View Full Version : So I Played Persona 4 Golden Spoilers

Depression Moon
08-12-2021, 06:19 AM
So I got Persona 4 Golden a little while ago and just a few days ago I finally beat it. It took me a while. I was not as addicted to it like with Persona 4. The story didn't hook me really until the end and as far as the combat goes I did miss baton passes, but I did like that the game was harder. It was too hard in the beginning but things eased up. Since I wasn't as engaged as I was with 5 I didn't even unlock a lot of the confidants and barely did some that I had. I mostly just did my team members. The sidequests in this game were not engaging to me either so I barely did any of those either.

The music in this game still bumps though.

These are a little over the place, but I really want to talk about the ending.
So damn, they really killed Nanako!? I almost cried my damn self. At first I thought I already knew who the killer was going to be. Adachi sounds too much like Akechi and they're both detectives, but Adachi was right he was in the station when Nanako got kidnapped so it wasn't him. He still seems suspicious. Like he's pretending to be dumb. It was some package delivery driver and that man was nuts. I did the right thing and gave that man the smoke. Ran him a whole fade. I don't understand why these video games and tv shows got to act all so goody goody. What leave him so he can just go around killing more people nah. It's like what Morgana said at the beginning of P5 it's not like anyone would find out. I hope not anyway. Nobody was asking if that hopsital room had windows.

The ending didn't explain why the fog from the tv was entering the real world or what Teddie actually was. I felt bad for Teddie. He just left like that. What an ending though.

08-12-2021, 02:52 PM
lmao I got that ending my first time too
almost bought it
I was like...hmm....noooooo hold on

Del Murder
08-12-2021, 05:30 PM
I liked P4 Golden though I never played the original. Definitely among the top (if not the best) Vita games. P4G helped me realized how good the series is after I had a mediocre response to P3P. It led me to play P5 which I thought was outstanding.

08-12-2021, 06:08 PM
So you didn't actually play any of the Golden stuff, just the original game. lol

Depression Moon
08-13-2021, 06:37 AM
lmao I got that ending my first time too
almost bought it
I was like...hmm....noooooo hold on

I reloaded my save and didn't kill him this time, but I still got a similar ending just with Nanako still being alive. Dojima asked me this really weird question if I was satisfied with the choices I made this past year. I said "What are you talking about" and then I got the same ending anime scene. Did I have to pick the right answer there?

Dr. Acula
08-13-2021, 06:41 AM
lmao I got that ending my first time too
almost bought it
I was like...hmm....noooooo hold on

I reloaded my save and didn't kill him this time, but I still got a similar ending just with Nanako still being alive. Dojima asked me this really weird question if I was satisfied with the choices I made this past year. I said "What are you talking about" and then I got the same ending anime scene. Did I have to pick the right answer there?

There are particular answers you have to pick in order to get the "best" ending, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

I enjoyed P4G, in some ways I like it better than Persona 5 - I think it's simpler and the small-town setting works better for the kinds of mysteries the series tends to go for. Plus the battle music is amazing.

Depression Moon
09-23-2021, 05:09 AM
So I got in further and on the path to the true ending. Now we're in a diner disuccsing the case. But we're actually talking about somebody the whole town knows in public. Why are we talking about this here? There's nobody at my house. Let's talk there!

09-27-2021, 07:12 PM
I'd say in P4's case it is still worth it. Persona 4 is not so much about its plot (which does not mean I think it's bad, don't misunderstand) but about your emotional connection to the characters and its very "lived-in" world. Out of all the Persona games P4's social simulation aspect is by far the strongest and I don't think that part is ruined by the spoilers. I also think that's why P4 is the only Persona game I can play again and again even though I already know every part of it like the back of my hand. It's really good at creating a lived-in environment with likeable characters, making you feel at home in that rural Japanese town... And no spoiler can take that away from you.

10-05-2021, 09:26 PM
i loved this game, i am crazy for this myfiosgateway (https://bit.ly/3iF1vD7)

Regards, b2b spice money (https://spicemoneylogin.in)

10-06-2021, 06:45 AM
Persona 3 is the best one anyway ;)

Depression Moon
10-06-2021, 11:11 PM
Do y'all have any tips for making money in this game? I'm always struggling to buy equipment.

Wolf Kanno
10-07-2021, 04:01 AM
Not really. I think if you sell on a rainy day you get more money. Honestly the economy was my biggest beef in P4. I barely got half the compendium filled in because it just got too damn expensive.