View Full Version : web site question on pop up windows

Sita Atis
06-29-2002, 05:05 AM
How do you do it so that when a person clicks the link another window pops up.. it seems like it's done with java or something, but like it pops up without it being another browser you know with the address bar and buttons and stuff, I want it to pop up so that it's just a window that has a page on it instead of browser with the page.

06-29-2002, 06:30 AM
Simple enough. Put TARGET="index.html" after the website address in the tag. So you'll have your A HREF equals, then the site address in quotes. After that put in the above code, and cap it off with the > and continue as usual.

EDIT: I couldn't think of how to write an HTML example before without it actually performing the task EG: making a link here, but Bleys used () instead of <> so I'll just add it in here.

(a href="www.site.com" target="index.html")site(/a)

Squally Leonharty
06-29-2002, 08:10 AM
Basically what Garland said. However, if you want to remove the bars, go here:


06-29-2002, 10:37 AM
Yep, the site which Squally linked to, you just add those extra parameters on the line which opens the window.

Just make sure your site doesn't rely on the pop-ups though, because of the number of people with pop-up blockers or people that dislike pop-ups is quite a few :)

Sita Atis
06-30-2002, 03:21 AM
Do you think I should have this kind of pop up or just make it so the page opens in another browser? Since some of my art pics can be bigger than the main viewing window I thought it'd be best to open it in another browser but I thought maybe another browser is more annoying than a pop up? or just easier just to open in another browser?

06-30-2002, 03:51 AM
I think coth choices are equally valid, but make sure you let people know that the link will open in a new window. I tend to click first, ask questions later when it comes to pop up box X's. Really, the best thing to do would be have it load on the same window. People are typically familiar with the Back button.