View Full Version : [KH] Kingdom Hearts Union X

Lone Wolf Leonhart
04-09-2020, 03:49 AM
Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts Union X? How about back when it was called Unchained X? This game just celebrated its fourth anniversary.

I've been a fairly active player since around launch, but with frequent breaks. I looked in my stats and I've just hit my 250th day played. Not in a row, just overall in the past four years. Since I've played for a long time, I've been around for "good deals" to spend my in game jewels on. As far as F2P games go, it's a lot of fun and it doesn't suck you into a gacha nightmare. I'm caught up with the story and haven't spent a dime of real money.

Where you'll have to pay is if you want to be competitive with the PVP. I'm not touching that. There's always someone with more free time and more money who will obliterate you.


04-09-2020, 04:41 AM
I tried it out once, but stopped playing it pretty quickly. The gameplay's not really something I enjoy on my phone, I hate stamina (AP in this game) systems and the story pacing is just absolutely horrendous.

Instead I just google stuff to find out how the story has progressed every year (which is very little, because aforementioned pacing :p )

Wolf Kanno
04-09-2020, 05:42 AM
I play it off and on from time to time. It's a better mobile game than it gets credit for at least in terms of being a quick time killer, but I still prefer games like Terra Battle and Final Fantasy Record Keeper to it. I'll second the fact the game's plot is painfully short. I've been waiting for SE to eventually make it go through another rebuild and hopefully knock out half the filler just to speed the game up.

04-09-2020, 07:17 AM
I got pretty far in but just got tired by going back to Wonderland for the millionth mission in a row. You’d be hard pressed to find a more dedicated FF fan than me, but there’s just something inherent in these types of games that just repels need on an almost primal level

04-09-2020, 10:12 AM
I played it for a bit when it was first rebranded as Unchained X but yeah I got bored pretty quickly with the amount of filler levels so gave up.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
04-09-2020, 11:49 PM
It kind of reminds me of what I recall of playing 358/2 days. Picking a mission and dropping into a quick task in a familiar environment.

Can't disagree with anyone who says the story crawls at a snail's pace. At first I thought it kind of retread the ground of KH1 telling the stories of places like Agrabah and Wonderland, but as it opens up more and introduces new characters and more worlds, the variety is nice. It's still at a snail's pace, but at least it's layered with the occasional interesting cutscene as the story unfolds. They recently added the Wreck it Ralph world, which has been fun.

Thanks to medal sharing, it's nice to have friends literally be your power, instead of a metaphor for teamwork.

04-10-2020, 09:51 AM
Eh it is fine, if a bit too stretched and repetitive. I played it when it came out and got bored. After KH3 when I was hype af I tried again (I lost all my progress and had to start again) and trailed off once more.

I now just watch videos on the plot so I can keep up with that delicious lore.

04-16-2020, 10:49 PM
I want this side project to hurry up and just get done. There are some story elements relevant to the series that have to be cleared up because this game is still ongoing.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
04-08-2021, 02:30 AM
End of Service announced


Dark Road will be available to play offline, and the story of Union X will be viewable in a Theater mode.

I suppose it's positive news, in some ways, since you get the lore without the gacha.

I do have sentimental attachment to this game, having played it off and on for the full length of service. But a mobile game catered towards online play isn't bound to last forever.

04-08-2021, 06:28 AM
I sure hope the offline version will remain free. There’s a precedent for gacha games to remain available offline but paid this time, sadly. I think that’s what happened to FF Dimensions 2

Wolf Kanno
04-08-2021, 06:32 AM
I imagine it's going to stay free since it's being reduced to a glorified movie mode and having all the gameplay stripped out. Dark Road will remain playable for another month but I have no idea what's going to happen after that.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
06-30-2021, 02:51 AM
As of tonight, Union Cross is now offline.

It's been a bittersweet week. Spent the past few days after work just chatting and playing with my guild. Right now we're exchanging some of our favorite screenshots and enjoying the OST.

Here's a final look at my character menu.