View Full Version : ***MARK YOUR SPOILERS***

Loony BoB
06-21-2023, 10:48 PM
A general reminder to people that if you type something that will spoil the game for others you may be 'drunktanked' or banned from EoFF.

You can, however, get away with talking about spoiler related stuff by simply marking your spoilers.

Here's an example of how you do that:

Type this:

Scooby Doo being the first character we meet in the game it really broke my immersion.

Get this (click it to see the spoiler text):

Scooby Doo being the first character we meet in the game it really broke my immersion.

Try to be as specific as you can be without actually adding spoilers into the way you describe your spoilers.

Examples of good spoiler tags:
Wow, I never imagined we'd fight our best friend!
All those people dying was so tragic, I can't believe the losses.
I never knew Jimmy Joe Joe Shabadoo would actually be his real name.

Examples of bad spoiler tags:
Give away the boss: Wow I never imagined we'd fight our best friend!
All those people dying was so tragic, I can't believe the losses.
I never knew Jimmy Joe Joe Shabadoo would actually be his real name.

For posters: Basically, don't give stuff away, and don't assume everyone plays at the same speed as you. Just try to be as careful as possible, but still specific enough that you feel people should understand if they know what you're referring to. Hopefully the game will have chapters in which case we can say "in chapter two" or something, but if it doesn't, we'll have to just try our best!
EDIT: I'm also setting up threads where we can talk about the game so far freely based on story achievements / chapters completed. Within these threads, you can freely discuss anything that has already happened prior to the respective achievement / chapter conclusion. For speculation about what will happen next, please continue to mark this as spoilers within these threads.

And remember, saying "the plot twist" or "that insane moment" is still giving stuff away. You don't need to specify that it's a plot twist or an insane moment. Just say "the plot event" or "the moment" and leave out the hype, let people experience things without expectations.

For readers: When all else fails, if a spoiler tag is too vague for you to know that you've definitely passed that point, click only at your own risk, or don't click at all. Personally I'll probably avoid clicking any spoiler tags until I'm really confident I'm ahead of the point being discussed. If you're really, really nervous about seeing something you shouldn't? Just don't read the forum until you've played the game. Problem solved. :)