View Full Version : Anyone buying a new console this week?

Lone Wolf Leonhart
11-10-2020, 01:38 AM
Now that the next generation of consoles are among us, are any of you going to be playing at launch?

There's a conceivable timeline where I would have bought an Xbox if Halo Infinite were a launch title, but since we're in the darkest timeline, I'll be saving that purchase for next year.

I'll be saving PS5 for next year, as well. There are some games I favorably have my eyes on, but not at launch.

Wolf Kanno
11-10-2020, 06:15 AM
Man I'm still eyeing a Switch, I don't have time to be playing next gen, even if Demons's Souls remake looks great. I usually wait until the console has a better library before making these kind of costly decisions. As it stands, none of them have a killer app that warrants a day one purchase from me, And if I learned anything from the awful PS3/360 generation it's that you don't buy a console for future promises. So even with XVI looking good on the horizon, I'm not going to bother until it has an actual release date. Hell the whole reason I'm still holding off on a Switch is because I'm waiting for SMTV to get a real release date. :colbert:

Lord Golbez
11-10-2020, 06:14 PM
Nah. I've never bought at launch. It's hard enough to get one at launch as is and generally not worth it because the price may go down after not too long. If Sony wanted me to buy at launch anyway, they should have tried harder to make my PS4 obsolete. I've got a backlog on there and unless I can easily get all my games and saves transferred to the PS5 (my understanding is you can't), I just don't feel like I want to pay more to get it early in the lifecycle, let alone at launch.

Judge Mandolore Shepard
11-11-2020, 03:03 PM
Nope, I don't see myself buying a new console until 2022 at the earliest.

Del Murder
11-11-2020, 04:38 PM
I probably will get a PS5 at some point but not until some really compelling games are out for it.

Mr Gashtacular
11-11-2020, 05:16 PM
i only got a ps4 in september 2019 so i guess you could say im a little behind the curve on all this. i will get one eventually, when its cheaper, most likely

11-13-2020, 11:35 PM
First edition next-gen consoles sometimes come with unfortunate side effects and bugs that make the wait worth it.

11-15-2020, 09:33 AM
Man I'm still eyeing a Switch, I don't have time to be playing next gen, even if Demons's Souls remake looks great. I usually wait until the console has a better library before making these kind of costly decisions. As it stands, none of them have a killer app that warrants a day one purchase from me, And if I learned anything from the awful PS3/360 generation it's that you don't buy a console for future promises. So even with XVI looking good on the horizon, I'm not going to bother until it has an actual release date. Hell the whole reason I'm still holding off on a Switch is because I'm waiting for SMTV to get a real release date. :colbert:

The switch is awesome. A lot of great games that you can take with you and play anywhere. Breath of the Wild is better on the Switch (than U) and that game is worth it alone. You will then become addicted and get all of the Amiibos that give unique content. My 6 year old got me hooked. I don’t play it much, but I help him sometimes, and I picked up all the Amiibos he’d need (still need Smash Bros Zelda). He went nuts when he got the last piece of Fierce Deity (sword). Anyhow, Switch=Yes.

I picked up a PS5 Disc version, GodFall (Ascended), Assassins Creed: Valhalla, and CoD (released on 13’th), and some accessories (extra controllers and Pulse 3D headset). Haven’t played it yet, it’s a Christmas present for our eldest. I’m super tempted to open it up when the wife and kids are asleep.

11-17-2020, 05:56 AM
Hopefully getting my ps5 tomorrow if I can manage to find a way to sneak away from work and pick it up. Otherwise I have to wait until Wednesday.

11-17-2020, 02:35 PM
Of the two and probably going to end up getting a PS5, but I am in no rush at the moment. I'm just waiting for the initial launch hype to die down so I could casually walk into a store and pick one up whenever I'm ready.

11-20-2020, 01:45 AM
Picked up Ghost of Tsushima. For PS4, but heard it’s a must play game, and better on PS5.

I didn’t know that Microsoft acquired Zenimax Media (Bethesda). Now I have to get a Series X when the next Elder Scrolls is released... Halo. Hopefully supply is stable when the time comes.

Depression Moon
11-21-2020, 10:33 PM
Really contemplating on getting a Switch after I saw one for 300 that came with Animal Crossing when I was in Target.

11-23-2020, 03:42 PM
Actually yes I did get a new console yesterday... The PS4 Pro! :P

Like many here, I'm pretty backlogged and I like to wait on next gen. Also I am pretty faithful mainly to SE games, and the PS4 has amassed quite a nice retro remaster collection, not to mention FF7 remake and FFXV.

11-23-2020, 04:35 PM
I can't see a reason to get either console right now. I also plan to wait quite a while before I bother to pick one up.

I was actually considering a gaming PC instead, if I can convince Pumpkin it's a good idea. She's skeptical, and likes the idea of a simple, reliable console that should work without installation and compatibility annoyances.

11-24-2020, 08:47 AM
... and my wife scored a Series X from Best Buy. Picking it up Friday.

11-26-2020, 02:20 AM
thinkin of buying a ps4 in a few months when they're 100

Lord Golbez
11-28-2020, 08:00 PM
There's a certain strategy to buying consoles only at the end of their life to always get them for low prices (doesn't typically work with Nintendo consoles, but it can certainly work with Sony). However, in this case, where the PS5 is backwards compatible, it might be more financially prudent to skip ps4 altogether if you don't have it already. Of course, everyone's situation is different and it's much a decision on opportunity cost as it is strict total dollars spent.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
11-29-2020, 12:59 AM
Really contemplating on getting a Switch after I saw one for 300 that came with Animal Crossing when I was in Target.

Really hoping that the $300 Switch + Game combo becomes the new normal, and isn't just a deal for the week of Black Friday. Would like to buy for Christmas.

The Switch/Mario Kart 8 Bundle has sold out fast. I feel like I remember the various Wii's of the past eventually just being bundled with a Mario game at the base price. It's time for the Switch to have a permanent bundle, too.

12-04-2020, 05:13 PM
I can't see a reason to get either console right now. I also plan to wait quite a while before I bother to pick one up.

I was actually considering a gaming PC instead, if I can convince Pumpkin it's a good idea.

With what money?