View Full Version : Genji Glove

Lone Wolf Leonhart
08-28-2022, 06:29 PM
In this game, wearing the Genji Glove allows you to wield two weapons at once.

Which character in another FF game do you think would benefit the most from dual wielding?

Hear me out: Give Wakka 2 blitzballs.

Wolf Kanno
08-29-2022, 09:44 AM
Barring games where Dual-wield exists in some form (including 2X-Materia) I feel the three most interesting options would be...

Quistis being able to use two whips and get two attacks per round. Would honestly make her a bit more ideal for party builds.

Steiner would be kind of amusing and scary at the same time. Most people focus too much on the 9999 skills that they forget that Steiner is actually a scary powerhouse. Dual-Wield make him even scarier.

Balthier in FFXII, though I don't necessarily feel he needs a power boost, I just think it would have been a cool hint to his history as a Judge since Duel-Wielding appears to be a unique fighting style seen only in Archades.

08-29-2022, 02:09 PM
I think whoever that wanks most will benefit a lot. :bigsmile: