03-14-2022, 06:32 PM
demo is really not doin it for me but the cutscenes are really nice cringe with heavy handed metaphors about memory so i might try it one day
i think the reason its not is because i thought it'd be faster and more dmc like but instead its more like ff7re and soulslike

03-14-2022, 06:41 PM
Jack Garland

03-15-2022, 04:32 AM
Saw the trailer. Reminds me of Kingdom of Amalur though. :bigsmile:

But the dude is called Jack Garland, interesting.

03-29-2022, 10:50 PM
I've played through the tutorial and first mission.

I think it's a nice reimagining of the first Final Fantasy series. I'm sure there are twists in there but I haven't had much time to play.

If I were to compare the gameplay to something, it would probably be something across PSO2 and Dark Souls (but a lot easier). There's auto-lock target which helps you focus your attacks on one target. Then there are a series of options you could do to take down that target. The game does emphasize timing and utilizing the techniques of blocking and dodging to get through most of the enemies in the game.

Off the top of my memory, there's about 3-4 different things you could do to engage in combat:
- Combo attacks
You unlock combos in the game that change the ending combo attack. Generally, you can start with 1-2 normal attacks and it transitions into a combo attack.

IE: R1 > R1 > Combo Name
Hold R1 > Combo Name

Depending on the combinations and if you unlocked the combo, you could unleash powerful attacks.

Hold L1, pretty straightforward

You can hold B (on the Xbox Controller, not sure what PS4 controller is) where you hold out your hand for as long as you have charge. If an enemy attacks you in that moment, you can counter. You can also use the enemy's technique against them with this system.

You can evade powerful attacks, mainly unblockable attacks.

You can hold two classes and switch on the fly. There are a lot of different classes in the game that are unlocked through leveling. They all have different trees. You'd press "Y" to switch up class. Very useful if you find out you have a particular play style or if you need to vary up melee range and ranged attacks.

It's a challenging game but not as challenging as a Souls game. The controls feel pretty nice and you won't run into the problem of queuing up commands and having them execute so you won't get punished too harshly for button mashing.

For the price point, I'd recommend a sale. These games typically go on sale pretty quickly. Unless you are a big fan of Final Fantasy or have extra money to burn, you can pinch it off of Epic. Since I'm the latter, I bought it and have been playing it when I have time.

I hope that gives some people a better insight into their purchasing decision.

04-04-2022, 11:12 AM
How do you feel about the story and character? It is good that Square is adapting to what modern players want (Soul-Like gameplay), but I myself see FF games as one with good storyline and character development. The challenging part is alway secondary to me. :bigsmile:

Lone Wolf Leonhart
04-10-2022, 03:54 PM
This game just wasn't for me. I didn't try the demo or anything, but the trailers were enough for me to just say "nah".

I'd say more, but jamming out to this Limp Bizkit ringtone has drained my phone battery. Now all I can do is kill Chaos with no service.

04-21-2022, 08:39 PM
I finished this game days ago after 26 hours of gameplay! Score 7 for me

Favourite party: Jack (SAMURAI/NiNJA), Sophia (DRAGOON), Neon (RED MAGE)

I liked Boss Battles, Ost from old FF and classes

04-22-2022, 02:17 AM
How is the story like?

04-22-2022, 07:59 AM
How is the story like?

Boring during the first part but I was surprised at the end after a "plot twist" about Garland True identity :)

11-18-2022, 03:20 PM
Ordered this game yesterday on PS5 as it was in a sale. The demo seemed enjoyable.