View Full Version : The Income Thread

07-07-2022, 01:27 PM
No, this isn't about comparing who has a higher income. Instead, it is about those that are living the EoFF dream of not needing an income and play games all day long! So what is the longest duration you spent playing games without an income?

PS: Only Del needs an steady stream of income around here because we need him to continue funding this site. So he is not allowed to live the EoFF dream.

Quindiana Jones
07-07-2022, 01:57 PM
Other than vacation and such, which I would argue are not sans income, I don't think I've ever spent time playing games without an income since leaving full time education.

My latter two years of uni I definitely dossed about completely, so probably then when was biggest gamer lyf moment, i.e. super fat and depressed with just the worst human hygiene, playing video games and not doing anything productive xD

Dr. Acula
07-08-2022, 06:58 AM
It was fairly recently, actually. I was unemployed for most of the first half of this year, so I spent a lot of time gaming (though I was studying too, so I'm not sure if that counts...)

07-09-2022, 05:49 AM
My latter two years of uni I definitely dossed about completely, so probably then when was biggest gamer lyf moment, i.e. super fat and depressed with just the worst human hygiene, playing video games and not doing anything productive xD


07-10-2022, 01:18 AM
Longest I ever spent without "working" is right now! Owning a bar means income is mostly passive. I go in from time to time to do inventory and coach management, but that's about it. Sometimes I'll help with training new employees, but our work environment is so agreeable that our turnover is tiny, so we're almost never hiring. We kinda consider ourselves "rehab" for people who have been burned in the food business before, a lot of our kitchen staff's conversations are just about how much they hated their previous jobs and how much they love this place. Our store makes barely over $1m a year so we can't really pay super high, so we don't expect people to stay forever, but we can do our best to make them enjoy life while they're here.

Unfortunately I don't enjoy playing video games nearly as much as I used to, so I only play them in short bursts. Sometimes I even feel like I have to force myself to play them, which is sorta the opposite of what games are supposed to be. Mostly I just spend my free time being a public nuisance with my roommates while waiting for my health to fully fail :razz: