View Full Version : Morrowind has made me love gaming again.

Quindiana Jones
05-17-2022, 12:28 PM
I recently started playing Morrowind using OpenMW and their One Day Modernise overhaul (https://modding-openmw.com/lists/one-day-morrowind-modernization/), and it's such a god damn delight. I always struggled with Morrowind, despite many members' enthusiasm for it (hi pike!), and just couldn't get into it.

I've been deeply unenthused with gaming for a while lately, and I honestly thought I must have grown out of it or something. Maybe I just didn't like playing games anymore?

But no. Morrowind is a delight and a genuine masterpiece. OpenMW in particular is so god damn smooth and beautiful, I love it.

I think I'm going to be exploring some of that early 2000 era of gaming more. Going to get my Thief on, try some Arx Fatalis, etc. Also recently picked up the Gloomwood demo, which has been a joy to play.

I don't necessarily know what the topic of this thread is! I just really wanted to gush xD

What are your All Time Top 5? What's been your favourite game of the past 5 years? Nerd out about Morrowind with me? I'm not sure xD

I think my Top 5, disorganised, would be Dark Souls 1, FF9, Disco Elysium, Morrowind, and something else. Not sure what has final slot!

05-17-2022, 12:57 PM

Quindiana Jones
05-17-2022, 02:14 PM
Because Skyrim is shiiiiiiiit, mate.

I am thinking I might give the Wildlander overhaul (https://www.wildlandermod.com/) a go at some point, but it can't change much about the shitey fucking writing and quests xD

Dr. Acula
05-18-2022, 12:12 AM
I tried Morrowind once but, like you, I wasn't super impressed. But that sounds awesome! Maybe I'll give it another go :D

05-18-2022, 02:32 AM
Morrowind is so much better than Skyrim that it is laughable that they are in the same game lineage.

05-18-2022, 09:14 AM
Actually I wanted to try Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind (I started from Oblivion). Heard Morrowind is the one that started the hype.

Maybe after I am done with FFX/X-2 Remasters. :bigsmile:

05-18-2022, 05:29 PM
I played Morrowind almost every day for an entire year, even completely unmodded for at least the first nine months. I would never want to go back to it because I don't know if I could escape again. That's both an endorsement and a warning.

Skyrim, meanwhile, I return to every now and again if I feel like trying out new mods. I've modded it into 3 completely different games at this point, one of which was basically Bloodborne, running a lot of Japanese mods that took forever to figure out. But I get tired of figuring out the load order for 600+ mods and taking up 150 gigs on a drive every time I want to go back to it. Morrowind would be much simpler to reinstall and- NO, DON'T TEMPT ME

Quindiana Jones
05-18-2022, 05:56 PM
The One Day Modernise takes about 5-6 hours, is exceedingly simple, and completely elevates Morrowind without sacrificing its core design and intentions.

Jus' sayin'.

join me

Also we can play Morrowind multiplayer if you want. xD

05-18-2022, 10:47 PM
join me


Quindiana Jones
05-18-2022, 11:10 PM
At least tell me Morrowind things, then.

What was your build? What did you do? What was your favourite memory of it? :D

05-19-2022, 02:35 AM
I'm always kinda tempted to play Morrowind again but I would have to spend hours and hours heavily modding it and getting it all to work. Much like Skyrim, really.

05-19-2022, 04:07 AM
What was your build? What did you do? What was your favourite memory of it? :D

I tried almost every build I could think of, I must have put at least 1000 hours into it. And I did everything there was to do. Everything. You know that old copypasta about the guy in Far Cry or Crysis or whatever game it was, murdering the chicken in 1000 different ways? I did that in Morrowind, but with every quest, every item, every npc. My favorite memory was near the end of my time with the game, when I used various exploits to somehow get myself a spell that did ridiculous amounts of fire damage in an explosion with an absolutely massive radius, then go to every city and murder everyone in each instance with a single cast. Every building, every town center, every dungeon. Just massacred. Took me a whole day, and I'm pretty sure I murdered everyone capable of being found and murdered. It was like my final farewell to the game.