View Full Version : Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: Complete Edition

Depression Moon
01-09-2021, 05:45 AM
Scott Pilgrim is finally coming back for those that missed out on it the first time. Today it was revealed that there's going to be physical editions of the game released by Limited Run (https://limitedrungames.com/collections/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-the-game) so if it happens to pulled from the digital front again at least you would be able to buy a used physical copy. Pre-orders will go up January 15th. I'm still not sure what the actual release date for the game is though.

Will you be buying this again if you played the original or if you missed out on it the first time will you be picking it up and playing for the first time?

I'm definitely going to get one. I want the K.O. edition, but I feel I should save my money and just get the regular collector's edition.


Wolf Kanno
01-09-2021, 06:25 AM
While I had a blast with the original, I'm probably not going to bother since I picked it up the first time and I still use my PS3 to play Dark Souls from time to time. Fun game though, but my beat'em up days are over.

01-09-2021, 03:02 PM
I got it back in the day as well. But if I hadn't I would pass anyway just because Ubisoft can go fuck themselves. I don't like giving money to companies that cover up sexual assaults for years, fire a few people when caught but reportedly allow them to keep their stock so they continue to benefit from their crimes, and announce a halfhearted effort at an entirely inadequate internal investigation to shut the public up and keep them buying your games, that you then never talk about again once the initial outrage dies down.

Seriously the companies CEO and everyone else who's been complicit in this should be in prison.

Quindiana Jones
01-09-2021, 07:41 PM
I got it back in the day as well. But if I hadn't I would pass anyway just because Ubisoft can go fuck themselves. I don't like giving money to companies that cover up sexual assaults for years, fire a few people when caught but reportedly allow them to keep their stock so they continue to benefit from their crimes, and announce a halfhearted effort at an entirely inadequate internal investigation to shut the public up and keep them buying your games, that you then never talk about again once the initial outrage dies down.

Seriously the companies CEO and everyone else who's been complicit in this should be in prison.

This, and also their games are, like, really dull and formulaic.

That aside, I don't really follow or care about collector's edition stuff, but this seems like a fairly decent price for a fairly decent haul. Can't say I ever played the original, though, nor is it on my radar to play.