View Full Version : World Of Final Fantasy PS4 Version Question

02-03-2020, 06:22 AM
Sorry in advance if this gets confusing...

So I've beaten World Of Final Fantasy for the PS4. This was NOT the maxima version - it was the original version that came out before.

I have now downloaded the Balthier summon as a free dlc.

Now, I am thinking of upgrading to the maxima version. Just to remind, this is the PS4 version.

My questions:

1 - If I upgrade to maxima, will I lose my Balthier summon dlc?

2 - Same as above but for Sephiroth summon dlc.

3 - If I upgrade to maxima, will it keep my save file, or will I have to start over?

Wolf Kanno
02-03-2020, 06:35 AM
As far as i know, it shouldn't make you lose any dlc you've obtained. Not sure about being able to use older saves though.

02-03-2020, 07:30 AM
You keep your save file, and it has no effect on DLC you already have.

02-03-2020, 11:11 AM
Thanks for the replies, and yep I can confirm this as I went ahead and upgraded.

I didn't lose Balthier, and I was able to continue with my save file. So all is well there.

I don't know how to obtain the Sephiroth summon though. I never had him in the first place, and I can't see him in the ps store...