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10-02-2002, 04:27 AM
How to password protect a folder in your documents?

Dr Unne
10-02-2002, 04:48 AM
In Windows, or on the internet? In Windows, you're out of luck. You can sort of do it by creating a new .zip file, putting all your files in there, and passwording that file. Then delete the originals. There's nothing built into Windows that lets you do that though.

10-02-2002, 06:13 PM
You can protect files to a certain extent in Windows XP, but you can't completely block off access to them. I've only been able to prevent my files from being altered in any way - and I think you'll find this option in your "Properties" tab if I'm not mistaken.

I hope you aren't storing any naughty media in those folders, Syun. ;)

10-02-2002, 07:11 PM
i know a great way

if its on the desktop, its easiest because if it isnt, you have to make a list of subdirectories. ill show you the command for how to do it using msdos prompt

we will say the folder name is "poop" so go into msdos and here we go

ren desktop\poop more_music

the ren means rename
desktop is where the file is
\ makes it go to the next subdirectory
poop is the name of the file
the space is for separating the folder name and what you want the name to be
so say you want the password to be more_music
the _ is actually made by pressing alt 255 it makes the little _ and that is where the password thing is. to get it back to normal so you can open it, you would type

ren desktop\more_music poop

remember the _ = alt255, and yo uhav to rename it the original name to make it open

hope that helped!

10-02-2002, 11:01 PM
What happens if you try to open that, in windows? o_O

10-03-2002, 02:55 AM
Well, I tried that and could still access the folder all wubbly jubbly without changing it back, so I guess that trick ain't gonna work for me :D

Might be WinXP's Unicode capabilities, dunno though :p

10-03-2002, 06:01 AM
In Windows, or on the internet? In Windows, you're out of luck. You can sort of do it by creating a new .zip file, putting all your files in there, and passwording that file. Then delete the originals. There's nothing built into Windows that lets you do that though.
How to password a .zip file?

ren desktop\poop more_music

the ren means rename
desktop is where the file is
\ makes it go to the next subdirectory
poop is the name of the file
the space is for separating the folder name and what you want the name to be
so say you want the password to be more_music
the _ is actually made by pressing alt 255 it makes the little _ and that is where the password thing is. to get it back to normal so you can open it, you would type

ren desktop\more_music poop

remember the _ = alt255, and yo uhav to rename it the original name to make it open
What do you mean by alt225? Is that suppose to be pressed or to be written in the ms-dos?

Dr Unne
10-03-2002, 06:18 AM
Use Winzip. There's a password option or something.

10-03-2002, 09:10 PM
Yeah, there's a password option. You could also put the password directly on the file, too (I think? depends on the program, probably).

10-03-2002, 09:27 PM
Inside zips, yea, you can password certian files and not others,. I think you can even use a different password per file if you wanted, but I've never tried.

Just remember the filenames will still be visible, so depending on what it is, you may want to rename the file as well :p

10-04-2002, 12:45 AM
I see...

The MS-DOS Prompt I can't understand... I don't know if it really allows you to password the folder or it only allows you to rename the folder...

10-07-2002, 07:53 PM
it renames the folder and when you try to open it, it will say that the folder couldnt be opened, and when you right click and check the propterties, it will say 0 mb in this folder.