View Full Version : The Retro Gaming Thread

07-29-2019, 01:49 AM
Talk about anything from the 70s, 80s, and 90s here. What are your favorite and least favorite retro video games?

My favorite is Monster Rancher for the Sony PlayStation, and my least favorite is Dark Castle for the Sega Genesis, both of which I have reviewed on my channel. I think Dark Castle is the worst game I've played by far.

Your turn.

Wolf Kanno
07-29-2019, 05:28 AM
At this point, I feel I only ever talk about retro titles.

My favorite retro games are obviously (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/170194-WK-s-Top-something-or-other-let-s-just-say-quot-games-quot-and-call-it-good-list) Chrono Trigger, Suikoden 1 and 2, FFVI, FFTactics, Mega Man 2, Xenogears, MGS1, and Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past

Least favorites would be Hydlide, the NES Back to the Future games, that NES X-Men game, Spider-Man:Separation Anxiety, the U.S. version of Metal Gear 1, and probably a dozen more shovelware titles for the NES and Genesis I don't remember that are likely licensed games.

07-29-2019, 02:45 PM
The NES X-Men games were horrible. X-Men 2 Clone War for the win!

I could never get pass level two of Maximum Carnage.

Wolf Kanno
07-29-2019, 09:09 PM
The NES X-Men games were horrible. X-Men 2 Clone War for the win!

I could never get pass level two of Maximum Carnage.

I beat it with both Venom and Spidey, you don't even get a real ending.

07-29-2019, 11:32 PM
I never played a large selection of titles.
Atari: Pong, Pitfall
NES: Twin Eagle, Mega Man (I may have played a few installments), Mega Man V (I stole this game from a "friend" I never saw again), Crystalis (I talk about this game often enough people should be more than well aware it's my favorite NES title), Mario 2 (I played 1 but it was boring for me), Wrecking Crew (I believe I also played Donkey Kong, but again, not my taste), also Battle of Olympus and Destination Earth, and I don't remember much else to stand out (I know I didn't play sports games of any kind). My mom loved Tetris. I didn't.

SNES: I never owned this system but I believe I played a bit of Final Fantasy II (IV), I just remember liking it, also Mickey's Magical Quest (I played at my bully friend's house)

Genesis: Mortal Kombat II (I never had much of an experience with the first one, so the one I owned was my favorite), I played the Sonic games including Knuckles (Knuckles was my favorite Sonic game but the Sonic series was never a big deal to me), I also played some weird games names I don't remember (one you played as a ball solving table track puzzles?)

PlayStation1: Final Fantasy VII, obviously. Almost single-handedly the reason I got a PlayStation to begin with. I played some games my cousin had bought like Silverlode (blech) and Crash Bandicoot (meh). I bought JetMoto2 on a whim after demoing it at Blockbuster. I got every award and secret except for the "Insane Difficulty Uninterrupted Season Pin" (mine was "Master", one notch below "Insane"). Due to re-release titles from NES on the PS1, this was first experience with many first gen FFs as well as Chrono Trigger. Speaking of which Chrono Cross is definitely one of my faves too. Legend of Dragoon also.

Well, I guess that does it. I'm gonna start listing off stuff like crazy if I don't stop now.

07-30-2019, 01:41 AM
The NES X-Men games were horrible. X-Men 2 Clone War for the win!

I could never get pass level two of Maximum Carnage.

I beat it with both Venom and Spidey, you don't even get a real ending.

The smurf? Now I have to review this and trash it accordingly.

Wolf Kanno
07-30-2019, 05:42 AM
The NES X-Men games were horrible. X-Men 2 Clone War for the win!

I could never get pass level two of Maximum Carnage.

I beat it with both Venom and Spidey, you don't even get a real ending.

The smurf? Now I have to review this and trash it accordingly.

Oh snap, my bad, I was thinking of Separation Anxiety, not Maximum Carnage. MC was actually pretty good, it's SA that's the shit show.

07-30-2019, 12:10 PM
Ohhh... You got me all worked up for nothing.

Lord Golbez
08-02-2019, 05:17 PM
I was wondering about that. Maximum Carnage seemed like a solid arcade style beat'em up of the era. I don't think I ever got to the end, but it's not like I ever expected much of an ending for games of that sort anyway. Certainly not so much that the lack of one would ruin the game for me.

Wolf Kanno
08-02-2019, 08:36 PM
Separation Anxiety is basically a clone of Maximum Carnage without the story elements between levels to give context. It doesn't play too bad, but it's incredibly generic beat'em up especially for someone who cut his teeth on the genre with Final Fight, TMNT Arcade, and the X-Men arcade game which often had specials and interactive elements in the levels to add variety. The only neat trick in SA is summoning allies and MC had that to begin with.

Lord Golbez
08-02-2019, 09:59 PM
Kind of like how Hyperstone Heist is a shittier version of Turtles in Time?

Wolf Kanno
08-03-2019, 12:17 AM

08-03-2019, 01:52 AM
Hey! I like Hyperstone Heist. >.>

Lord Golbez
08-03-2019, 02:36 AM
I mean it's alright, but that's mostly because the core gameplay is that of Turtles in Time. It's still basically a clone using the assets of Turtles in Time in a poor rearrangement. They do a boss rush after three bosses. They have Rocksteady but not Bebop. The game is just weird.