View Full Version : Back 4 Blood

Loony BoB
12-16-2020, 09:41 PM
I know a bunch of the people here really loved L4D and L4D2 back in the day, so I thought I'd point out that the guys who made it are making a true sequel (without Valve this time). Expect more of the same, with a bit more polish and a few inevitable tiny differences. But who cares about all that, so long as it's fun, right?



12-21-2020, 02:55 PM
Never really liked those games, but I certainly didn't hate that they existed. I know people adored them and were sad when that void was never filled. The World War Z game seems like a surprisingly competent placeholder. And it must have piqued enough interest to inspire the real deal. I'm happy for everyone who finally gets the multiplayer zombie game they've always wanted

12-21-2020, 05:13 PM
Yes, I think we shall be picking this one up at some point.

12-22-2020, 12:36 AM
I will confess to being interested in seeing how this turns out.

Loony BoB
12-24-2020, 01:38 PM
I played in the closed alpha with a bunch of friends, I think there were about 6-7 of us in total who had codes. It has very much nailed the L4D vibe. The card thing they have is actually well done. The difficulty is high, but there are a lot of viable ways to play (you can become an OP melee machine, focus on support use, be a tank, a gunner, whatever). We played on Classic, the easiest setting with zero friendly fire, and only beat the last level once (some of the guys beat it already when I wasn't playing, so we all beat it at least once in about 6-7 attempts, sometimes with randoms). Having limited continues is a bitch that I'm not personally fond of at the easiest level where you're trying to just get used to the game. Very few gameplay bugs at the moment and only one trivial (and quite frankly funny) visual bug I've seen so far. They still have six months to go and I expect that will be further balancing of the difficulties and additional levels more than bug fixing based on what we've seen so far.

I think the early stages of each act are very well balanced, the last mission is a bitch but I think it could have been handled better tactically by our team... but then again, maybe not, as we used tactics that so far all the wins I've seen used, which involve suicide runs by two people. I'm pretty sure it would still be possible to finish it if everyone sticks together but it was only on closed alpha for a short time.

Very much looking forward to playing it again. It's awesome fun. If it weren't for knowing they need to put in more than just the first act, I'd say they could release it now and it'd still be far more polished than any other similar game out there at the moment.