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View Full Version : abandon or sunken state?

04-14-2003, 12:16 AM
for the ninja,what would be better: abandon or sunken state? abandon- 400 jp always effective; it lowers the chance ppl have to hit you.
sunken state- 900 jp you must be hit before this is triggered, but it greatly lowers your chance to be hit.only lasts 1 turn

04-14-2003, 12:25 AM
Abandon automatically doubles all of your character's evade percentages. No hitting necessary. =) What Sunken State does is it actually makes the character invisible, so it pretty much can't be hit at all unless the enemy gets you by some fluke. You can move around all you want, but you can't act or you'll become visible.

04-14-2003, 12:43 AM
well IYO, which is better?
sunken state would be good with move-HPup since u can move all you want to and not become visible again. anyways,i need to know which is better cuz im doing a ninja straight character challenge

04-14-2003, 03:52 AM
Abandon doubles all of your evade percentages: character, shield, and accessory evades. But in a ninja scc, you can't use shields. And character evade only helps against attacks from the front - attacks from the side or rear do not consider char evade, so Abandon would be useless here. Accessory evade works against attacks from any direction, so this would work well for you.

So I say: if you have a good mantle equipped, go with abandon. If you have any other accessory equipped, stick with Sunken State. (Shame you can't use Move-HP Up, that would be a nice plan.) Once you turn invisible, position yourself behind the enemy & unleash your 2 swords.

04-14-2003, 07:23 PM
Sorry, I forgot. I like Abandon much better, but I've never really given Sunken State a chance. Like SmoshCuch said, it just depends on how much you can evade. If you're wearing a mantle, use Abandon, but for anything else you should probably use Sunken State.

04-15-2003, 12:41 AM
Abandon! ALL DA WAY.

not that im sayin its better its just that ijm not a guy who hides from an enemy even if im dying.:o :o :o

04-15-2003, 01:08 AM
id hide if i could be invisible :) anyways, abandon does seem better so far. ninjas cant take alot of damage, so i cant spare a hit just to become invisible. Also i cant use items,so id rather go with a mantle and abandon.Iv never really bothered with mantles until now, proving more useful then i thought

The Amazing Spiderman
04-15-2003, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by SmoshCuch
Abandon doubles all of your evade percentages: character, shield, and accessory evades. But in a ninja scc, you can't use shields. And character evade only helps against attacks from the front - attacks from the side or rear do not consider char evade, so Abandon would be useless here. Accessory evade works against attacks from any direction, so this would work well for you.

So I say: if you have a good mantle equipped, go with abandon. If you have any other accessory equipped, stick with Sunken State. (Shame you can't use Move-HP Up, that would be a nice plan.) Once you turn invisible, position yourself behind the enemy & unleash your 2 swords.

Note: Feather mantle + main gauche = almost unhitable ninja. =)

40% + 40%= 80% *2= 160%

and If I'm right, Golden hairpin or flash hat had a good M-Ev, so you know.

04-15-2003, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by The Amazing Spiderman
Note: Feather mantle + main gauche = almost unhitable ninja. =)
Sorry but nope. =) Weapon evade % only works if you have Weapon Guard, and you can't have that and Abandon together.

04-15-2003, 07:56 PM
abandon + mantle kicks ASS!!!!! i jes beat golgorand execution site and was only hit once!!!archers have a 9% chance to hit from front, knights 25% from front ! im using a wizards mantle with 15% evade i think

The Amazing Spiderman
04-16-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Skye-chan
Sorry but nope. =) Weapon evade % only works if you have Weapon Guard, and you can't have that and Abandon together.

=( I was wrong at all. oh well, time to play it again.

04-19-2003, 03:57 AM
As far as abilities go, I think that Abandon has the edge. It's great coupled with shields and mantles. However, in a straight Ninja situation, Sunken State is better. The benifits of invisibilty are too good to pass up (not being targeted, 100% hit rate for your next attack), especially when you can't couple a shield and abandon. Plus, late game enemies have many non-evadable attacks anyways.

04-19-2003, 10:25 PM
well with the ninja challenge, to be able to take some hits to become invisible you have to be a pretty high level, but i dont plan on exceeding the level cap. Not only that, you dont have a 100% chance of becoming invisible. Id rather them not hit me at all, then hit me and not be able to hit me on their next turn. just fought at riovanes and archers have a 5% chance to hit from front, Knights have a 20% chance to hit from the side. no knights tried to hit me from front lol.The lightning stab from wiegraf is unavoidable with sunken state or abandon, so i just got lucky and actually hit him twice(punk has a good evade %) and got a critical hit to put him on his knees. I gathered all my ninjas around velius, he was pretty simple./