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View Full Version : Gunblades confuse me

Erdrick Holmes
04-11-2003, 02:28 PM
A gunblade is basically a sword with the handle and trigger of a handgun. Does the trigger and bullet cache on a gunblade serve any perpous? This may sound like a stupid question!

04-11-2003, 02:42 PM
Gunblades confuse me too. It's physically impossible to actually shoot one of those things. You can also imagine how hard they are to handle, at least with a bayonet you had more than one place to put your hand.


Anyway, you shouldn't dwindle on it, just dismiss the thought.

04-11-2003, 04:47 PM
I always thought of the gunblade as a lightweight shotgun with a blade attached along the length of the barrel, much like a superlong bayonet that runs the length of the barrel and extends from the end. And because you never fire the gunblade except in extremely close range(under 1 foot) when you strike an enemy, you wouldn't have to worry about aim.

Erdrick Holmes
04-11-2003, 07:53 PM
I don't see how you can fire the gun when theres no barrel for the bullet to lauch from.

Kawaii Ryûkishi
04-11-2003, 08:27 PM
You're right. Ever since I first saw and read about the design in '98, I've found it very stupid. The only good thing about it is the way it adopted the timed hits system from Super Mario RPG. It was even stupider to limit it to only the two characters with gunblades, though.

04-11-2003, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Akumaou812
I don't see how you can fire the gun when theres no barrel for the bullet to lauch from.

There might not be a barrel, I haven't seen a picture of one in a while. But if I imagine it with one, it makes it a lot less confusing.

Rand Al'Tor
04-11-2003, 08:32 PM
IIRC, there is a grrove in the blade to allow the bullet to pass no? So while your steel pierces the armor and flesh, you shoot the bullet directly in the flesh.

Kimera 726
04-11-2003, 11:24 PM
I'd like to offer my opinion on this. I believe the gunblade does have a barrel, which (on the image below) is located adjacent to the blade and right after the bullet revolver case. I've labeled the important points on the image just in case.

Being able to shoot into the flesh would be a good idea. By the time the trigger would be pulled, the blade would already have cut into an animal's skin, and a bullet with a dispersal pattern like a shotgun would cause serious damage to a beast's internal systems. I can see how the gunblade would theoretically work in that manner, but how would you compensate for misfire unless you really knew your gunblade well. Take a look at Squall's slash. He would have to reach (pretty far IMO. the handle of the gunblade and the trigger is far from his index finger) and fire before hitting the enemy, so that as the blade cuts through, the bullet will have already left the barrel. If you pull the trigger too early, the bullet may end up flying into the sky or even the ground.

Plus the revolver case seems to have only enough holes for six shots. How does he do Lion Heart then, which averages 20 shots? Then again, he may not necessarily be pulling the trigger then. Then again, it is a world where magic and technology mix. Pulse Ammo comes from Energy Crystals, which come from Enuyoles, which come from the moon. Perhaps the world of FF8 has different properties?

If you really want to make it easy to use, the gunblade's blade would have to be pretty light. I imagine the Lionheart is because I think the blade is transparent and stuff and IMO the Lionheart is a lightsaber gunblade. If that's the case, the weapon would practically be no different from a two handed pistol. I dunno, IMO this weapon is difficult to use, maybe even inefficient, but it can be created.

Big D
04-12-2003, 12:29 AM
Yeah, gublades have barrels alright, they're just virtually non-existent - which is understandable, considering that they're only used at point-blank range. The bullet is fired to the side of the blade, as Kimera 726 explained. This isn't so clear on Squall's Revolver, but is clearly visible on Seifer's Hyperion, which is basically a semi-automatic pistol with the blade attached. Look at his weapon when you Scan him, or else freeze-frame the intro FMV - you can see the construction of Seifer's weapon quite clearly near the end, when he slashes Squall.

04-12-2003, 12:41 PM
The way I decided to consider the gunblade was that the firing mechanism was not to inflict damage directly but to assist the weapon in its downward motion.

When you fire a gun there is a kickback. Well imagine firing upwards - it would kick down. That's what I imagine pressing R1 does - fire a blank upwards to increase the cutting velocity downwards.

Just my take on it anyway.

04-12-2003, 03:22 PM
I'd just like to say the gunblade IS supposed to be amazingly hard to weild thats why only a select few use it

04-13-2003, 12:04 AM
the gunblade does not actually have a barrel. What Kimera noticed was not the barrel, but rather, spindle that the chamber revolves around. If you look VERY carefully, you'll see the start of a barrel at the top of the gun part of the gunblade. However, the blade itself gets in the way of the barrel. Now, the shotgun idea is a bit more sound, since it's possible that a shell is fired from the chamber, hits the blade and turns into slag, which only does a good amount of damage at close range anyway.

Erdrick Holmes
04-13-2003, 02:19 AM
I now see how a gunblade is used, Kimera did you do research on this or somethin'

I figured if you actally fire a bullet you might wanna have some good upper body strength incase of recoil, if recoil happens you could get your head cut off.

Big D
04-13-2003, 05:27 AM
Actually, the sheer weight of a blade that size would help to reduce recoil. Anyway, to effectively weild such a huge weapon, you'd need good upper body strength anyway.
the gunblade does not actually have a barrel. What Kimera noticed was not the barrel, but rather, spindle that the chamber revolves around. If you look VERY carefully, you'll see the start of a barrel at the top of the gun part of the gunblade. However, the blade itself gets in the way of the barrel. Now, the shotgun idea is a bit more sound, since it's possible that a shell is fired from the chamber, hits the blade and turns into slag, which only does a good amount of damage at close range anyway.
If the bullet simply got fired into the blade and then disintegrated, this would spray white-hot fragments in all directions. Very dangerous, especially with your hands only a few inches away on the handle. You're right about the gunblade having no barrel... but look at Seifer's weapon. It clearly shows that the bullet is fired to the side of the blade.

Squall Leonheart
04-13-2003, 06:02 AM
I always thought that gunblades were like magniums but with a really long barrel and a blade running along it. It was kinda stupid that only 2 characters had 'em but I guess that they were sopposed to be hard to handle. Of course they are impossible! That is why they are so cool!

04-13-2003, 06:07 AM
Hmmmm, good point about the shrapnel spray.... How could I have not thought of that? Anyway, I don't happen to have a good picture of Seifer's gunblade on hand.....

I'm just gonna have to explain this the way I explain everything in Final Fantasy: MAGIC.

Big D
04-13-2003, 12:15 PM
This is VERY easy to overlook, but Seifer actually fires his weapon in the intro FMV - he just does it too early and avoids blowing Squall's brains out. You have to go frame-by-frame in the clip with a close-up of Seifer beginning his down-swing. He fires, and you can clearly see where the bullet and shell are expelled.:)

Advent Child
04-13-2003, 08:06 PM
as far as i can tell when you pull the trigger there's just a light explosion. it doesn' actually SHOOT stuff.

Big D
04-13-2003, 10:20 PM
A gun that's loaded with bullets but produces nothing but a useless explosion would be completely pointless. The explosion would be closer to the user's hands than to his enemy. The reason gunblades are so powerful is because they slash and shoot the enemy. Double damage - the large, blood-letting wound created by the blade, and the deep, organ-mashing hole made by the bullet. Nasty, but undoubtedly effective.

Kimera 726
04-14-2003, 01:38 AM
Here are some screenshots of the duel btwn. Squall and Seifer. I had to shrink the images just so to keep the quality "ok".

http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot01.jpg http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot02.jpg
http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot03.jpg http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot04.jpg
http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot05.jpg http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot06.jpg
http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot07.jpg http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot08.jpg
http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot09.jpg http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot10.jpg
http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot11.jpg http://www.edit-strike.nl/members/kimera/madeart/shot12.jpg

Big D
04-14-2003, 02:21 AM
Very nice pictures!:)

Kimera 726
04-14-2003, 09:31 AM
thx. ;) I actually like Seifer's design of the gunblade actually, since you don't have to reach so far up to pull the trigger. The only problem with it is that if you wanna swing in a downwards motion, it wouldn't be as effective as Squall's gunblade since the position of the wrist gives less force. Then again, it's pretty easy to grip, which is probably why Seifer only holds his Hyperstalion [sp?] with one hand. :|

Originally posted by Akumaou812
I now see how a gunblade is used, Kimera did you do research on this or somethin'

Actually I cosplayed Squall in 2000. :O_O: Getting the gunblade pt was hard, maybe even incorrect.

I always thought Squall's gunblade had a barrel, but it doesn't look it does in the 6th image (scroll up). Maybe it doesn't use a barrel, and the tech world of FF8 has some strange stuff. Just a theory. Still, a weapon like that wouldn't be so far fetched. I bet even I could construct one right now and get it to work.

Originally posted by Al Bhed³
Gunblades confuse me too. It's physically impossible to actually shoot one of those things. You can also imagine how hard they are to handle, at least with a bayonet you had more than one place to put your hand.

Consider the fact that Seifer actually puts his hand on the back of the blade (the part where it lengthens in a straight line). Squall does put his hand on that part too, but it's only for a split second in the opening FMV. I could get a pic of that if ya like.

So yeah, gunblades WORK. :cool: :D :cool: :D :eep:

Big D
04-14-2003, 09:44 AM
Squall's gunblade is made to be used two-handed, as can be seen from the design of the handle. The handle's also not at too steep an angle to the blade, so it'd be less difficult to swing. Seifer's Hyperion, however, would be a real challenge, since it's clearly a one-handed design. The handle's almost at a right-angle to the blade... that's probably why Seifer always takes those 'roundhouse' swings with his weapon, and why he braces his free hand against the back of the blade when he parries - it's the only effective way to use it. Try holding a golf club by the head - an old one, not a light new graphite one - and you'll have some idea of what the Hyperion's like. It's only advantage over the revolver is that the gun aspect would be easier to use - bigger capacity, simpler action, better 'swing' for taking a shot.

Edit: Your new sig is freakin' hilarious, by the way.:bgl:

04-14-2003, 04:29 PM
Hmm...intriguing topic in the end. Although, I always thought Squall's gunblade indeed had a barrel that ran the entire length of the top of the blade, as pictured in the attached picture, taken from the intro FMV. *shrug*

04-14-2003, 10:51 PM
I remember a debate very similar to this taking place in the writing forums of FF:WA. Basically, it was decided that Gunblades do NOT fire bullets, they have explosive capsules which cause the blade to vibrate whilst in the oponent, thus causing MORE damage. I like that theory...

04-14-2003, 11:35 PM
guys, recall the first battle u encountered, as it started, QUISTIS told Squall, actually u, to press"E" to touch off trigger in order to increase injury of enemies. I ever tried to do this sometimes, but the effect is not as good as i think.

anyway, gunblade is extremely awesome, i like it:p

Big D
04-15-2003, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Purgatory
I remember a debate very similar to this taking place in the writing forums of FF:WA. Basically, it was decided that Gunblades do NOT fire bullets, they have explosive capsules which cause the blade to vibrate whilst in the oponent, thus causing MORE damage. I like that theory...
This is a fairly absurd notion... the real-life gunblades (used for a brief time before firearms took over from swords) fired bullets into the opponent; this whole 'vibrating blade' nonsense is just ridiculous.

04-15-2003, 05:16 AM
And they were replaced, weren't they, and as such, we can clearly deem that gunblades which fire bullets into the opponent are crap in comparison to guns. So, ask yourself, why do Squall and Seifer both use them? Because FF8 Gunblades do not fire bullets.

Of course, that's not really logic but mweh. But calling it absurd? Not really if you consider the physics of the situation.

04-15-2003, 05:46 AM
I'm tellin' ya, magic...

I'll say again that I don't have a convenient pic of the hyperion handy, so I can only speak for the revolver. The revolver clearly has no barrel. However, if it did, firing a bullet straight forward would be pointless. While the revolver has a pointed tip, it is clearly not designed for thrusting. It has a huge blade that is clearly made for slashing. Regardless of the designer's intent, Squall slashes with it.

Why does this matter? Because slashing forces the blade's end to point upwards, AWAY from the object being slashed. This would mean the barrel of the gunblade would also be pointing away, causing the bullet to go flying off into the distance. The only way for the barrel (assuming one existed) to be pointing toward the object would be to thrust with the blade, putting the end of the barrel INSIDE the enemy. I've heard jamming a gun is a good way to wreck it. Even if it didn't, Squall never thrusts with the revolver, he only slashes with it.

The way I see it, this can't NOT be explained by magic.

BTW, I'd like to see pictures of some of these original gunblades if anyone can point me to 'em.

Big D
04-16-2003, 01:44 AM
In the opening FMV, there's a picture of the interior of Squall's gunblade case, including a swag of spare bullets. They're actually full bullets, too, not just blanks - clearly something does get fired out of the weapon. There's not really a barrel as such, but evidence suggests that the bullet is fired out of the chamber, just to the side of the blade. This would make it possible to shoot an enemy whilst taking a swing at them... as long as it could be timed correctly. Hence gunblades' reputation for being difficult to use.

Erdrick Holmes
04-16-2003, 01:53 AM
I'll bet you one of these days somebody is gonna make an actual working Gunblade.

*Runs to a toolshed

Im gonna be rich.

Big D
04-16-2003, 02:09 AM

Erdrick Holmes
04-16-2003, 02:20 AM
Technically thats not a gunblade. Its just a knife with a trigger finger holder thingy. It don't fire bullets.

04-16-2003, 05:49 PM
If that's a gunblade, then so are those knuckleduster knife thingies as well =P

04-18-2003, 08:27 PM
that's a beautiful knife, but yeah, no trigger, no chamber.

There's still no way to account for the aiming though. A lot of people don't really think about this, but you don't really try to cut through something with a slashing weapon, that's a good way to lose your sword. Instead, you try to cut along it. Cutting along cuts more flesh, while cutting through will get the blade stuck inside the flesh. I don't know if this holds true for bigger, heavier weapons, but think about it. You'd have to either cut all the way through or you'd be screwed. The angle that Squall slashes at would require him to slash through not only flesh, but a LOT of bone. Then again, magic *shrug*.

Dazlar Bynon
04-18-2003, 09:28 PM
During the installation of my PC-version a bitmap file was shown and saved to a temp-folder I zipped and included it! It shows perfectly how it works, there's even a bullet, whith shouldn't be there since it's being fired and the way he holds the blade! :mad:

Kimera 726
04-18-2003, 10:11 PM
it's merely an emblem engraved onto Squall's gunblade. He's not really firing it.

Nice Griever.

04-19-2003, 06:30 AM
Actually, this is a VERY good pic, but it shows something confusing..... Not only is there no barrel, there's no hole for the bullet to emerge from..... Okay, maybe we're looking at this all wrong? Maybe the bullet does something other than get fired out? Maybe...... Ah hell, I'm out of ideas.....

Dazlar Bynon
04-19-2003, 08:40 AM
You're right there's no chamber there. It should be a little higher, but I don't think the pic would look as nice, now would it?

Dazlar Bynon
04-19-2003, 04:25 PM
I don't get it, with renzokuken I've had a number of times that I got the message '7 HIT' but there are only six chambers, That's weird too!

Big D
04-20-2003, 01:51 AM
The Revolver Gunblade holds eight bullets. It's far larger than any six-shooter.

04-20-2003, 01:58 AM
6 bullets, check the pic. There's still no explanation of how the bullets get fired though.... I'd personally like to ask Mr. Nomura.

Big D
04-20-2003, 02:20 AM
Strange... in the Gunblade's case in the pre-opening FMV, there's a row of eight spare bullets.

Kimera 726
04-20-2003, 07:11 PM
I just wanna say for the record that FF8 is a merge of magic and technology and what technology can't be explained magic could.

Perhaps it needs no burrels. Perhaps it fires right out of its stock revolver case w/the help of magic and there is a special location where it fires (left or right, it doesn't matter), so that kinda serves the purpose of the trigger cocking mechanism.

Who can say really? This is kinda a good explanation of the gunblade working thinamajig IMO. :cool:

04-21-2003, 07:18 PM
See? Just like I've been saying all along! Magic! It's the only explanation that makes sense.

03-26-2004, 03:37 PM
i alway thought that the barral was inside the blade... but that is just me,

Del Murder
03-26-2004, 05:16 PM
You bumped a year old thread just to say that? Please don't revive long dead topics.