View Full Version : What other FFS should be remake?

08-06-2019, 01:28 AM
What it says on the tin. Are there any other FF titles you think should be remade?

I think FFVI should be remade. While I would hope it'd get the FFVII Remake treatment for being on par with that game in quality it'd probably be more on par with the FFIII and FFIV remakes than VII.


08-06-2019, 01:40 AM
None. Give us Final Fantasy XVI already.

But if I had to pick one I'd say FFV. It could look like Bravely Default or something.

Vincent, Thunder God
08-06-2019, 02:00 AM
FFS! More FF remakes...

Wolf Kanno
08-06-2019, 06:02 AM
Realistically? Probably FFV and VI since neither game has received a proper remake. After that, I'd probably just go in order from VII. An FFTactics remake would be interesting as well, but they would need to get the band back together so to speak for that to happen. Honestly if the Ivalice team were to work on anything actually Ivalice related, I would either want a new title in the franchise or a remaster for Vagrant Story before a Tactics Remake.

08-06-2019, 07:06 AM
FFVII. I want a second remake alongside the one they're doing right now with the entire story to be told from the perspective of Don Corneo.

08-06-2019, 12:40 PM
Definitively FFVI, and I'd love a remake like the one we'll have for FFVII. It's my favorite FF game and one of the most popular, and I think it deserves it since it's still in 3D. I think FFV could be fun too, but maybe more in the way we have for FFIII and FFIV ? I also hope they'll port those versions of FFIV and FFIII to the modern consoles, like the Switch and the PS4.

08-06-2019, 12:53 PM
Honestly, I'd love to have a polished port of FFT on Steam. With the improved sprites of the iOS version and the lack of slowdown, combined with the stability of the PSP version. Of course, War of the Lions is the only version that's worthy, tbh. What would be fun is if there was also the option to play in other languages. If it was available in Spanish, perhaps my wife would finally be able to play it

08-06-2019, 02:07 PM
None, just make new FF games instead. :p

That aside, I'd prefer remakes of the games I didn't enjoy as much, rather than remakes of the games I did enjoy. I can always go back and play VI, I like that game. Remake FF Tactics instead, the gameplay in that is excruciatingly slow even compared to other SRPGs.

Wolf Kanno
08-08-2019, 10:29 AM
After further deliberation, I concluded that there is really only one answer here: Mystic Quest (https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_Mystic_Quest).

As anyone who has played this masterpiece could tell you, Mystic Quest was simply too ambitious for the poor SNES to truly capture. I feel we may have finally come close to a technological advancement in hardware to finally bring this epic title to the full glory that all of us Mystic Quest fans have been hoping for the last twenty seven years....

Lord Golbez
08-08-2019, 03:54 PM
FFVI fully remade like FFVII could be amazing. Of course, the FF that could benefit most from a remake is FFII. They wouldn't even need to upgrade the graphics.
Just replace the old, broken system with a regular experience/level system.

Wolf Kanno
08-09-2019, 12:15 AM
I honestly feel FFII would be a pretty boring game with a more conventional leveling system.

08-09-2019, 08:23 AM
I honestly feel FFII would be a pretty boring game with a more conventional leveling system.

Yeah, how in the world would that make it a better game? With all the rereleases that have happened it's currently pretty much bug-free and has a very light leveling curve. I'm honestly pretty miffed by the notion that everything has to be standard in order to be enjoyable

08-09-2019, 07:19 PM
Crystal Chronicles. I never played them because I never had the system for them.

Also FFA and Mystic Quest. Remakes will make them "canon". Brave Exvius too. Before Crisis. Dimensions. Type-0. Legends (Dimensions II). Justice Monsters. King's Tale (XV).

Yeah, aside from VI, I don't care if main titles get remade.

08-10-2019, 01:20 AM
I honestly feel FFII would be a pretty boring game with a more conventional leveling system.

Yeah, how in the world would that make it a better game? With all the rereleases that have happened it's currently pretty much bug-free and has a very light leveling curve. I'm honestly pretty miffed by the notion that everything has to be standard in order to be enjoyable

I like how in FFII I could do more damage with my fists than any weapon they had at the beginning to the point the enemies would start to run away from me. That was hilarious.

Lord Golbez
08-13-2019, 02:50 AM
I honestly feel FFII would be a pretty boring game with a more conventional leveling system.

Yeah, how in the world would that make it a better game? With all the rereleases that have happened it's currently pretty much bug-free and has a very light leveling curve. I'm honestly pretty miffed by the notion that everything has to be standard in order to be enjoyable

Who says I'm saying everything has to ne standardized? Just because I don't like the specific system of FF2 doesn't mean I want only a one size fits all system. I'd sure prefer the most standardized RPG system in the world over what FF2 offers though.

09-05-2019, 03:11 PM
I'm also on the FF2 train, honestly. Even ignoring the combat/leveling system, which has a ton of room for devs to expand and improve, the game has a respectably strong skeleton in its narrative and characters, and I would love to see what a modern team could do it.