View Full Version : FFVIII-2: Welcome to Adulthood

09-18-2022, 04:17 AM
So how do you think adult life will be treating the FFVIII crew after the game ends? This is how VIII-2 will go:

Caraway would be the new leader of Galbadia and relationship will intensify with the Laguna led Esthar. Inflation is at a new high and the world became very angry.

Squall would be left divided between his father and future father in law. Plus a new human rights group that emerged to call for a stop of child soldier grooming by the Gardens, he is struggling with both personal and corporate leadership duties. He have gone bald like a 40 years old and pee blood due to the immerse stress. :(

Rinoa would have left Squall back to her rich general dad as he is unable to substain her lavish lifestyle of Deling city high tea, facial, dog grooming, hair treatments..etc. :(

Quistis is facing a mid life crisis as she contemplating to quit her instructor job to be an influencer as her current career is going nowhere. :(

Selphie found out that she is bisexual and is three timing Xu, Irvine and a T-rex from the training centre. :(

Zell needs to choose between hotodgs and marrying the pigtail library girl as he could only afford one. :(

Irvine became depressed due to Selphie's infidelity and turned to drugs and alcohol. :(

Seifer and his crew became successful fishermen and created the Shinra Fishing Company. They are the one that fund the human rights group mentioned earlier. :(

You will play as PuPu the alien laughing at their plights and make things worse for everyone. :bigsmile:

Lone Wolf Leonhart
09-18-2022, 04:31 AM
You will play as PuPu the alien laughing at their plights and make things worse for everyone. :bigsmile:

This sounds like Christmas Fantasy VIII.