View Full Version : Final Fantasy VIII is a masterpiece.

05-24-2021, 07:13 PM
I had never really heard anything about VIII, but I got the discs from a local retro game store. It has ended up being one of the best JRPG's I have ever played. I really feel that by the time it came out, Square really had the whole 3D look down, as this game is visually absolutely stunning. The whole game had me feeling like I was exploring a beautiful art piece. The story is pretty gripping and honestly I like it a bit more than VII's (don't hate me) Also, the combat is some of the most fun I've ever had in an RPG. It's not grindy at all in my experience. I love the junctioning system by the way! I can see why some people dislike it because it's a bit contrived at first, but once I figured it out, I found myself enjoying the feeling of creating my own classes basically. When I smurfed up and lost to a boss, I'd just switch around junctions until I found the optimal way to go about fighting the boss. This type of gameplay may not be for everyone, especially those new to turn-based RPG's, but it certainly was gripping for me! I'd also like to mention that the extra internal monologues that the main characters have add so much more depth to the characters. My friends watch me play and we all do voices for each character, what a blast. Zell has a thick Boston accent and Squall has a depressed emo kid voice. But anyways, yeah, Final Fantasy VIII is phenomenal. I'm moving on to V and VI next, then I'll play IX. Love this series so far.

05-26-2021, 04:45 PM
glad you like it, it's fun! welcome to the mess of ff

05-26-2021, 06:36 PM
see even the bots love FFVIII

05-27-2021, 02:27 AM
I must try this game, someday.

06-24-2021, 06:27 PM
I guess there is now way we can stop the bots from loving VIII. Hahaha :lol:I just took the link out of this post but I'm not deleting it because wow. Self-awareness.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
06-27-2021, 06:24 AM
I had never really heard anything about VIII, but I got the discs from a local retro game store. It has ended up being one of the best JRPG's I have ever played. I really feel that by the time it came out, Square really had the whole 3D look down, as this game is visually absolutely stunning. The whole game had me feeling like I was exploring a beautiful art piece. The story is pretty gripping and honestly I like it a bit more than VII's (don't hate me) Also, the combat is some of the most fun I've ever had in an RPG. It's not grindy at all in my experience. I love the junctioning system by the way! I can see why some people dislike it because it's a bit contrived at first, but once I figured it out, I found myself enjoying the feeling of creating my own classes basically. When I smurfed up and lost to a boss, I'd just switch around junctions until I found the optimal way to go about fighting the boss. This type of gameplay may not be for everyone, especially those new to turn-based RPG's, but it certainly was gripping for me! I'd also like to mention that the extra internal monologues that the main characters have add so much more depth to the characters. My friends watch me play and we all do voices for each character, what a blast. Zell has a thick Boston accent and Squall has a depressed emo kid voice. But anyways, yeah, Final Fantasy VIII is phenomenal. I'm moving on to V and VI next, then I'll play IX. Love this series so far.

This post is articulated better than anything I've ever written on here lmao

Fast forward 5 years, the bots evolve just a liiiittle bit more. They learn how to post multiple times from the same account. They lose the normal bot giveaways, such as the smaller text and random links.

Human posters are sequestered away into a private forum thread, having philosophical discussions about whether it really matters if their new internet friend AkhiMertail is human or not. Because yeah, it's easy to copy-paste the idea that Squall has a depressed emo kid voice, but Zell having a thick Boston accent kind of throws you by its unique spin.


Anyway I was kind of kidding about EoFF 2026 theorizing, but by the time I got to the end of that last paragraph it started to become too real.

06-30-2021, 07:20 PM
my god

Mr Gashtacular
06-30-2021, 08:52 PM
Zell has a thick Boston accent and Squall has a depressed emo kid voice.

giv me back ma hovvaboard

07-05-2021, 03:44 PM
Zell has a thick Boston accent and Squall has a depressed emo kid voice.

giv me back ma hovvaboard

i spent way too long on this


04-04-2022, 03:31 AM
I was never a fan of the gameplay (not a fan of the junction system) but the story and ending are what dreams are made of.