View Full Version : It warms my heart to see this place still alive 10 years after my last activity....

02-06-2023, 02:10 PM
...just reporting in. Hi i am still alive. Is this the only big ff site that still has a running forum?
Hope this place is still around in 2033

ps. has anyone seen roogle

Lone Wolf Leonhart
02-07-2023, 05:20 AM
ps. has anyone seen roogle

He's still around. I don't know if he comes on here anymore, but he's tweeted within the past couple months.

Loony BoB
02-12-2023, 01:23 PM
If I recall correctly, Roogle was active on Facebook back when I had Facebook, so uhh.... 3 years ago. xD

His last post was many years ago, so at least on that level he's inactive here...

02-12-2023, 01:37 PM
There is another FF Site with a forum too if i rmb. We are the last two. The last of us! :(

Loony BoB
02-12-2023, 07:34 PM
looks like Christmas is keeping their forum alive, too.