View Full Version : Final Fantasy VIII Remaster - An excuse to visit EoFF again

Shattered Dreamer
09-09-2019, 09:59 AM
I bought Final Fantasy VIII Remaster on the Nintendo Switch on release day last week and honestly I'm having the most fun with it I've had with a JRPG in years.

I'm currently on back in Balamb Garden during the conflict with students supporting Grand Master NORG and SeeD supporting Headmaster Cid. The nostalgia is strong.

I understand the Junction system this time around better than any other time I've played this game too. When coupled with the GF abilities to turn items into magic, you can make your team into a power house very early in the game.

But also playing FF8 again made me want to come back to EoFF again and see if players are enjoying the remaster as much as I am.

Many regular users won't remember me but I spend a lot of my pre-social media days on the internet on this forum.

Looking forward to discussing this masterpiece of a game with you all again!

09-09-2019, 11:39 AM
It's been extremely tempting for me to get back into this again. I'm just finding funds very limited at the minute. I'll definitely be picking it up at some point though. I reckon I can easily get the Platinum trophy on one playthrough. It was easy enough for FFVII. Getting the Barret date was probably the trickiest thing on that one.

09-13-2019, 02:21 AM
I was curious about what has changed mostly, because when I see the trailers it looks almost similar. Although to be fair I haven't spent much time looking it up because Im too distracted with the ff7 remake.