View Full Version : Which are you more excited for?

Wolf Kanno
01-09-2021, 09:01 PM
Slightly came up in a discussion I had recently. Which are you more excited for?

01-09-2021, 10:44 PM
Kind of a tough one because we really don't know what direction they're gonna go with VII R2, and we don't know much about XVI either. That said, tentatively, I'm more excited about XVI (although I'm excited for both). It's a whole new world, I'm hopeful for the gameplay and some of the marketing additions have made me more excited for the aesthetic, showing it's not all bland/generic medieval stuff like the reveal trailer.

VII R2 meanwhile just has a lot of big questions hanging over its head. How will it handle the overworld? Will it diverge more after the events of VIIR, or will it largely follow the same story beats? How much exactly of the overall VII journey will it cover? I love Midgar and what they did with it in VIIR but I've always said it's the best part of the game, and whether I'll enjoy the next stint of that journey really depends on the questions of how much it'll cover and how much it'll diverge.

So for now, with what we know about both entries, I'm with XVI :p

01-09-2021, 11:44 PM
Definitely XVI. Weak trailer aside, I feel like there’s some interesting people working on this

01-10-2021, 12:49 PM
I'm interested for both, but I would say FFVII Remake Part 2 for now!

Mr Gashtacular
01-13-2021, 02:19 PM
so far, part 2. XVI doesn't appeal to me (for now).

Del Murder
01-14-2021, 08:47 PM
Probably FFVIIR2 at this point. It really depends on what they do with it going forward. I hope they don't get too off the rails from the core of FFVII.

Up until I started playing FFXV, I wasn't that thrilled about FFXVI since I wasn't liking the direction they took the series in. But FFXV (at least the heavily patched Royal Version) is very fun! So I am a little more excited for FFXVI now, but I'll probably wait two years after release to get the patched and free DLC version. :p

01-15-2021, 09:56 PM
VIIR-2 for me right now because I'm super curious where they're going to go with it. Plus it's all familiar characters etc. I know and adore.

Definitely interested in XVI though.

Wolf Kanno
01-16-2021, 06:50 AM
I'm more excited for something new than watching a retread. VII R was not for me, but XVI looks more up my alley with some darker themes and a battle system designed by an actual action game director, so I have a bit more hope the combat will feel involving. I'll likely play both games at some point, but XVI will be the one I would likely pick up sooner.