View Full Version : WK's FF marathon

Wolf Kanno
03-08-2023, 06:44 AM
A few of you know this, but I'm doing my own FF marathon, my gimmick is that I'm doing them backwards. Started with FFXV, and I'll mostly be going backwards, except with the MMOs.

I'm not an MMO fan, and I'm very slow with them. So I'll likely try to tackle XI first, before jumping into XIV. Partly because I have a subscription to XI still from Fynn's play through last year, and partly because I doubt I would be able to appreciate XI as much if I play XIV first.

I am debating about tackling Type-0 next, before I jump into FFXIII :crying2:

I'm hoping this marathon will spark my passion to finish the half dozen writing projects I still have lying around the forum... :wcanoe:

Final Thoughts:
FFXIII (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/174733-Replaying-FFXIII?p=3720194#post3720194) /XIII-2 (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/174761-WK-Plays-FFXIII-2?p=3720805&viewfull=1#post3720805) / Lightning Returns
FFXV (http://home.eyesonff.com/showthread.php/174711-Replaying-FFXV?p=3719621&viewfull=1#post3719621)

03-08-2023, 05:38 PM
In my experience, a marathon can actually do a lot to eat up any time and motivation to finish your writing projects ^^;

Wolf Kanno
03-09-2023, 03:28 AM
Well, I'm talking about my FF related writing projects.^^;

03-11-2023, 02:07 PM
FFXV had so much potential. :(

Wolf Kanno
03-27-2023, 04:50 AM
XV is done, link to my final thoughts in the first post. XIII is next...

03-27-2023, 01:42 PM
All 3 of them?

Wolf Kanno
03-27-2023, 04:47 PM
All 3 of them?

I am going to attempt to do it.

Vincent, Thunder God
03-28-2023, 04:08 AM
Good luck.

03-28-2023, 09:40 AM
Thankfully they only get better as they go

03-28-2023, 11:25 AM
I am divided with FF I as well. :(

Wolf Kanno
05-12-2023, 09:10 AM
FFXIII is done, final thoughts will be linked to the first post when finished. Going to take a quick break before attempting XIII-2.

Loony BoB
05-15-2023, 11:54 PM
Will you be playing FFXVI on release, or will you slot it in somewhere in the middle/end?

Wolf Kanno
05-16-2023, 05:00 AM
Will you be playing FFXVI on release, or will you slot it in somewhere in the middle/end?

I'll need a PS5 for XVI, and that's frankly not in the cards at the moment. I'll probably start thinking about picking one of those up next year at the earliest.

Wolf Kanno
12-09-2023, 07:53 AM
Both FFXIII and XIII-2 reviews are up. Not sure when I'm going to start Lightning Returns.

12-09-2023, 12:13 PM
Was fun following your XIII-2 runthrough. I enjoyed it more than XIII myself though not enough to ever feel like revisiting it. LR on the other hand I dropped after one play session and never returned to so... good luck and have fun with that one.

Wolf Kanno
12-09-2023, 06:33 PM
Yeah, XIII-2 was more fun than the original, bu not good enough that I'll be revisiting it anytime soon. I feel the XIII trilogy will likely remain he low point of the series for me for some time. Will be interesting to see how these games change my opinions on earlier entries or not.

Wolf Kanno
12-10-2023, 05:54 AM
Here's a rundown of what I'm feeling going into the next entries.

Lightning Returns ~ Can't say I'm excited for his one, but maybe it will surprise me.
FFXII ~ I wish I was a little more excited for this one, but I played it not too long ago, so it's one of the games that is freshest in my mind. I may either do one of the specialty modes to make it more interesting for me.
FFXI ~ I can't say this game has been hooking me. I need to get back onto this one.
FFX ~ I am surprisingly looking forward to this one. It's been close to a decade since I last played it and I've had FFXIII to take its place as my leas favorite. So perhaps my opinion of the game will be different. I will also get a chance to play the International version, so perhaps that will spice things up for me.
X-2 ~ The plan is to pick up where I left off in my other playthrough thread, so around Chapter 3. I don't feel like starting this one over.
IX ~ The PS1 entry I'm looking forward to playing the most. It has been a hot minute since I last played it.
VIII ~ Also looking forward to this one. I will probably give myself a bit of a handicap to make it interesting. I'm thinking of restricting myself to one se of a spell for the whole party.
VII ~ I played his one before the Remake came out, so it's one of the more recent replays I've done before I started this marathon.
VIIR ~ I'm no sure if I'm going to do his one yet. If I did, likely just going o do the NG+ to move it along faster.
VI ~ Pixel Remaster baby! I have actually not done a full playthrough of this game since the GBA version.
V ~ I also have the PR version, but I may try to finish my Let's play if I feel ambitious.
IV ~ Also really looking forward to this one. I haven' touched his game since I was doing research for the Retrospective article and I have the PR version now.
TAY ~ I never finished this one and I feel I just need to restart anyway. Going to have to hook my Wii back up because I am not buying it again.
III ~ Let's see how the PR version measures up o the DS and Famicom versions.
II ~ Also see how his measures up o the Origins version. Probably the entry that's been the longest since I've replayed.
I ~ Haven' played this since Operation Rainfall and it will be interesting to see how the PR version measures up to the other versions.
XIV? ~ Depends on if I finish XI.
XVI ~ Probably not happening for a while. I don't have a PS5 and have little reason to bother with it at the moment.
Ivalice entries? Totally going to depend on whether I'm feeling burnout by the end. Even then, I'm skipping RW and would likely just stick to the three main Tactics entries. Don't get your hopes up.
Compilation of VII ~ I do have Crisis Core but ehh... Not going to bother with this one.

12-11-2023, 01:45 AM
I would probably recommend a walkthrough on hand if it's your first runthrough with "Lightning Returns". The ticking clock dynamic can be a real pain in the tail on first playthrough and if you go at it blind you're likely going to have to play through it twice (which, if you're not enjoying it can be a little rough) so you can manage your time better. I wouldn't follow the walkthrough to the letter, as that would suck all the joy out of the playthrough, but do what I did when I replayed it recently and glance at the walkthrough every once in a while for main quests that are taking too long to work out so as you can complete them in a timely fashion.

"Lightning Returns" can be a really fun time when you know what you're doing. I liked it a lot more than XIII-2 once I knew how to stack my time properly.

12-15-2023, 09:02 AM
Lightning Returns is the only actual good game in this trilogy imo. I’d say the time is very liberal and I would actually advise against following a guide unless you’re really struggling with some sidequests. I actually really enjoyed the fact that you can fail some quests because you’re in the wrong place in the wrong time and you get an actual dedicated fail state rather than just not getting rewards. Makes it feel every playthrough more meaningful

12-17-2023, 06:44 AM
That's fair. I just know that my first playthrough was pretty frustrating due to the time thing. But then, I'm one of those people that get frustrated with time in real life so perhaps it was too close to home? :lol: I only really looked at a guide when things were getting too close to crunch time and I just wasn't seeing what it was I was supposed to do (usually anxiety driven). And only for the main story tasks for each location.

Lightning Returns is probably my second fav of the trilogy after XIII. I actually failed the whole game first time through due to screwing up the very first mission in the first town with the religious fanatics. But on my second playthrough I had an absolute blast the entire game. I think it's an acquired taste, tbh.

Loony BoB
12-17-2023, 06:44 PM
There was a certain point in LR that I was able to, without needing a walkthrough, have time pretty much perpetually paused and as such would get to points that I realised I had to stop doing that just to allow time to pass.

Honestly, playing other games that have a clock, I really wish they did something similar to what LR did. I'm looking at Persona, Stardew, etc. I hate games where you want to spend more time on a day and you're simply not allowed to because time seems to move at supersonic speed.