View Full Version : Their best work...

Wolf Kanno
10-28-2020, 08:40 AM
Of the FF creators, what do you consider to be their individual best work for the FF series? One game per creator. Overlapping is fine.

Hironobu Sakaguchi
Yoshinori Kitase
Nobuo Uematsu
Hiroyuki Ito
Tetsuya Nomura
Yasumi Matsuno
Akihiko Yoshida
Hajime Tabata
Hiromichi Tanaka
Takashi Tokito
Motomu Toriyama

Feel free to add more designers. The only stipulation is they have to have worked on more than one FF Title.

Lord Golbez
10-28-2020, 06:48 PM
Sakaguchi -FF7. I don't know how much day to day involvement he really had at this point, but I chose this one for him because the core concept for the game came from him. Indeed, that concept seems so powerful to him that he used it again more or less in The Spirits Within.

Kitase - Again probably FF7. I say that because it's my favorite game he worked on. If it's not that, it's probably FF6. If I remember correctly, FF6 was the first game he really had a major role in.

Uematsu - FF6 or FF7

Nomura - Probably FF8. Not really sure.

Matsuno - FFT. Definitely, FFT.

Rest I'm probably going to have to look up stuff.

Ito - Gotta be FF9.

Yoshida - I don't know. Maybe FF12. I don't like 12, but I don't have a problem with his work on it.

Tabata - XV I guess? Looking at his resume, I don't see anything super impressive.

Tanaka - No clue. FF3 maybe?

Tokita - Probably FF4. He worked on FF7 but doesn't seem like he had as big a role.

Toriyama - Probably FF7

Wolf Kanno
11-06-2020, 04:24 AM
Hironobu Sakaguchi - FFV
Yoshinori Kitase - FFVI
Nobuo Uematsu - FFVI
Hiroyuki Ito - FFVI or IX
Tetsuya Nomura - FFVII
Yasumi Matsuno - Tactics
Akihiko Yoshida - FFXII
Hajime Tabata - XV
Hiromichi Tanaka - FFIII
Takashi Tokito - FFIV
Motomu Toriyama - VII
Kazuhige Nojima - VIII

I'll elaborate later.