View Full Version : This is dedicated to all Oldies

03-16-2022, 10:47 AM
Hi, if you are reading this, you should be one of those oldies back due to various reasons (hiatus, lurking, in Discord...etc). Over the years, we have all changed and moved on but if you are here, I reckoned you still have feelings for this place as well as the people you got to know from here. Unfortunately, I am not sure what will happen to this place in the future but however, if you would just drop a post about yourself on how you have been doing, the next person that drop by here might just be a friend of yours (or a curious acquittance) from the past and he/she will feel contented knowing what happened to you. Likewise, he/she does the same and continue the cycle. I also understand you may also be back to relieve some old memories from the threads & posts here but searching & scrolling through heaps of data is too much of a pain. So please do also help to share those memorable threads here and dun hoard everything to yourself. Eventually, we will have a convenient threads library here for everyone.

I will start:

Hey there, Christmas here, the physical manifestation of everyone's collective imagination. I have been doing fine. Have a decent job, decent pay, decent house, a decent family and most importantly, a decent health. Overall, life has been pretty decent but hardly play game (like FF) though due to adulthood taking over. I have left this place every now and then but I have never share with anyone the reasons but however, I have never truly forgotten about this place and will still continue visiting as long as the site still stands! Although those people that were close to me hardly or never interact with me anymore, the fond memories of our good old days live rent free in my mind.

Here are some threads that I think are worth sharing:

Psychotic's Sims 2 Thread. Pretty hilarious I would said especially the last episode, I literally ROFL.

Psychotic's EoFF Game. I admit. I have yet to install and play it. But judging from what I gathered, it is really good. Take a look!

RSL Day 2009! Which is EoFF Anniversary BTW

Shlup's Sims Thread. A spiritual successor to Psychotic's with better graphics and less gore!

Tell me how to play FFVI - A collective effort of a EOFF official visual guide (Some images' link are broken though)

Supposedly a farewell thread turned into something else. Think you can find Psychotic's game predecessor in it and some other stuff that really ancient oldies appreciate.

Agent Proto's Tomodachi Life: Life on Eyeson Island! A cuter version of the Sims! Do check it out! :kaoclove:

Del Murder's Positive Life Thread - Quite therapeutic I would say.

Pike's The Ongoing Adventures of Teedus and Wakka - I LOL-ed

LITTLE MANUS' Let's Play Resident Evil 2 badly - it is as bad as his life.

Wolf Kanno Spooky Story Contest! Vote for your favorite story - :scared:


Psychotic Sims 3 Thread - Never gets old!

Threads Contribution by Dr Acula (http://home.eyesonff.com/member.php/23943-Dr-Acula)

Necronopticous' FF IV - Ah, The Power of Cheese - I read a bit. Still funny. A lot of the links are dead. You can view the whole thing in this website. http://bastardly.org/power_of_cheese/episodes.html

Threads by Member Future Esthar. - I was a fan since 2005!

Thread Contribution by Quin

Riddle by Thingfish - Many Years ago I tried to solve it. :(

To minimize the hassle of scrolling, I will update the threads that you share in the first post (or a staff can do it if I am not around). I will also add more when my memories come back to me.

Welcome Oldies and please utilize this thread as a Diary for all of EoFF.

Quindiana Jones
03-16-2022, 02:28 PM
I've never been so deeply wronged as when I found myself not in Death of a Fansite :(

03-16-2022, 03:14 PM
waiting for Death of a Fansite REmake

03-17-2022, 02:02 AM
Jack Garland

Dr. Acula
03-17-2022, 03:24 AM
Thanks for making this thread, Christmas!

The last few years have been a rollercoaster. After working in a succession of crummy jobs I finally decided that marketing wasn't what I wanted to do and decided to go back to University to get my Masters degree in Linguistics. Last year I won a scholarship to do research over the summer period, which I'm hoping to publish sometime this year. I also just submitted this research to present at a conference in Poland (remotely, obvs) and am hoping to submit it to a conference in Italy later in the year.

So yeah, it's been wild few years in my quest for domination in the cutthroat world of academia.


Anything by Future Esthar.

I couldn't find the FF4 "Power of Cheese" thread, which is a shame cause that's my favourite.

03-17-2022, 10:12 AM
Thanks for making this thread, Christmas!

The last few years have been a rollercoaster. After working in a succession of crummy jobs I finally decided that marketing wasn't what I wanted to do and decided to go back to University to get my Masters degree in Linguistics. Last year I won a scholarship to do research over the summer period, which I'm hoping to publish sometime this year. I also just submitted this research to present at a conference in Poland (remotely, obvs) and am hoping to submit it to a conference in Italy later in the year.

So yeah, it's been wild few years in my quest for domination in the cutthroat world of academia.


Anything by Future Esthar.

I couldn't find the FF4 "Power of Cheese" thread, which is a shame cause that's my favourite.

We got a scholar in the house! :kaoclove:

I have updated the thread with more entries including yours (That is the power of cheese you were looking for, right?) :bigsmile:

Dr. Acula
03-17-2022, 11:02 AM
Yesss! Although it looks like the pictures don't load anymore :(

Quindiana Jones
03-24-2022, 04:58 PM
Thingfish's Riddle (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/68276-Thingfish-s-Riddle?highlight=thingfish) is still a masterpiece of a thread.

Quindiana Jones
05-02-2022, 09:10 PM
I've never been so deeply wronged as when I found myself not in Death of a Fansite :(

I've found myself corrected and would like to offer a formal apology to Psychotic.

05-03-2022, 01:20 AM
You must thank me for this. I demand gratitude from you as it is my entitlement. :chocobo:

05-08-2022, 03:43 AM

05-16-2022, 01:17 PM
I'm surprised this place is still around nearly all the fan final fantasy sites I was a member of back in my middle school days are gone. And of course it changed so much from way back in the day.

05-16-2022, 01:40 PM
Dropbar on the bottom left of every page. EOFF classic forum skin. It's all I ever use.

Dignified Pauper
06-08-2022, 12:50 PM
I am angry that none of my threads were included here.

Loony BoB
06-09-2022, 02:43 PM
Christmas was going to add your threads in but she Marick'ed it.

12-12-2022, 09:12 PM
It’s literally almost Christmas. So, where’s Christmas?

01-26-2023, 08:31 PM
So like, I doubt anyone will remember me. But I'm that guy who leaves and comes back several years later. I was more active on the FFL forums.

As for me, I've been having a nostalgia kick lately. I've logged into my AIM for the first time in forever (no one was on), recovered my LJ account and was reading all that. I've downloaded and played a few games that I used to play back in the day (still active in iRO) and just been reliving the past for a little bit. And that's what led me here...

Quindiana Jones
01-26-2023, 10:15 PM

Congrats on your second post. This is the Year of Rising Eizon :cool:

Loony BoB
01-27-2023, 04:18 PM
oh man, reading back through LiveJournal is such a painful experience for all kinds of reasons

01-29-2023, 03:32 AM
This thread really serve its purpose! :bigsmile:

01-30-2023, 04:34 PM
oh man, reading back through LiveJournal is such a painful experience for all kinds of reasons

I didn't even want to finish reading mine. It's so cringworthy.


Congrats on your second post. This is the Year of Rising Eizon :cool:

I actually had more than 2 posts. All my other posts and threads got washed away in time. If I had to guess, I probably would be up to a grand total of 30 by now. :D

02-03-2023, 03:58 AM

03-12-2023, 01:06 PM
I'm doing well, thank you. Have a respectable career, respectable salary, respectable home, respectable family, and most importantly, respectable health. Generally, life has been very good, albeit I don't play games much anymore (like Final Fantasy) because adulthood has taken over. I occasionally left this place, but I've never told anyone why. Despite this, I've never really forgotten about it, and I'll keep coming back as long as the site is still there. Even if the folks who used to be close to me barely ever or never speak to me now, the pleasant recollections of our earlier times remain tenancy-free in my memory. (https://laptopswiki.com/how-can-i-charge-my-laptop-in-the-car/)

03-12-2023, 08:25 PM
Do I count?

Loony BoB
03-13-2023, 11:49 AM
Do I count?
I don't know, do you? :count:

03-14-2023, 06:36 AM
Are we doing Dad's jokes now?

03-23-2023, 08:21 AM
I don't know if I can truly classify myself as an 'oldie', at least not in terms of EoFF forum membership...

That said, I joined in 2008, and despite only posting 100-ish times between then and now (with most of those being early on) I certainly have a little soft spot for this place.

Heath was the one who convinced me to join, since we'd both been members of other FF forums (in fact, I ran a vaguely prominent one myself for a short period, but that's a different story). Something about an exodus from Fools Gold?...

The details of my membership elude me, but the genuine camaraderie of this place seems to never fade. It's great that it's still up, and that this corner of the web stands strong against the homogenisation of web communities.

My avatar - never changed since sign-up - is a sign of the approach I took to posting here. Not just silly and irreverent, but with a style that jars a little (much like the Villa team that David O'Leary managed). I'm always struck by people who use humour well to lubricate their message into the cranial capacity of others, and this place was full of people who could do that.

Humour being a sign of intelligence, it's no surprise that I equally enjoyed lurking in the threads on serious issues, watching the debate spark with very little space allowed for malice or bad faith. Can you imagine a debate around a serious topic on a free-for-all Facebook group? Actually, don't imagine that - you'll give yourself a headache.

For me, signing back into a forum you once frequented is less about where you are but more about who you are. I suspect many members my age just won't be able to make engaging here again a priority, but that doesn't mean we can't find a quiet joy by slowly and carefully retreading the paths we once danced along carefree.

As far as I'm concerned, we haven't changed. We'd still engage with the same freedom and warmth and regularity, were we able to. We'd still play the same series of games with dedication, and revere them as a small part of our very identity, given the chance.

We're still the same people who signed up almost two decades ago. This forum acts as a small needle, helping us sew a thread backwards through our history to help us keep contact with the child within.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

03-27-2023, 05:31 PM
I recently retrieved my LJ account and signed into my AIM for the first time in a very long time while no one else was online. I've relived the past for a brief while by downloading and playing a few games that I used to play back in the day (some of them are still active on iRO). (https://iigggames.com/)

03-28-2023, 01:16 AM
I recently retrieved my LJ account and signed into my AIM for the first time in a very long time while no one else was online. I've relived the past for a brief while by downloading and playing a few games that I used to play back in the day (some of them are still active on iRO).If you really want to be a convincing bot you probably shouldn't claim to have recently signed into a service that doesn't exist.

05-11-2023, 04:57 AM
Six years ago I found reddit and became addicted to fake internet points. Turns out EoFF was my gateway website. Thanks for those of you who boosted the confidence of a insecure teen voting him most underated, and those who taught him humility when he was nominated for most over rated.

I have a decent job and pretty chill life all things considered.

To all those I argued with where I was wrong: Sorry Ive learned and grown to be a better person and your comments were most likely a part of that process even if it didnt seem like it at the time. A lot of my posts are probably the ramblings of a young man trying to seem more expereinced and mature.
To all those I argued with where I turned out to be right: HA I told you so.

PS. I was gay the whole time.

Dignified Pauper
07-14-2023, 02:21 AM
Still mad the thread wasn't updated to have one of my posts in it.

08-26-2023, 06:29 AM
This is actually my first post since 2009. Thought I was dead and buried? Shame on you. Can't keep a good Slade down (I said the thing!).

I've lurked a couple of times over the past so many years but never did anything more than that (the explosion of social media over the last 14/15 years really put a damper on forum-life). Well, I'm possibly back now. New shiny avatar and everything. Some of you might remember me from back then or earlier. I think I joined in 2004 and was super active up until my demise in 2009.

I won't bore y'all with what I do these days (somewhere between hit-man and bicycle repairman) but I'm pretty much spending most of my free time writing and illustrating a graphic novel with some other art ventures on the side. I work other jobs for bill paying and whatnot (obviously), but art is still my main thing in life.

As for the reason for coming back, I had a weird thought today about the forum. Sort of out of nowhere. Call it "a nostalgic calling" and decided to log back in to see what it was like. In all honesty, it's great to see so many people I remember interacting with back in the day still on here. Here it comes...... it like COMING HOME! Ugh....

So anyway, hi again everyone. Maybe I'll stick around. Maybe I'll disappear for another fourteen years.... (I'll try not to. I promise) but either way, it's good (and simultaneously weird considering how long it's been) to be back!

08-29-2023, 10:41 AM
It's probably been 20 years since I joined and I'll always have a soft spot for EoFF. It's nice to pop back on occasion and see some familiar names :)

I'm doing very well and still picking up each installment of final fantasy as well as replaying any that have trophies to get the platinum! FF9 skipping still haunts me.

I've got a lovely boyfriend and two lovely cats :D Good job, nice house and a car that only falls apart occasionally.

I hope the good folk of EoFF (new and old) are doing well.

Smile and Be happy :love:

01-09-2024, 03:37 AM
I made a baby! https://photos.app.goo.gl/1MVBbKwgKPzjXsBB6

01-13-2024, 09:18 AM
I made a baby! https://photos.app.goo.gl/1MVBbKwgKPzjXsBB6Congratulations! I wish you many years of joy :)

Rydia of Mist
03-18-2024, 02:56 AM
Somebody said something about oldies?

Loony BoB
03-18-2024, 03:39 PM
I genuinely thought the next time I ran into you would be on Twitch, again :D

Rydia of Mist
03-18-2024, 08:32 PM
I genuinely thought the next time I ran into you would be on Twitch, again :D
I'm nothing if not inconsistent. :D

Del Murder
03-19-2024, 12:16 AM
Hi Rydia!

I am curious what some of the 'first generation' EoFFers think when they see this place now. Although the forums activity is mostly gone, the place still more or less looks the same as it did in the mid-2000s, and most of those posts are still here. I can still come here and be reminded of what I did and felt 10-20 years ago.

But for those first two years, the forums changed a lot and most of that activity was not saved. And many of those people moved on not long after. I can't exactly remember if you were one of those Rydia but your name brings back memories of that bygone era. :D

03-20-2024, 01:07 PM
Lot's of old join dates with low post counts. See you guys in another 10-20 years, I hope.

Rydia of Mist
03-24-2024, 03:36 PM
Hi Rydia!

I am curious what some of the 'first generation' EoFFers think when they see this place now. Although the forums activity is mostly gone, the place still more or less looks the same as it did in the mid-2000s, and most of those posts are still here. I can still come here and be reminded of what I did and felt 10-20 years ago.

But for those first two years, the forums changed a lot and most of that activity was not saved. And many of those people moved on not long after. I can't exactly remember if you were one of those Rydia but your name brings back memories of that bygone era. :D

It's funky; my join date was definitely before 2003, and there are old posts in my profile that show so. Not sure why it shows as 2003 here. :shrug: It's definitely on the slow side now; the age of forum activity has given way to things like X, Discord, Reddit, and so on. Big, wide swathes of massive site activity instead of curated communities. I miss the prevalence of places that felt like actual communities like this one, as opposed to renting space in a skyscraper.

Loony BoB
03-26-2024, 02:15 AM
I wonder how easily we could figure out when you joined? Your oldest remaining post is July 2001, but you also won Best CK in August 2001, so I'm confident you were around a good amount of time before then...

EDIT: Thanks to my old chat logs I used to save (and have kept ever since), I can confirm I mentioned to someone about getting your phone number in Feb 2001. xD I've updated it to then but I bet we can find something more accurate somewhere. Wayback Machine has failed me but I do have my IRC logs on my dormant PC... I should migrate them to this one sometime.

04-21-2024, 02:52 PM
This is why ppl dun stay on this site

07-03-2024, 08:48 PM
I come back every few years to see if people I used to talk to are still alive and doing OK.

It's so nice to be able to come back here every now and then, I'm glad the lights are still on.

07-23-2024, 06:50 AM
Mitch, me boy!

How's life treating you? Been a long time :spin:

08-08-2024, 06:30 AM
Hey everyone! Been a long time. I mostly hung out in General and the FF1 forum. Hope everyone is doing well. I've just began my 11th year (!) of teaching, I also moved to Las Vegas two years ago. Life is good! I hope all of you are doing well, too. <3

08-22-2024, 03:48 PM
I genuinely just remembered this place was a thing, ha. I've never been a regular despite joining over twenty years ago.

09-02-2024, 09:39 PM
I've been replaying FFVIII recently and feeling massively nostalgic. I was genuinely shocked when I realised I probably first played that game almost 25 years ago. Games like Space Invaders are 25 years old, right, not peak Playstation games? FFVIII was never my favourite, but I'm enjoying it so much, and I feel a genuine attachment to the characters and their slightly cheesy 90s vibes in a way I never did before ('....Whatever'). I've just done the visit to Trabia Garden and the flashback, so probably appropriate I'm now having my own flashback!

EoFF always has a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to see it's still alive and people are doing well. So much is different for me, for everyone, and the world from how it was when a socially awkward Brit joined in June 2002. While I've seen and experienced so much since, part of me misses being a teenager, posting here on a Saturday night, and whiling away hours here or on #eoff. Oh that, and perennially coming runner up in those CK competitions. Surely it's my turn soon, right?

I do pop back occasionally to see how the place is doing. And I'm glad to see familiar faces still here. I miss you, but hope you're all safe and well wherever life since EoFF's heyday has taken you.

09-04-2024, 05:11 PM
I've been replaying FFVIII recently and feeling massively nostalgic. I was genuinely shocked when I realised I probably first played that game almost 25 years ago. Games like Space Invaders are 25 years old, right, not peak Playstation games? FFVIII was never my favourite, but I'm enjoying it so much, and I feel a genuine attachment to the characters and their slightly cheesy 90s vibes in a way I never did before ('....Whatever'). I've just done the visit to Trabia Garden and the flashback, so probably appropriate I'm now having my own flashback!

EoFF always has a special place in my heart, and I'm glad to see it's still alive and people are doing well. So much is different for me, for everyone, and the world from how it was when a socially awkward Brit joined in June 2002. While I've seen and experienced so much since, part of me misses being a teenager, posting here on a Saturday night, and whiling away hours here or on #eoff. Oh that, and perennially coming runner up in those CK competitions. Surely it's my turn soon, right?

I do pop back occasionally to see how the place is doing. And I'm glad to see familiar faces still here. I miss you, but hope you're all safe and well wherever life since EoFF's heyday has taken you.
I'm surprised to see you still alive and sane given that Everton is now a performance art piece to drive its supporters to abject misery.

09-09-2024, 08:11 AM
It has really been forever. :bigsmile:

09-13-2024, 03:25 PM
I love this site and everyone on it. :blush: