View Full Version : Favorite RPG Overworlds

Wolf Kanno
03-27-2020, 06:01 AM
Inspired by an old thread, what are some of your favorite overworlds to traverse? Do you like old school world maps, or are you more of a seamless world kind of person? What did you like about them?

03-27-2020, 07:09 AM
Although I don't lament modern RPGs' lack of old school world maps as much as some others, I did prefer them overall.

There's just something about wandering on the overworld like that, and later sailing and/or flying across it. The first time you get to walk on the overworld it's nice to see distant places that you can't reach and just the scale of the world, then when you get new methods to travel across the world map you're like "oh man, now i can reach that area and those places!"

With the other "world map" methods I just don't get that.

Secret of Mana's world map is still one of my personal favorites because of the impact it had on me (being my first RPG). At first you have no idea what the world map is even really like, you see small glimpses here and there when you travel using the cannons. Then slowly you see the world unfurl until you get Flammie and suddenly you can go *everywhere* and it was awesome.

I'm also very appreciative of Dragon Quest 11's world map because it's one of the very few modern RPGs with an old school overworld like that.

03-27-2020, 07:42 AM
I’m actually not a huge fan of how DQXI handles that. It’s sectioned off into plenty of tiny maps, many of which are fairly cramped. As a result, I didn’t really feel like I was exploring an overworld to the extent I did when playing DQVIII, which felt much more open

03-27-2020, 11:21 AM
I dunno why but I like FF V's 3rd world map. I like the music for one, I also like how you can see where the places in world 1 and 2 fit together even if Exdeath had a fun wee time making holes everywhere!

03-27-2020, 04:56 PM
I am the person who probably most laments the loss of the overworld. It's the biggest thing that is missing for me from modern RPGs. It just changes the way that worlds feel in scope to a very large degree.

My favorite? Probably Dragon Quest 3.

03-27-2020, 06:28 PM
I dunno why but I like FF V's 3rd world map. I like the music for one, I also like how you can see where the places in world 1 and 2 fit together even if Exdeath had a fun wee time making holes everywhere!


Also, FFVIII but less because of the map itself and more the combo driving that big stupid dork of a garden vehicle and the chill map music. There's just something really cute about it.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-28-2020, 02:09 PM
I've been talking about this game a lot lately, but Breath of Fire 3 has one of the overworld maps I fondly remember the most.

Aside from the music, there's a lot of attention to detail. The fishing spots are indicated by a fish flopping out of the water, and the environment is otherwise alive. Even if a city is just indicated by a few buildings, you'll still see smoke coming out of a chimney or windmills spinning on the world map to show that it's a bustling place. Or you'll occasionally run into a hidden location just called "?" which you can explore to find hidden treasure or dragon chrysm.

Contrasted to that, I feel like I play a lot more games where there's just an overworld map that is overwhelmingly green on green, with the occasional desert. Even then, I still like having the option to explore the overworld map to get a sense of the world, even if there's less detail.

It's also a bonus when a game has an in-game reason for why you can't go a certain direction, like volcano spillage, instead of a message popping up saying "looks like we shouldn't go this way".

When I think of an old game, overworld map music will sometimes come to mind first since you hear it so often. It's the soundtrack to your character's journey.


Wolf Kanno
03-28-2020, 05:27 PM
I'd definitely rank BoFIII up there, I really loved how the map was actually fun to explore and the game's off-beat jazz infused soundtrack was pretty chilling. BoFII had a pretty good world map as well, especially with random hunt spots and fishing to use. My only beef with it was the fact I rarely enjoyed having Sten in my party and reaching a spot where I needed him in my party.

03-28-2020, 05:28 PM
Also, FFVIII but less because of the map itself and more the combo driving that big stupid dork of a garden vehicle and the chill map music. There's just something really cute about it.I'm very bitter toward FFVIII for taking the concept of a world map, reminding me that they know it's there, and then shooting it in the back of the head for the second half of the game.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
03-28-2020, 05:47 PM
I would say I'm even fond of world maps you can't explore openly.

One of my favorite games is The Legend of Dragoon, and while the world map for this game is vast, you travel via a dotted line connecting one place to another. I still appreciate being able to separate the different places by the distances they take to travel. Particularly over mountains where your dotted travelling line becomes zigzaged.

Even not being able to free roam, there are still special enemies that only show up on particular parts of the map. Rainbow birds and the like that have a high escape rate but the chance to drop a ton of gold or experience.


03-28-2020, 10:05 PM
I agree that's MUCH better than no overworld, but it's still no replacement for a real one. The harrowing journey between towns should be an adventure!