View Full Version : Destiny 2: Beyond Light

12-15-2020, 02:18 AM
Hey, just wondering if there are any D2 players here, or D1, although I don't really play D1 anymore.

12-15-2020, 02:30 AM
This is in the wrong section so I'm moving it to general gaming. The lounge is for other media than games.

12-15-2020, 05:30 AM
I tried to like Destiny 2 for a while, but ultimately I remembered that I hate MMOs. Everything you do in the game feels very artificial and game-y and like it has no impact on anything, and also it's really annoying having daily/weekly quests and 75 different currencies for everything. I kind of like the actual shooting though.

12-15-2020, 04:54 PM
The gameplay and gunplay in Destiny 2's great, but the heavy reliance on FOMO bothered me too much to keep playing it. Their decision to make like half of the game unplayable was really the deciding factor in me not getting Beyond Light though.

12-16-2020, 12:47 AM
Thanks to Freya for putting this in the right section.

I felt the same about D2, when I first played D2, before Beyond The Light, I can honestly say I hated the game.The feel was so different than Destiny, and you lose your light which I thought was bullshit, it also kind of hurt, all that time spent building light and you just take it away?

On top of that, my character ended up going from a bad ass to a homeless, unemployed hunter. As I progressed through the game, not much really changed. So I left the game, I never experienced the fear of missing out, I really hate holes in the story though. MMO's are really fun if you are open to playing with people on a team (or just with people in general), otherwise, I find they're not really that fun.

Beyond The Light I feel addresses those feelings of having no impact on the game, and the currency problem, I mean I never really ran into that as a problem, to me they are the materials needed for different types of objects. So the only currency to me is Glimmer, there is so much involved in this game I get the feeling it can become overwhelming to some people. I like the game mode Gambit, I don't know when they introduced Gambit, but it's 4v4, PVP.

Each team plays in their own PvE match, where killing enemies gets you "Motes", which you have to collect as a team and deposit in the bank. The bank is in the centre of the map, with a portal to the other side that occasionally turns on. This portal is the gateway to the other teams PvE dimension, allowing you to invade a kill the opposing team. When a player dies, they lose all the motes they are carrying, and unless revived, are out of the match for a small period of time.

There are other little things that happen, you can carry up to 15 motes on your player before you have to deposit, and if you deposit them in groups of 5, you send a taken blocker to the other side (small = 5, medium = 10 and large blockers are the full 15). When a blocker gets sent to the other side, the opposing teams banks shuts down until the blocker is cleared (defeated). When you have multiple blockers, I think it's three or more, your bank starts "Bleeding Motes", you start losing them.

The goal is to be the first team to summon a the "Primeval" at 100 motes, and destroy it. Note that the other team can still invade and kill you off, in which case will heal the Primeval. Before you can damage a Primeval, you have to take out the convoys it spawns with, anyway this game mode alone was enough for me.

I just learnt what the different power energy weapons do, like why they are different. I am also learning how the different armour works in the game, like now you can add modifications to your armour and increase the stats as well as add additional perks. There are so many ways you can take control of your character, I am learning how these things relate to each other, and my style of play. I get reminded of materia, from FF7.

Also, Stasis. I realize this is a long post, and it's a bit much, Bungie has really redeemed themselves in my opinion.