View Full Version : Would you play a sequel or "spin-off"?

05-06-2020, 05:09 PM
If you're only reading this to post "a sequel/spin-off will never happen-" please don't and please go away. Thank you.

Personally, I'd prefer if Squall and Seifer were the only "returning" playable characters... maybe Fujin... Zell if had new outfit 'cause the original was lame. I'm on the fence about Laguna.

I don't know. Would a Laguna spin-off be interesting? If developed on the level of 7R, maybe.

I think somehow, Edea needs to be "Edea" again. The sorceress look is so good and her regilar outfit is... just lame.

Would you play a spin-off about Pupu and the Moombas? Lol, I don't know what I'm talking about anymore.

Wolf Kanno
05-06-2020, 07:23 PM
Considering my usual feelings about the quality of SE's sequels and spin-offs. My answer would be no. I did come up with an idea for a sequel for this game I have posted around here (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/155168-Final-Fantasy-VIII-2?p=3386089&viewfull=1#post3386089), but I imagine it would be more of an AC film, or Brotherhood anime series than actual game since I don't feel the scenario lends itself terribly well to gameplay.

It would be interesting to see where SE would take VIII with an expansion, since I feel it has some really untapped potential and always felt the original was a bit half baked in executing the ideas attached to it.

05-06-2020, 08:28 PM
I agree with you!

JJ Strife
05-10-2020, 03:45 PM
I'd frankly prefer a regular Remake. After they're done with the FF7 'series', I really wanna see a similar styled remake of either FF6 or FF8. Those are the 2 games that I think could benefit from it most.

The problem with sequels or spinoffs is they're almost never as good as the original game. Especially when you're talking about an original game that had a fairly well concluded story.