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View Full Version : Sora and Kairi (KH spoilers)

01-30-2003, 09:36 PM
What do you think about Sora and Kairi, are they dating? (vote)

01-30-2003, 11:04 PM
I don't really think there are dating. But you can tell that there is something there betwewen them. They might also be a little to young to know themselves one way or another. Hopefully KH2 will expand more on this.

02-06-2003, 06:05 PM
I think the last scene was pretty explicit about Kairi's feelings, (when she finishes up the drawing in the cave).

02-06-2003, 10:43 PM
No, probably not. They just seem to be good friends, that's all. Besides...she would look good with Riku than Sora.:D

02-07-2003, 06:24 AM
*Votes option 2* Yah, the ending makes it pretty clear.

05-15-2003, 04:29 AM
There's a definite love triangle between Sora, Kairi, and Riku; but in the end we all know which guy Kairi chooses. It's proven when she finishes Sora's cave painting. They may not ever show them "dating" but it's obvious there's feelings.

05-15-2003, 05:05 AM
Oh yeah, they want each other.

05-15-2003, 06:56 PM
I think they started out as friends, but their feelings for each other got bumped up a gear when Kairi returned Sora from being a Heartless.

But then there was this Paopu nonsense at the beginning, and in the words of Selphie "Isn't it Romantic?"

Hmmm...I don't really know what's going on between them to tell you the truth.

05-15-2003, 10:58 PM
Meh. *votes last option*