View Full Version : colours are teh rox plzkthxluffbai

The Man
08-21-2002, 02:30 AM
<font color=38BCEE>I know it would be very easy to take this overboard, but the list of colours in the .php reply submit button is kinda skimpy. I've found a ton of HTML predefined colours, and I think that list only uses twenty of them.

Anyhow, here's the list I've compiled (you can ignore the HTML colour references if you want; I put those in there for my own edification, and to make sure the colours were really "real," and I'd have to explain why that was necessary with lots of technical jargon and stuff that most of you won't understand and I don't really have time to explain anyway, so yeah. I'm rambling. Woohoo). You can expand the submit reply's colours list if you like with this stuff, I guess. A lot of these colors wouldn't show up for crap against either of the EoFF backgrounds, so including them might not be a good idea, but I'm including all of them anyway.

<font color="black">#000000=black
</font><font color="maroon">#800000=maroon
</font><font color="darkred">#8B0000=darkred
</font><font color="firebrick">#B22222=firebrick
</font><font color="brown">#A52A2A=brown
</font><font color="scarlet">#CA0E00=scarlet
</font><font color="crimson">#DC143C=crimson
</font><font color="red">#FF0000=red
</font><font color="sienna">#A0522D=sienna
</font><font color="chocolate">#D2691E=chocolate
</font><font color="coral">#FF7F50=coral
</font><font color="darkorange">#FF8C00=darkorange
</font><font color="orange">#FFA500=orange
</font><font color="tomato">#FF6347=tomato
</font><font color="goldenrod">#DAA520=goldenrod
</font><font color="sandybrown">#F4A460=sandybrown
</font><font color="olive">#808000=olive
</font><font color="burlywood">#DEB887=burlywood
</font><font color="tan">#D2B48C=tan
</font><font color="gold">#FFD700=gold
</font><font color="yellow">#FFFF00=yellow
</font><font color="beige">#F5F5DC=beige
</font><font color="lightyellow">#FFFFE0=lightyellow
</font><font color="greenyellow">#ADFF2F=greenyellow
</font><font color="lightgreen">#90EE90=lightgreen
</font><font color="chartreuse">#7FFF00=chartreuse
</font><font color="lime">#00FF00=lime
</font><font color="limegreen">#32CD32=limegreen
</font><font color="seagreen">#2E8B57=seagreen
</font><font color="green">#008000=green
</font><font color="darkgreen">#006400=darkgreen
</font><font color="teal">#008080=teal
</font><font color="darkcyan">#008B8B=darkcyan
</font><font color="turquoise">#40E0D0=turquoise
</font><font color="aqua">#00FFFF=aqua, </font><font color="cyan">cyan
</font><font color="aquamarine">#7FFFD2=aquamarine
</font><font color="lightcyan">#E0FFFF=lightcyan
</font><font color="azure">#F0FFFF=azure
</font><font color="lightblue">#ADD8E6=lightblue
</font><font color="skyblue">#87CEEB=skyblue
</font><font color="royalblue">#4169E1=royalblue
</font><font color="blue">#0000FF=blue
</font><font color="darkblue">#00008B=darkblue
</font><font color="midnightblue">#292970=midnightblue
</font><font color="indigo">#4B0082=indigo
</font><font color="purple">#800080=purple
</font><font color="darkmagenta">#8B008B=darkmagenta
</font><font color="darkviolet">#9400D3=darkviolet
</font><font color="blueviolet">#8A2BE2=blueviolet
</font><font color="magenta">#FF00FF=magenta
</font><font color="violet">#EE82EE=violet
</font><font color="lightpink">#FFB6C1=lightpink
</font><font color="pink">#FFC0CB=pink
</font><font color="hotpink">#FF69B4=hotpink
</font><font color="deeppink">#FF1493=deeppink
</font><font color="gray">#808080=gray
</font><font color="darkgray">#A9A9A9=darkgray
</font><font color="silver">#C0C0C0=silver
</font><font color="white">#FFFFFF=white

</font>Yop. I luff colour. Here ya go, if you want 'em.

Maybe having an &#91;opb]blah&#91;/opb] tag to yield Originally posted by blah would help save even more board space. Dunno.
Kilgore Trout<font size=2>

08-21-2002, 04:16 AM
Yes more colors would be nice, especially for the color using members(I just noticed you changed your color Manny). I'm too lazy to use colors, but I'm all in favor for adding more default colors to EoFF, plus you gotta love spelling SODA in like a hundred different colors.:D

08-21-2002, 07:41 AM
I like colors. :D

Some people are against colors though (you know, those sad, sad people); complain that it hurts thier eyes or something. They may not be all for making colors easier to use.

Dr Unne
08-21-2002, 08:06 AM
I think adding new colors to the vB code buttons requires hacking. I can't do it.

Agent Proto
08-21-2002, 11:46 AM
I personally don't like the idea of everyone using colored texts when they posts. It does get very annoying for some people who are lazy or forgetful enough to forget the little color code before they post, like myself. I just want to be able to post without having to forget that I was going to add a certain color. :p Though, it would look fun. *shrugs* Besides, when everyone starts using color, it just takes the fun away from it. Like it did last time.

Loony BoB
08-21-2002, 12:55 PM
If someone is that desperate to get a colour that is inbetween our current shades of green, let them get the code for it themselves. Yeesh.

Citizen Bleys
08-21-2002, 05:34 PM
Or use &lt;font color="#EFF0FF"&gt; to get their favorite off-white shade.

Unne's right--it would require hacking the .php files. A couple of minor hacks like that wouldn't result in much of a slowdown in the board, but once we start adding in little things like that, as soon as we try to stop, it'll raise a ruckus.

We used to have a thoroughly hacked board (Gender colors, post headers, etc.), courtesy of Acmlm's skills. Cid replaced it with a plain, unhacked vBulletin, and it sped up 300%. For that reason, I don't want to add a hack unnecesarily.

(oh, yeah: The recognized member thing didn't require a hack--We just expanded the Cid's Knight/Admin hack, leaving something that was still too small to affect board performance.)

Dr Unne
08-21-2002, 05:49 PM
Yeah, hacking the MB for something as minor as this is just not worth it. It's not that hard to type in an HTML code if you reall want to use colors that badly.

Ifrit's Bodyguard
08-26-2002, 02:35 PM
<font color=f43719><font color=f43719>Get every colour you'll ever need...