View Full Version : If live, then FFDOO...

05-12-2020, 08:29 PM
I've been thinking about it for years. The more modernized/futuristic versions of Final Fantasy have so far been my favorite setting for a potential live-action film or series. VII, VIII, X, XIII, XV... even maybe Type-0.

VI and XII may have potential as well, but they are not the first to come to mind when I start playing around with fan-casting.

However, I recently have been dabbling with a title that could combine all the FF elements into one. I haven't played much of it because I can only carry on so long in mobile titles before I start to question "why the hell am I doing this? There's literally no point to this smurf."

Final Fantasy Dissidia Opera Omnia

Now the reason I chose OO is because the setting feels more grounded in explorable terrain while the previous iterations of Dissidia have felt more like a bunch of staging grounds/arenas where you always inevitably find yourself boxed in.

I like the idea of a bunch of warriors from parallel realities converge via anomalous happenstance and said anomalies cause them to travel to different worlds and very often become separated so that each character or each group of characters can continue their story.

OO does seem like it would work better as a longer series of (possibly shorter) episodes than as one or three full-length movies.

Any insights?

Wolf Kanno
05-12-2020, 11:21 PM
I've never liked crossover style stories, largely because I feel the plots tend to be a bit contrived and the characters from the various series feel more flanderized than usual which was a glaring issue of the original Dissidia games and even World of Final Fantasy. It's cute as a fan service type deal, but not something I feel would work as a film.

Honestly, I don't feel any of the FFs would work well as a film just because there is too much content to contend with. Sure the later entries have a cinematic feel to them, but a film would be too difficult to convey all the nuances of a game. It would be like adapting a novel where you're going to have to make some serious cuts for the sake of brevity. A TV series where each episode has a movie style budget would work better, but personally I feel FF should stick to animation if they're going to bother with films.