View Full Version : Form of generic evil person (spoilers)

04-10-2003, 01:24 PM
Here's a thought, why was Exdeath in the form of a suit of armor?

He bears a very similar appearance to Golbez, being a blue suit of armor. But with the person in the spoiler tags, he had eyes within the helmet, as though someone was inside. Exdeath did not however, as though the armor was his actual body.

I'm curious if this was his 'true' form, or whether his true form was a tree. The final battle with Exdeath showed the armor on the top of a demented tree type thing, so I'm wondering if this tree type thing is what is 'inside' the armor.

04-10-2003, 06:56 PM
His true form is definately a tree - remember THAT forest?

But as for what's inside the Armour, who knows? I don't know what this means, but I felt it was relevant. In the castle where the legendary weapons are sealed, you can fight an enemy called "xdethsoul" or something like that. They look exactly like he does. I think they have something to do with what is in that armour.

But, in the earliest mentions of X-Death(ExDeath) I am pretty sure I heard Galuf refer to him as a mage - a really powerful one. I have anthologies, and not a ROM btw, in case no-one is sure of that. I could have just imagined it, but I doubt it. So maybe it's some sort of magical trickery.

MagicKnight Locke
04-10-2003, 07:29 PM
Ex-death was created from a tree in the great forest of mua.An evil spirit inhabited it (enuo)
Thats the story:i think the armour isnt really that much.Maybe just to show all of the pretty colours it has, dont you think?It matters whats inside.A tree has decency too so he made himself an armour.Just as simple as that.

04-15-2003, 08:33 PM
Well.. I don't really know what you are talking about, but maybe.. IF he is a powerful mage, he had the power to.. create illusions?

Big D
04-21-2003, 08:35 AM
X-Death was, originally, some kind of tree entity. He was given dark powers (by Enuo, or by the Void itself presumably; or so I understand), and became a self-aware and quite malevolently powerful being. Powers of illusion and transformation are undoubtedly a part of that.

As for the armour... it allows him to move and speak in human form (quite hard things to do if you're normally shaped like a tree), yet it also helps to protect him from damage.

The armour could be similar to the armour and robes worn by the Ringwraiths, who wear these items to give their bodies substance when they assume human form. X-Death has plenty of power, but it probably helps to have that power contained within some form or vessel.

04-21-2003, 07:27 PM

These are from www.finalfantasyfive.com

Just to get a clear picture(s) of what the forms look like, I can't be bothered so someone clever *cough*Big D*cough* Can explain why they all look like they do.

http://www.finalfantasyfive.com/bestiary/boss/xdeath.gif This is our lovely friend X-Death in battle.

http://www.finalfantasyfive.com/bestiary/boss/xdeathfinal.gif This is him as a tree, albeit a rather annoyed one

http://www.finalfantasyfive.com/bestiary/boss/xdeathneo.gif Here he is in his neo form

http://www.finalfantasyfive.com/bestiary/boss/xdeathsoul.gif And here is an X-Death Soul which I was talking about. Sheesh, it feels like a family photo album or something.

Big D
04-22-2003, 06:25 AM
SPOILERS (as usual)

Neo-X-Death is a puzzling one. His form seems to be a random accumulation of people and objects, some seemingly innocent, others quite obviously nasty. It looks as though X-Death's soul emerged from the Void in control of a 'jumble' of items and identities that had also been absorbed by the Void. It's possible that X-Death's consciousness had merged with the Void, which I believe was his original intent, and it would also explain Neo-X-Death's self-destructive desire.

can't be bothered so someone clever *cough*Big D*cough* Can explain why they all look like they do.

04-22-2003, 06:48 PM
Hmmm..... there appear to be quite a few normal looking(well, other than the fact that they're fused to a crazed psychopathic trees internal anger) women in there, and the rest are horned beasts.

But yeah, what he ^ said, only with more women and horned beasts.

05-02-2006, 06:38 AM
happy belated birthday.