View Full Version : Thoughts on DLC for FF7R

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-03-2020, 02:23 AM
It seems inevitable that Carbuncle will eventually be a DLC summon, unless it's really just going to be paywalled behind the $300 out of stock 1st Class Edition.

Some of the typical DLC you'd find in an RPG, such as additional story content, would seem to be better suited as just energy they put towards the next game. For that reason, I imagine if this game gets a fair amount of DLC it will be cosmetic. Maybe additional weapons or possibly outfit accessories.

What do you think?

Wolf Kanno
03-04-2020, 05:56 AM
I imagine it will be mostly cosmetic, like the ability to wear all the Advent Children outfits or maybe ones from KH or Amano. If there is story DLC, I feel the smart move would be to make it original stuff. Like how about a story mission where you play as Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge? Or maybe you can play the Yuffie Wutai mission from the Turks perspective?

I don't imagine anything from the main game fans know will be cut and used for DLC, that's just begging to have fans turn on them.

As for optional summons. I'd imagine Diabolos and Fenrir will make it into the game as either DLC or just new summons in general. I also wouldn't be surprised if we get a new Bahamut as well. Maybe his CC or AC incarnations if its DLC.

Lord Golbez
03-05-2020, 06:43 PM
I'll be annoyed if they include Bahamut in the first part, DLC or not. Remember summons didn't even come at all until later in the game than this part covers. I understand wanting them in the first part, but using too many heavyhitters to early leaves dregs and too many originals necessary for the later entries.

03-06-2020, 11:39 AM
The DLC will just be an option to remove Barret's sunglasses.

03-06-2020, 11:43 AM
I expect all the future DLC will be to unlock the stuff that is currently tied to pre-order bonuses and that weird-ass candy promo running in the US.

03-06-2020, 12:49 PM
It seems more likely and suited to be things like weapons and costumes, and maybe additional Materias (though both they, and weapons could easily just be added in the game.)

I still don't see the point of DLC, unless it adds in something the developers forgot about, didn't come up with until later, had no time to include, or had no idea how to include in the game. I'm sure it's a way for them to get more money, but I like it better when things are either found/earned in game, or by programmed cheats (like a fighting game where the only way to get a character legitimately is to enter a certain command at a specific time.)

03-06-2020, 01:24 PM
I don't expect much DLC for this, other than making the pre-order/deluxe content available. I would be very surprised if they tied any story content into DLC, I think that would infuriate people too much, particularly before the "full game" has been released.

Maybe a couple of cosmetic things, and gameplay-wise perhaps some kind of challenge mode content. Completing certain chapters/bosses against the clock with harder enemies, a boss arena, that kind of thing. I hope we don't have to worry about anything like that, but I reckon they could get away with if they were determined to squeeze some extra cash out of us before part 2.

03-07-2020, 12:09 AM
I would pay to have bear-wearing-a-marshmallow Barret for the full run of the game.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-07-2020, 03:27 AM
I would pay to have bear-wearing-a-marshmallow Barret for the full run of the game.

I'm ready.


04-26-2020, 01:02 AM
Maybe SQEX is devoting most of their resources to Part 2 so they won't be able to release update patches for Part 1. Fine.

Maybe on releasing Part 1, they already had zero intention to release update patches. Okay.

But... in the event SQEX does release update patches, what would you like to see?

As for me, there are some simple fixes. The game is by no means pristine, there are a lot of hiccups and some areas that could do with some better management. Two that come immediately to mind are the dancing scene (should be you don't even have to play it, you could walk away and make yourself a sandwich and come back to see they're still dancing... at the very least, if you do badly, the dance should end after the first segment) and the materia equip. The problem here lies in transference. You have to swap materia between characters one by one. You don't have the OG's option to select armor or weapon and swap the whole lineup. That's really freaking stupid. I'm also constantly irritated by the game always asking if I want to re-slot my weapons. It's a 50-50 chance of yes/no, but if I don't want to but I'm in a hurry (or my fingers just fidget for no damned reason) my new weapon gets a bunch of materia I didn't intend to transfer and I have to manually remove them one by one.

There are other stupid things that need fixing, but what makes your list?

04-26-2020, 03:08 AM
One more thing I hope they fix is the requirement to obtain Art of Swordplay Vol. X. Having to defeat Hell House on Hard Mode Twice is just unreasonable. Unlike most other things in Chapter Select, you can't just go back and change your decisions and get the Special Battle you need to get this manuscript. I mean, you can but you still end up having to fight the Hell House again. It's ridiculous
The two decisions that you make that decide whether you'll do Sam's or M's quests are before the Hell House battle. And despite the fact that can actually play the game long enough to earn 1000000gil, you're still forced to fight the Hell House to earn Aerith's dress. This is one part of the game where SQEX completed smurfed up. Edit: Not to mention having to do the whole gD robot hand walkthrough again. Seriously, what the hell were they thinking. This whole section should be skippable after the first playthrough.

04-26-2020, 05:56 PM
Another issue that needs addressing is the "forced pacing" system that causes you to walk through certain segments. This isn't much of an issue in and of itself, but it's sporadic resulting that the character you're controlling to sprint for a second before going back to walking. It's really stupid-looking at destroys immersion.

04-26-2020, 06:26 PM
Edit: Okay, I've been reminded that Target-lock does actually exist, it's just pretty much only Aerith amd Barret require it because Cloud and Tifa will hone in on whatever enemy happens to be nearby.

04-26-2020, 06:49 PM
Not sure what you mean by target lock as the game does have it. If you press R3 you target lock on whatever you're currently attacking and then you can use d-pad left/right to cycle between targets.

04-26-2020, 08:04 PM
Okay, that's my goof. I remember learning that on my first playthrough, but going on 20 replays, I've never once used it. I forgot it was ever a thing. Still, the game's other issues may seem smaller in scope, but they can't overlooked.

Edit: By the way, y'all were aware, right, that if you rotate the camera away while you're "interacting" with something that requires you hold triangle, it interrupts the interaction. So... is that not stupid?

Mr Gashtacular
04-27-2020, 09:58 AM
the target lock still sucks, even when you realize it exists. camera movement makes it less than clear, and it can be tricky during a stagger (when you want to maximize use of time) to get targeted on who you want

04-27-2020, 11:05 AM
I would say no DLC, I'm not interested in completely new content or any other perspectives (someone suggested playing as the Turks?) — start, if you haven't already, developing the next chapter: reassess the product you just released, address some issues, readjust the course if necessary, and go! Sorry, I might be becoming impatient already!

04-27-2020, 04:08 PM
As I’d rather focus be on the sequels, I don’t really want any DLC for this game. If anything, I would maybe consider a dlc for the dancing mini game with more music and controlling more characters. Could be fun to watch Barret do some dancing.

I would enjoy dlc at the end of the series though with some alternative scenarios with maybe the Turks or Avalanche just because the characters are fun. Also could potentially deal with alternate timelines/what if scenarios for fun.

Depression Moon
04-30-2020, 07:27 AM
I just want Tifa's Advent Children outift.

05-03-2020, 12:15 AM
[In desperate need of fixing]

Combat targeting mechanics. Both Aerith and Barret have a tendency to aim at nothing and, very typically, this includes wasting their triangle maneuver. What's funny is that if Barret actually shoots his Overcharge at one enemy and it dies before he's done, he will switch targets and continue firing on another enemy. But if there's only one enemy and he, for some reason, is not aiming at them, the giant meathead just fires his gun at a harmless wall off in the distance. The "Target-Lock" should not be necessary when there's only one opponent. Square Enix really put a lot of time and effort into making their two ranged-fighters look like complete retards. They must have a prejudice against this job class.

Also, the monkey-climbing needs to have its intuitiveness jacked up to 11. 'Cause, right now, it's about at a 3 and it damned infuriating.