2b2JhonkAEH3vxxPbxc9qy40ENA qfBXlfo0vw/UtajYc3exsjLKccE6YXkm7NdxcLr0nZznEarbJcWDNclYxVDAS9Xqg1Ceqv4 o5rblDDh3G4CCTF4kFKNULqvXDWl3IIQ2sQeIKjxWIzxT4HVL5eY1wrYT2ZT7s8Xd8 J0 AHoFUwLm1MSah0bmDDwsIc4fzehC3tOu4BtCn7dS0 62Lknw RU42YA1vZVHMLAQHCLzcy0iCCRp9FwMmTk3OX93b2/evvK7L3CGVrrgz1Hih2N3eo1CXFgDj s3uunqR7XnKG4vbpwv6dssm9SkOJOrqZPPUtPHRGdnbWo12h1J4cOliPFpuPMJPGeN/MhdeaFtNaFnHbnVP9ut5PH/k36Jf2lsbEYcCROYxa7eck/UXXqDqiA7z4lpphnFxt5an8c1rw/EczfB7XqSMFd0Iu59d2d2YnLmdTMcjaR4SvRMFiIdfVw7377O471EfypY3e2UGudPG6K4yvkeDwDmk 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q1349ESxLYdwAmPAG4I8DCTtu7bqDPRNLKQXNJNwWwYItyIPoutjwyn1ClDzUgs9JN DF84kFV3YqFxVqiOqrhw4heqSOSy2cUFG6u38FVKh6qBzkdAl91YKFzgVTkrkPPiroEtwsVf7SfdC0rog5V6hFgQQOigNUz IQZ 8Dfc Kkw 3Wk3YfKFl4s02hk2fhXVM0adfX7llTZ9QwA0mdICZ90KIdSDiCMwmHcjp8ITTRwwGgXnOt69xzNJXWjVCC4njOIw8EgyCOCpVGga J/3v2EWudVbdpuQRp/hIuNIHDzC29NmWWKaBkqLez6OZnEuAJA6gSPko6lLLi6gGhqOI8HHMPgQiGxLZak zDvIEF3wlV9pUQzF5RMANF9bDKP7U7DP K16DEtIdtiU9LJmOGGUkWsl/YQ0TO o1rCXEARqTCN9yTBNES5RbwtDadrErjZtSXumNTccRwIQzb Mz1ABOoaI5kx/nyQPT2EhepYR9erazGyM3C1nGeQOYIxs2jUewZJbT979Z8mSRyElF8Js5tSm1o7lNwb3QHZnMiwLjoCNYuZ1TJQwbA0QIjQaW6Li 9R1jm6S/T9SN0CsJs4MAgIqxttFYMaaLWcaSFz229tgN2UMXh2uEEKicKxtgEWqtQnabBlILso4kax48FaberDieeb87TFYVKbPYpggH3nAX PgIgeaXtz9ruw1cMd7DiAekxDvkjm3sNmz9m2GBpDReYA1hBcXstr6LKjD3mtbI5wAvVQhjj08cbWmjO7c214HtmGyloKlyBAdzM YX4dk 0AJTFJXks0OEnF BoBW1aXcJAkgG3McR9/wD2lfFZMXRewWqtFgfazNnL4g3bPNPNWSkTb2G y1e2vl1bltHvMvws0j/Erf0OXlUL 0tx/wBDY1ODgxDrVG8rqtnV7aQDnuc0Q1zi4AiIm8R0lD3lezg7RxpKmcuq8rKIldPuo3FMAMc5cErTh AuCoUd25rFCsVkOl3S qxYkDz3rYvsN8Aj2G4LFi8H1H85 7Oi/pIds/oneC8Q2jx8VixdT4V3l/gXL6Qxu77Lv3H/ANpXW9P/AM/ FvzcsWLfi/qX7P8AINfShx2JwRvav6MfvN/uCxYn JJgHd79H5Krg/048Xf2uWLEvP8ATP2Za7DphdGfu/c1TYrRvgsWLy3gwX3RTrLilwWLEK7B BaOn45ITtf2FixNxfWgUIO0f1vA/eh wf0H8I SxYvUZf5MRUPqY77o wE0BYsXmOr/AJj9xzOkG3k/ PW/cP8AexYsRfD/AOph7gy7HkmJ qqlYsXukc5lWooHrFiME4ctFYsVlMiWLFiso//Z


Lmao. K.


Note : I tried to post a sexualized male Cidney edit from Tumblr, but it didn't want to post, so this cosplay would have to do. Please don't attack the cosplayer. It's meant to be a horny Tumblr edit.

05-20-2019, 05:29 AM
I always found it funny that people complained about Cidney being fanservice in the same game there's Gladio. Anyway, Cidney is a fun character.

And people who've played XI told me I would've loved Prishe.

Wolf Kanno
05-21-2019, 06:07 AM
Elena is tied with Rude as my favorite Turk, she's just a hoot every time she's on the screen and she and the rest of the Turks are about the only thing that makes the insufferable Wutai Quest somewhat enjoyable.

I also liked Cidney, she turned out to be a better developed character than her detractors feared she would be. Her quest line was pretty nice too and give you my favorite upgrade to the car.

05-21-2019, 06:22 AM
23- Lightning ( Claire ) Farron

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/8d7ac3f9-ba20-4436-b06b-651eaf12e76f/d4xey1y-2499ae27-acc0-4bf9-976e-b8bc029c90d5.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzhkN2FjM2Y5LWJhMjAtNDQzNi1iMDZiLTY1MWVhZjEyZTc2ZlwvZDR4ZXkxeS0yNDk5YWUyNy1hY2Mw LTRiZjktOTc2ZS1iOGJjMDI5YzkwZDUuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.YscRDIfK bxSED83ogkqaBSXOcdFblMtnDlT_NgjS1Ug

Lightning is one character that I used to strongly loathe, despise, hate. However she's quickly growing on me. I think one of the big reasons as to why I hated her so strongly was because she reminded me of my past self. So frustrated, angry, pushing people away on purpose and so bitter. However Lightning does apologise for her actions and she realizes that if she wants to be strong for her sister Serah she can't really honestly go this way anymore. What used to also bug me is that she seems to slip back into her old habits, but well, that is human after all. Lightning is still not one of my favourites, but Final Fantasy VI used to be my least favourite Final Fantasy, and now it's my top ultimate favourite, so who knows what the future will bring ?

Wolf Kanno
05-22-2019, 08:55 AM
I don't necessarily hate Lightning, but I also felt like SE overexposed her too much. I got sick of her pretty quick because of that, but I think my biggest issue with her besides her "roid rage" really was more of how she was marketed. She just feels artificial to me if that makes any sense. It's a similar issue I have with Yuna where I feel both characters are presented as being super special when I really don't see it.

05-23-2019, 08:38 AM
22- Selphie Tilmitt- Final Fantasy VIII


Selphie is the underrated wild heroine from Final Fantasy VIII. While Rinoa has a her fandom and hatedom, Quistis has her Trepies in game and in RL, Selphie seems to be left behind and neglected and I don't know why. Selphie in battle is a complete powerhouse that can rivial Edea, Ultimecia and Rinoa. Selphie's The End can shred apart anything, even Ulti herself.
Selphie at first glance may seem like a excitable, but immature Energizer Bunny, but we learn in Trabia, that she's acting, she puts on a cheerful and happy front so the people around her won't get down, and herself, which is rather deep and can be very relatable.

In short, Selphie is fun and there seems to be more to her than meets the eye.

Lord Golbez
05-23-2019, 04:47 PM
I used to hate Selphie because I found her annoying. I've come around on her a bit, but I still understand why she wouldn't have much of a fandom. Irvine is still awful.

Wolf Kanno
05-23-2019, 07:58 PM
Despite my usual strong dislike for the "hyper genki girl" archetype, Selphie has always been one of the few exceptions. I think it's because she comes across legitimately violent and crazy at times. That, and as maybee stated, she actually has some interesting depth to her when you get to Trabia Garden as well as a few minor scenes here and there. It probably helps that a lot of the humor for me in the game is watching her, and most of the other playable cast try to bring Squall out of his shell with amusing results and banter.


05-24-2019, 08:09 AM
21- Ashe. Final Fantasy XII


Ashe is what I very much like to nickname the " Better Lightning ", because she is. Ashe is a tough, angry, but emotional young woman that feels troubled and battles through those emotions at the same time. Sounds familiar ? Expect, Ashe feels better balanced, and just feels like a better person to be around. She feels more solid, more friendly, more kind. She's a character that goes through too much for most people to handle, and she doesn't feel or transform into a " Edgey Character", or draining to be around. Ashe actually feels like a strong woman character.

Ashe is what the main character of Final Fantasy XII should've been.

05-24-2019, 11:52 AM
I've always hated the trope that tough, badass female (or male) characters don't show emotion. Sometimes, a situation can be ultra-intense and you can't keep check of how you feel. You might momentarily break down.

A great example of this is Ellen Ripley in the first Alien movie. The captain is killed and she's taking charge and going over the options with the crew. She asks Ash (nice parallel) if they can expect any help from him or the ship computer. He says "No, we're still collating." She replies with "You're what? You're still collating?" With those first two words though she breaks down into a cry and then quickly gathers herself. It's a very small detail but one that gives the character an incredible amount of depth.

05-24-2019, 01:04 PM
I still hate Selphie to this day, but then I don't have much like for any of the FFVIII SeeD characters.

Wolf Kanno
05-24-2019, 06:49 PM
Lady Ashe is one of the more underrated female heroines in the series and it always annoys me that she's passed over by the general fandom for "Yamato Nadeshiko" Yuna and "Angry but macho" Lightning Farron. I totally agree she does the characterization for Lightning far much better because Ashe is definitely a very angry person, but she's more than just anger and I feel XII's narrative gives better justification for her rage, and also plays it out well enough to give her one of the most underrated character arcs in the series. Ashe's journey is the heart of XII's story, and she's still one of my fave female characters within the series.


05-25-2019, 12:48 PM
20- Eiko Carol- Final Fantasy IX


Eiko is one intellectual despite being what ? 5 years old ? Much real life 5 year old's proudest achievements are learning to tie their shoes, without Mummy's help, and this girl is already a "Shakespeare " expert and knows words like "sophisticated ", I don't why but I just find it to be really funny ? It just makes me laugh. Another thing I like about Eiko is her cute design, large yellow ribbon and how Moogles are her best friends. When I was little, I thought Eiko was just the coolest. In some ways her White Mage/ Summoning skills are even better and stronger than Princess Garnet's/ Dagger's. In short, Eiko is charming, and being alone for what seems to be quite a while, you just want her to become good friends with the rest of the main troop.

When Eiko becomes a adult, Zidane and Garnet should hire her as some sort of army tactician or something, because this girl is going to become FFIX's version of Albert Einstein or something. :lol:

Wolf Kanno
05-25-2019, 04:56 PM
Eiko is one of those characters I always convince myself that I don't like, but then I play IX and I do find her antics a bit amusing. She's definitely a more useful white mage and her support skill style summons are uber useful. She tends to get overshadowed by the rest of the cast for me, but I certainly hold her in higher standings than say Amarant.

Fun fact about Eiko:

She shares her first name with Hironobu Sakaguchi's wife. :)


Lord Golbez
05-26-2019, 12:30 AM
I tend to think of Eiko as a better white mage and a worse summoner. It's been awhile though, and I also never really used her as much as Garnet, so I could be off the mark.

05-26-2019, 12:55 PM
19- Edea Kramer


Just like what Final Fantasy VIII says, Edea is a Sorcesses and she uses a special magical attack called Sorcery. Mindblowing. Jokes aside, Edea is a pretty enigmatic, mysterious, and mother-y character that I wish that we got to see more of her true identity, as most of what we see from her is actually Ulti. The Parade ? Ulti. The missile threats ? Ulti. The Garden Wars ? Ulti. Provoking Seifer to join her side ? Most likely Ulti.

Though, what we do actually see from her, is actually quite tragic and sweet, she's just a young caring woman who wants to protect young orphans and protect Ellone from Adel, and just really be a good "Mother" to them, and when Squall from the future comes along, she knows what she must do. She must become Ulti's puppet, so Selphie and Quistis won't become Sorcesses and Ulti's puppets instead. Edea also does it again, when she loses control of Ulti- she lets Ulti go to Rinoa, a girl she doesn't know, so her female children can be safe.

Edea is truly a good Mom.

What stinks though, is how she doesn't fully become a party member.

Lord Golbez
05-26-2019, 06:05 PM
I agree. WK wrote a thread about whether Laguna, Kiros, and Ward should have been permanent party members, but for my money, I would have chosen Edea for that role. Too bad Rinoa gets her powers and also gets the limit break that seems to more clearly characterize what "real" magic as opposed to "para-magic" is. Edea's sorcery is just one single spell, that as far as I know is always the same every time you use it. By contrast, Rinoa's Angel Wing can use a bunch of different spells and use them at five times power without losing stock. Now that's sorcery. Although, it kind of raises the question, if Rinoa got her powers after they fought, why can Edea even use the sorcery limit break when she joins your party at all? Residual powers?

Wolf Kanno
05-28-2019, 07:00 PM
I love Edea, and I really wish the game had dropped Ultimecia and just let Edea we meet in the first disc be the villain. She had way better presence and really sold the idea of the Witches being otherworldly. There was some real conflict here that could have made for some great story telling and instead, it gets wasted so all that buildup can be tossed aside for the PSX's throw away villain. Edea was robbed.


Lord Golbez
05-28-2019, 09:12 PM
It's a fair point. However, getting rid of Ultimecia would change the plot so dramatically it's impossible to say what course the plot would take with Edea as the villain. They'd probably have to change her whole backstory too because it wouldn't make sense if Edea was the true villain. It would he a cascading affect that would lead to a completely different story. Disc 1 could probably be kept mostly intact. After that....who knows?

Wolf Kanno
05-29-2019, 06:41 AM
It's a fair point. However, getting rid of Ultimecia would change the plot so dramatically it's impossible to say what course the plot would take with Edea as the villain. They'd probably have to change her whole backstory too because it wouldn't make sense if Edea was the true villain. It would he a cascading affect that would lead to a completely different story. Disc 1 could probably be kept mostly intact. After that....who knows?

The first two discs would remain the same, we don't even know about Ultimecia until Disc 3, and frankly I feel that's about the point where the story kind of loses itself anyway.

Lord Golbez
05-29-2019, 12:01 PM
That doesn't really matter. The whole orphanage and Cid's wife plot points, plus SeeD being Edea's idea? Those wouldn't make a lot of sense without Ultimecia. Sure you could come up with other explanations but it's hamfisting an explanation that was never meant to exist. It's obvious those plot points were intended to foreshadow Ultimecia and keeping them while changing Edea to the true villain would be clumsy. I'm not sure the whole interrogating SeeD members about SeeD's purpose in the prison makes that much sense without Ultimecia either (definitely doesn't if you keep that it was Edea who came up wih it, but even without that, don't know she has a reason to ask the question). It could be incorporated, but might be better to change it. You don't need a character to be mentioned for their existence to direct the plot. Disc 2 should probably be changed dramatically to fit an Edea as main villain game. Then there's the matter of Edea being defeated at the end of disc 2. Could be kept. Wouldn't be the first time an RPG villain bounced back from apparent defeat, but it's something to think about in terms of reworking.

Wolf Kanno
05-29-2019, 07:44 PM
That doesn't really matter. The whole orphanage and Cid's wife plot points, plus SeeD being Edea's idea? Those wouldn't make a lot of sense without Ultimecia. Sure you could come up with other explanations but it's hamfisting an explanation that was never meant to exist. It's obvious those plot points were intended to foreshadow Ultimecia and keeping them while changing Edea to the true villain would be clumsy. I'm not sure the whole interrogating SeeD members about SeeD's purpose in the prison makes that much sense without Ultimecia either (definitely doesn't if you keep that it was Edea who came up wih it, but even without that, don't know she has a reason to ask the question). It could be incorporated, but might be better to change it. You don't need a character to be mentioned for their existence to direct the plot. Disc 2 should probably be changed dramatically to fit an Edea as main villain game. Then there's the matter of Edea being defeated at the end of disc 2. Could be kept. Wouldn't be the first time an RPG villain bounced back from apparent defeat, but it's something to think about in terms of reworking.

Not much would actually need to be changed. If a sorceress is a figure to be feared and the only other sorceress we know of is Adel who was bat shit crazy, it's likely Edea could have created SeeD because she would know she would have to be hunted one day, that or Cid created SeeD because he knew she would go crazy one day. Honestly, none of the foreshadowing would actually change because even the player doesn't learn what SeeD's true purpose was until Disc 2, and even then, the story has it built up as Cid needing to take down his wife. Neither him nor Edea knew about Ultimecia's whole mind control nonsense, so she could very easily be written out because what little foreshadowing she has is done as a red herring throughout the first two discs until she's finally revealed at the beginning of Disc 3. Nothing major would have to be changed in Disc 2 because it is revealed why SeeD exists and was kept a secret, and Edea is being built up as the big bad throughout. No one knows Ultimecia helped inspired its creation until the ending anyway as there are no in-game references to suggest it until then.

I'm not implying that the whole second half of the game would not be re-written, but I am saying that Ultimecia feels like a cop out solution to a much more interesting dilemma the game spends the first two discs setting up, and then squanders by pulling a Zemus on us. Leaving the conflict between Squall's group and Edea would be more of an emotional conflict and the whole Orphanage and memory loss twists could easily be better integrated into such a scenario rather than being cheap thrills that have little impact beyond their initial bombshell nature. VIII could have had a much more visceral impact on the player if it stuck to Squall needing to kill a mother figure.

If you want an easier cop out solution, I'd say just drop Ultimecia and have Adel be the main villain. She has a motive, power, and it wouldn't be the first time a major antagonist spent most of the game sealed away and brain washing people to set them free. We would just end up dropping the fourth Disc and make Lunatic Pandora the final dungeon with some rewrites about Edea and Rinoa being controlled by her instead.

05-29-2019, 07:47 PM
But Ultimecia is Rinoa how could you claim she has no interesting dilemma!

05-29-2019, 09:15 PM
18- Lulu


The legend, the Goth Queen, the only woman in Spira who listens to Marilyn Manson on her Sphere- Phone. The only woman who knows all the words to Papa Roach's Last Resort. Lulu is a character that I wasn't personally fond of at first, too bitchy, too catty, too rude, too harsh, but then you learn as to why she's bitter towards life and everything around it, expect for her sister-y love towards Yuna. It's because she's lost her parents, because she's lost her fiance. While Lulu might have a "edge-y" design and appearance, she never really comes off that way, more gothic, like mentioned above. Lulu just comes off as hurt. Hurt emotionally. Lulu knows that life in Spira is a tragedy, a rough tragedy. She also has the pain and regret of failing to be a Guardian to her past Summoners more than once. She really, just wants Yuna, to be okay, and her learning of Yuna's choice to become a Summoner must of caused her even more bitterness, frustration and sorrow.

Lulu is pretty high up on the list though, because over time, her sisterly love towards Yuna really shines, and she really starts to see hope and more respect within Tidus. Speaking of Tidus, again, that's why she comes off as "bitchy" from first glance, because Tidus "supposedly" ( he really doesn't FFX/ Square, but okay) looks like her past lover, and you would be confused and angry too.

Lulu despite her hurt nature, just slowly and carefully shines as a good "sister" towards Yuna, and a good friend towards Tidus and the whole team. Unfortunately, once you teach Yuna Black Magic, she becomes basically useless.

Still, Lulu is still the best tiddy Goth GF in Final Fantasy. :heart:

05-29-2019, 09:18 PM
But Ultimecia is Rinoa how could you claim she has no interesting dilemma!

Pu-lease. We all know that Ultimecia is Zell's hairdresser.

05-29-2019, 09:37 PM
Tidus not only resembles her past lover, he also claims to be from a place that doesn't exist, makes a first impression through breaking the traditions she looks up to, and Wakka very obviously gives him special treatment for more reasons than one which is not a great start to a pilgrimage where they're supposed to be on their fucking guard at all times. It doesn't take much suspension of disbelief that she acts the way she does towards him, and while she may snap at him a few times she does overall show a tremendous amount of patience in explaining stuff to him and opens up more and more to giving him the benefit of the doubt especially in Kilika and beyond.

She and Wakka are ultimately very similar overall. Even though Lulu has more experience with Spira overall and has a more open mind - which probably led to Yuna feeling comfortable telling her about her half-heritage - she still absolutely clings to the teachings to cope with the pain and suffering she and the people around her go through. Rather the main difference between them which comes up more than once is that Lulu inclines towards blaming herself, while Wakka tends to blame other people or things, which shows more than anything in how they deal with Chappu's death (although also in other things such as how they deal with Yuna getting repeatedly kidnapped by Al Bhed).

Goddamnit Final Fantasy X has such an amazing cast.

Wolf Kanno
05-30-2019, 07:44 AM
Lulu is easily my favorite girl in FFX, not counting one side character, and for me that's not a terribly difficult accomplishment because her competition stank in that game.

Funny enough, I actually like her solely because of her stand offish and bitchy attitude. Girl after my own heart. The goth aesthetic doesn't hurt either. Yet, I always feel bad how undersold Lulu is in the plot. Her whole backstory is so easy to miss, and frankly she's the only really interesting party member next to Auron. I also love her doll weapons and the fact they have references to FFIII and VIII as well. Getting her Celestial Weapon powered up is a total bitch though...


06-09-2019, 04:51 AM
Just a update. This is still going on, just taking a break due to high amounts of stress at the moment. Will try and get back into writing all this up after E3.

06-19-2019, 04:12 PM
17- Princess Ovelia-Final Fantasy Tactics


Ovelia, is that character that there's a very high possibility that you won't be impressed with at first or even really care too much about, just you know, the typical damsel Princess. Though soon enough, as you get to know the cast and more of Ovelia herself, then you'll find yourself yearning for Ovelia's chance at happiness. Ovelia is a character that feels trapped and truly is trapped. Honestly, she just wants to be happy, and maybe she was one of the FFT characters that I enjoyed because of personal reasons, I felt like she was just too relatable.

Poor girl just needs a hug and a warm cup of cocoa, but unfortunately she easily becomes a chess piece in people's games.

Ovelia is great and a underrated Final Fantasy female. She doesn't fight, she doesn't save the day, she's just human, and that's why she's so fantastic.

06-19-2019, 04:26 PM
16 Fran- Final Fantasy XII


Fran is a woman that just oozes with smooth wit, wisdom and intelligence. While her character design screams high levels of Fan Service, it's that dry sarcastic wit that makes you swoon and admire her. Fran is that character that you can just respect because she really does have a strong brain on her shoulders. Whoever voices Fran did a legendary job, because her voice just makes her character so much powerful. Fran is also a good friend, and somebody you'll always want to have on your team. A "Playboy Bunny" character should've been a big laughable and cringy joke, however Fran is anything but.

Fran is one of those characters that I really don't mind "crushing " on, because she's sex appeal, but in the right way. She's clever, sharp and even down to earth at times. That is what makes her so appealing, not the way that she's designed.

Fran is more than just "fan service", she has meaning and depth to her. It's her witty, intelligent and loyal personality that makes her shine.

06-19-2019, 06:03 PM
Fran has a rather minor role in the overall story of FF XII, but her arc in Eruyt village was always one of my favorite parts of the game. It conveys everything we need to know about the Viera so concisely. And yeah, she is sexy, but that's far from all she is~

Wolf Kanno
06-30-2019, 11:13 AM
Ovelia and Fran are awesome characters and why I love the subtlety of Matsuno's writings. Ovelia is certainly one of the most tragic figures in Tactics next to Tetra or Weigraf. Her story with Delita is so bittersweet and despite what some would say, I do feel the two loved each other even if Delita did have other motives in mind.


Fran is actually one of the more impressive figures in FFXII and serves a similar role as Lulu, being the world weary adventurer who fills in the details about the world for Vaan, Penelo, and the player. Her story with the Viera is actually one of my favorite within XII and I feel Fran always gets short changed by the fans who are annoyed she has no personal stake in the story like everyone else does, yet still has this really tragic backstory to her.


07-21-2019, 08:15 AM
I miss this ^^ hoping to see it continue >.<