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View Full Version : SHTML problems

03-16-2003, 03:32 PM
I was trying to understand this SHTML stuff, and found a tutorial on it. The attachment is the end result of this tutorial, and suuposedly, the index.shtml is supposed to appear as a full website. Yet.. it don't >=| does anyone understand what I've done wrong?

Dr Unne
03-16-2003, 09:24 PM
I've seen those includes written

<!-- #include file="blah" -->

instead of virtual, but virtual might work too, don't know much about it. You need to have a space between the <-- and the #include though, and between the filename and the --> I'm pretty sure.

Also, if you open up that file in a web browser from your hard drive, it's not going to work, because it needs to be parsed through a server that has Server Side Includes (SSI) enabled. Unless you're running a server on your hard drive, your computer can't parse shtml files. So even though it looks like it doesn't work, try uploading it and see if it works off a server somewhere. Make sure your server supports SSI, not all do. If you want to make it work on your HD for testing purposes, you'd have to get Apache or something I think.

03-18-2003, 04:40 AM
I tried that and tried it, but it didnt quite... work. @_@

03-18-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Dr Unne
You need to have a space between the <-- and the #include though, and between the filename and the --> I'm pretty sure.
You actually don't need the space between <-- and #include.

Anyway, if you have already tried uploading the file and it doesn't work, then that probably means that the webserver you are using does not have SSI enabled.

What happens when you try to view the uploaded links.shtml? Do you get a
[an error occured while processing this directive]
message? If so, then SSI is enabled, but the webserver encountered some problem when trying to include the other 3 html files.
On the other hand, when you load the page in your browser, if the page doesn't do anything and still has the &lt;!--#include virtual=""--&gt; in it, then it means that SSI is not enabled on the webserver you are using.

03-18-2003, 09:28 PM
It seems the SSI isn't enabled, as we get the plain text on the page :/ blarg, ah well, thank you both for your input, it's been enlightening and ceased my frustration as to why it wouldn't work.

Big Ogre Umaro
03-19-2003, 03:37 AM
I don't know of any free hosts that support SSI, but <a href="http://www.coolfreepages.com">Cool Free Pages</a> supports PHP, which has an <a href="http://www.php-include.com/">INCLUDE command</a> that works the exact same way.