View Full Version : Which game generated the most hype for you?

Wolf Kanno
06-21-2019, 08:45 AM
What it says on the tin, which FF games were you super hyped for the most? Did they live up to expectations or were you disappointed?

06-21-2019, 10:09 AM
XV, unfortunately! And to say I was disappointed doesn't cut it. I was devastated.

06-21-2019, 11:03 AM
Probably FFX. It was after I became a fan (especially with IX) and before I broadened my RPG horizons and arrived at the opinion that there are better series out there.

Contrary to my opinion of the game these days, at the time it didn't disappoint. :p

06-22-2019, 06:08 AM

And yes and no.

Lord Golbez
06-22-2019, 06:30 AM
Either FFVII or FFVIII. FFVII because it had been a few years since I played a new FF game and those commercials got me extremely hyped and sold me on Playstation. FFVIII because that was the first FF that I knew about well in advance due to getting the hype on the internet, so my first experience with internet forums coincided with anticipating FFVIII.

06-23-2019, 09:16 AM
X, which at the time disappointed me but over the years my opinion has softened on it.

Wolf Kanno
06-23-2019, 09:24 AM
I think VII generated the most hype for me, but also taught me to be a bit more guarded with my expectations afterwards. Still I had pretty strong expectations for VIII-X and X was the only real dud of the three. I was also super excited for XII which lived up to expectations for me. I didn't have high hopes for XIII and XV but weirdly, XIII managed to disappoint even those low expectations whereas I ended up like XV better for not going in with high hopes. I had pretty good expectations and vindication with all of the older entries as well. Again, like XV, I went into FFII with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised instead. So ultimately, only VII and X were disappointments for me in terms of not fulfilling expectations. I've softened on VII and I'm slowly getting there with X.

06-24-2019, 07:16 PM
FFX, for sure. After absolutely loving both VIII and IX (I never got to play VII as a child), I couldn't even imagine how amazing a new FF would be on a next generation console.

(I ended up enjoying it but kinda feeling like it was a step down from previous games.)

06-24-2019, 09:29 PM
X for me too. The characters were talking. They looked great. That fucking metal ass intro with Sin destroying Zanarkand. And I loved it my first time. And then I went through my High School being negative is a substitute for personality phase and hated it. And now I'm back to loving it again. It my second or third favorite.

06-25-2019, 01:52 AM
I remember seeing advertisements for Final Fantasy X on Toonami all the time, and I was super excited for it since it was voiced and had great graphics. I also thought Auron looked cool. The first FF I played was VIII, and it was my favorite game pretty much for the longest time. IX existed back when my family bought VIII, but I was put off by the character designs. My copy of that game also froze and couldn’t be played after a certain point. I love it how, but at the time I just wasn’t feeling IX. I liked VII though, and that kept my interest going for the series as a whole. X just felt like such a huge leap from the ps1 era graphically, that I was extremely hyped. I really enjoyed the game and thought it met my expectations. It didn’t unseat VIII for me and I now like IX more than it, but I still like X a good amount.

I’ve been hyped for all of the games since then, but nothing really compares to when I first saw stuff for X. Strangely enough, the most hype I’ve felt next to X was probably for Theatrhythm. I love ff music and rhythm games, so I knew it would be a blast.

Loony BoB
06-25-2019, 12:47 PM
Really hard to say as I honestly didn't get into FF games until most of them were already out, so it was more a case of going on an adventure where I got to play them all in a row, steadily. I think the first one to come out after I started playing FFs and ran out of existing games to play was FFX, so I guess I was probably hyped for that. FFXII and FFXIII were also pretty hype. By the time I got to FFXV it was much more a case of "Let's see how it goes".

Perhaps FFXIV was the most hyped of all for me, though, for those we've seen released.

FFVII:Remake tops the entire lot. :D

06-25-2019, 01:17 PM
FFXII, actually. And yeah, it certainly delivered.

06-25-2019, 06:44 PM
FFXIII I think. I wasn't a full blown fan until I joined in 2002, and FFXII soured me a little because it didn't release in Europe until several months after North America, and this place was blowing up with the I'M CAPTAIN BASCH! catchphrase. XIII was the first simultaneous release with NA, EU and Australia, so I was excited to have a fun adventure to play along with my EoFF pals.

I was in denial when I first played it and was not happy about the reviews criticising its linearity. A true Final Fantasy fanboy.


Oh dear.