View Full Version : Favorite Stretch Of A Game

The Captain
07-06-2019, 05:52 PM
Posted this in just the Final Fantasy section but figure I'd expand it out: what are you favorite parts of a given game? Either a part that made you completely immersed in it and you couldn't stop playing or brought you back to re-play it years later?

I'll pick a few off the top of my head:

Witcher 3: The Hearts of Stone DLC, specifically the last few missions which had the gothic scares mixed in with a very interesting anti-hero and a supremely creepy villain. In the moment I knew it was ranking way up there for me but going back to play it again really solidified it as near the top of my list. Just a great bit of storyteller for Geralt.

Chrono Trigger: From The Ocean Palace through the return of a certain hero. One of the first WTF moments in gaming for me as a young player and I still think it remains among the better ones because it isn't really foreshadowed at all.

Xenogears: This one is tough as there are so many stretches I really enjoy. I think I'll pick early in the game from Bart's HQ multi fight through rescuing Margie out of Aveh. Just a really fun stretch in the game for me as it involves a good amount of plotting, investigating and exploring along with the introduction of some of the more interesting characters in the story.

Xenoblade: Also tough. This time I'm going to pick later in the game, from the Fallen Arm through Agniratha. After all the craziness of Prison Island, the Fallen Arm stretch was a very interesting change of pace and I was thankful that you actually did end up getting to explore the Mechonis after spending so much time just seeing and hearing about it from a distance.

Secret of Mana: The Upper Lands through The Ice Country. Oh, how the music in these sections are forever in my memory. I remember first being blasted to the Upper Lands playing with me friends and all of us were surprised that we finally got to leave the early regions of the game.

So what are some of yours?

Take care all.

07-06-2019, 09:09 PM
Higurashi: Keiichi & co. confronting Rena in Tsumihoroboshi.
Umineko: The duel between Beato and Erika at the end of Episode 6.
Higanbana: Reaper of the Thirteenth Step.
Rose Guns Days: Everything from when Gabriel first shows up to when Leo returns. Talk about everything going 180.

planetarian: The planetarium's presentation.
CLANNAD: The middle segments of After Story.
Tomoyo After: The conclusion of the After arc.
Little Busters: The entire latter half of Refrain starting from Episode Masato.
Rewrite: Trolling Yoshino. I don't think I ever laughed so hard. Otherwise the end of Shizuru route, when Salvation occurs and your game UI literally evaporates.

Undertale: The neutral route finale, followed closely by the entire Snowdin Area on a Genocide route.
Chrono Trigger: The Fiendlord's Keep.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Going through Groznyj Grad.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir: The apocalypse.
.hack//G.U.: The raid on Moon Tree and subsequent reveal of Tri-Edge.
Persona 3: The month of January.
Persona 4: Heaven.
Persona 5: Sending out Shido's "calling card" and then confronting him is really cool. His actual dungeon drags a bit though.
Ys The Oath in Felghana: Valestein Castle right up until the second Chester duel which is way too fucking hard.
Ys Memories of Celceta: The Ashen Forest and randomly happening upon the cave of frogs that bow to you after you beat them down. It was so random but pretty damn fun.
Ys Seven: Entering the Wilderness for the first time.
Ys VIII: When you find Dana and she joins the party in the present.
Trails of Cold Steel: Everything past the school festival.
Trails of Cold Steel 2: The Intermission on the Pantagruel.
Simpsons Hit & Run: Apu's level.
Danganronpa: The villain's reveal.
Danganronpa 2: The first trial.
999: Snake's last stand.
Virtue's Last Reward: The "Q" room.

Wolf Kanno
07-07-2019, 06:54 AM
Secret of Mana - Probably the Empire.
Legend of Mana - Jumi Arc, pain in the ass to do, but easily the best of the three main arcs.

Chrono Trigger - Kingdom of Zeal, easily one of my favorite locations in a game.
Chrono Cross - Dead Sea, probably the biggest twist area in the game and one of the most challenging bosses in the game.

SaGa 1/Final Fantasy Legend - Suzaku's world of a destroyed Tokyo.
Romancing SaGa - Silver's treasure was kind of a nice adventure.
Romancing SaGa II - Either the mermaid quest, or the events surrounding Rocbouquet and the Amazons
SaGa Frontier II - Gustave's Chapters or Rich's Chapters.

Xenogears - Shevat and Solaris
Xenosaga Episode 1 - Cathedral Ship and the story of Cherenkov
Xenosaga Episode 2 - Return to Old Miltia
Xenosaga Episode 3 - Either the entire flashback arc, or the battle against Yuriev in Abel's Arc.
Xenoblade Chronicles - Eryth Sea since I feel like that's when the plot really starts.

The Last Story - The Haunted Mansion
Vagrant Story - The Final Area
Front Mission 3 - Emma Route: Return to Japan

Suikoden 1: Taking Moravia
Suikoden II: Pretty much everything after Luca Blight's death.
Suikoden III: Chris' first two chapter, all three of Geddoe's chapters, and all of Thomas' chapters
Suikoden IV: Taking back Razril
Suikoden V: The entire prologue leading up to the Prince fleeing the capital.
Suikoden Tactics: Entering Kooluk

Lufia 2: Hunting down Gades

Shin Megami Tensei: Ginza arc where you meet Alice and a terrible running gag begins.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Either the Obelisk or Diet Building
Persona 1 - SEBEC Arc: Alaya Cavern/ Snow Queen Quest: Nemesis Tower
Persona 2 - Innocent Sin: Caracol/ Eternal Punishment: Sanitarium
Persona 3 - October through December
Persona 4 - Heaven
Persona 5 - The last two "official Palaces"
Digital Devil Saga Part 1 - The "Totally Not Disney Land" park

Breath of Fire 1 - The Time Key quest
Breath of Fire II - Jean's Recruitment of the return to Gate
Breath of Fire III - The Outer Continent
Breath of Fire IV - Fou Lu's sections
Breath of Fire V - The Regent's sector

Metal Gear - The last building
Metal Gear 2 - The last stretch where you face Grey Fox and Big Boss
Metal Gear Solid - Tough one...probably the section between escaping the torture chamber and ending with the Raven battle.
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Tanker mission
Metal Gear Solid 3 - The battle with The End up until you reach Grozny Grad
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Probably the third act
Metal Gear Solid V - The entire Africa Arc
Metal Gear Solid: Portable OPS - Rescuing Big Boss

Devil May Cry - Probably the ghost ship section
Devil May Cry 3 - Going to the demon world

Lord Golbez
07-07-2019, 08:31 PM
What? Only the first two chapters for Chris? That's excluding possibly my favorite part of the whole game, which is Alma Kinan. To this day that Alma Kinan music pops up in my head a lot. Well, probably because it's just good music, but also because it's such a powerful scene. It's a little hard to give a "stretch" for a game where order of events is largely optional, but Alma Kinan would definitely be in it for me. Secondary for me, though obviously separated as a stretch would probably be the optional epilogue chapter.

Suikoden II is the whole game. Hard to pick a favorite stretch. I do really enjoy Greenhill though and the good ending is amazing.

Person 5 - Best dungeon is the casino. Favorite stretch is probably that to the heist movie plot reveal soon after. I can't quite make it stretch to Shido, because the ship is definitely not a favorite stretch.

Wolf Kanno
07-07-2019, 09:15 PM
What? Only the first two chapters for Chris? That's excluding possibly my favorite part of the whole game, which is Alma Kinan. To this day that Alma Kinan music pops up in my head a lot. Well, probably because it's just good music, but also because it's such a powerful scene. It's a little hard to give a "stretch" for a game where order of events is largely optional, but Alma Kinan would definitely be in it for me. Secondary for me, though obviously separated as a stretch would probably be the optional epilogue chapter.

I honestly never cared for the Alma Kinan section. While I love Chris and Nash's banter and chemistry as characters, I just like Chris dealing with the Zexen Federation and her relationship with her subordinates better.