View Full Version : The Best and Worst Limit Break in the franchise

Wolf Kanno
04-18-2020, 06:11 AM
I'm not talking about the mechanics, and this does count Desperation attacks, Trance, Overdives, FUll ATB Bar, Quickenings, and Armiger; which one was your absolute favorite and least favorite?

This isn't about liking or hating one system over another, I'm talking down to individual skills here so you can say Omnislash is your favorite Limit Break, but bot VII's sytem, or you can hate Amarant's Trance move, but you can't list all of the Trance abilities. You pick one individual Limit-type move for each category.

Lord Golbez
04-18-2020, 06:36 AM
I don't really care for Cait Sith's limit breaks. Too random. Especially slots because it can give you an instant game over.

Best = Great Gospel

Mr Gashtacular
04-18-2020, 10:23 AM
i always like the simple brutality of zell's heel drop. nothing flash or fancy, just dropping that heel on some poor sod's face

i didnt care for Healing Wind, because it never really got me out of trouble. a lot of healing limits are like that, theyre designed to be used at a certain time but often come in too late or too early, or are not effective enough, etc

Wolf Kanno
04-18-2020, 11:00 PM
My favorite will always be Mirage Dive since it was my first Limit break in the series.

My least favorite is probably Lulu's Overdrive, it just never felt like it was as impressive as it sounded like it should be.

04-20-2020, 06:01 PM
Best? Something from VII?

Worst? Noctis' Kingsglaive or whatever it is called.

04-20-2020, 07:43 PM
Best, Renzokuken. It just feels good.

Worst, agreed with WK on Lulu's Fury.

Depression Moon
04-22-2020, 04:35 PM
Zell's. That shit is op as fuck when you know the trick to pause the game after every attack to make it last as long as possible.

Wolf Kanno
04-26-2020, 02:44 AM
Thinking about it now for each entry...

Best: Mirage Dive because it was my first one I ever saw, though design wise I like Cyan and Gogo's the best\
Worst: Soul Sabre and Star Prims, the DA's of Strago and Relm, since all they do is Instant kill one enemy and it won;t work if the enemy has immunity to instant death.

Best: Meteor Rain is probably my favorite since you don't have to work too hard to get it and it has a great damage output only beaten by Lv. 4 Limit breaks.
Worst: All Creation and Cosmo Memory, dropped the ball by making them both single hit. Worst for Yuffie since Doom of the Living is a much better Limit.

Best: Renzoken/Lionheart it's easier than trying to get the conditions right for Zell's Armaggeddon fist and I don;t have to worry about RNG or ammo like the other characters.
Worst: Slots, part of me wanted to say Blue Magic, but Quistis gets a few good skills to compensate for it whereas Slots is a crapshoot.

Best: Dbl Black or Dbl White - Highest damage output in the game.
Worst: Garnet's cause it's mechanics are messy and not nearly as good as it sounds on paper. Second choice goes to Quina.

Best: Wakka's Reels, super easy and you get ridiculous damage early in the game. I've completely one-shotted bosses with this overdrive.
Worst: Lulu's Fury, I've calculated one time that simply double casting a spell often would have done more damage than hitting an enemy with the Fury Overdrive.

Best: Ashe has my favorite set of Quickenings. Baltheir or Fran has my second favorite.
Worst: Vaan actually has my least favorite except for Pyroclasm, I like the design of the attack.

Best: Army of One is visually the coolest of all the attacks and it's stagger power makes up for its low damage. Death is my next favorite
Worst: Sovereign Fist or Highwind. They do good high damage but only work well under very specific circumstances like having an enemy be staggered and almost ready to recover since the moves both reset the Stagger gauge. Not helped that both of them are too similar to each other in design makes them pretty boring as well.

Best: Either Ignis' Regroup or Overwhelm Techniques the first is great for getting out of a tough spot and the second one is one of the best damage dealing techs in the game that is great for bringing the hurt on tougher opponents. The fact they are both lower tier moves also makes it more likely you'll see them in a fight.
Worst: Snapshot, like why Prompto?

Lord Golbez
04-26-2020, 03:18 AM

FF7 -I've already given these.
FF8 - Best: Renzokuken/Lionheart
Worst: Selphie's random magic shit.
FF9 - Best: Vivi's Doublecast. One of the few ways to top 9999 damage in a turn in the game.
Worst - To my recollection Quina's just makes eating easier
FFX - Best - Auron's Bushido
Worst - Wakka's Reels. I always hate slot based limits.

Depression Moon
04-27-2020, 05:18 AM
I've played VI multiple times, but I've never seen those.

Wolf Kanno
04-27-2020, 05:48 AM
I've played VI multiple times, but I've never seen those.

They are rare, you have to have the character at critical health and they only have a 1/16th chance of performing one when you use the attack command. Only Gau and Umaro don't have one.


04-27-2020, 07:26 PM
Don't know about best, but new favorites are 7R limits, especially Level 2 (Ascension, Dolphin Flurry, Catastrophe, and even Planet's Protection is useful).

Most useless IMO, still Noctis.

05-07-2020, 10:07 AM
My favorite will always be Omnislash since FF7 was my first Jrpg! ^^

I agree with Wolf Kannon...Lulu's overdrive is boring!:lol: