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View Full Version : Who is the Coolest FF X-2 Character?

04-14-2003, 09:06 PM
This FF is gonna rock but when I saw the new Trailer, I thought it was a bit Camp and full of Fit Women so let me pose the Question....Who do like out of the New Characters? (Not including FF X Characters)

Nooj is kinda cool in a werid way but I like Paine. Wjy, cos she wears leather thats why. Plus she has a nice looking sword....Its like a female Squall which will always be good.

04-14-2003, 09:18 PM
I noi I said Paine was the best but I am wrong! Because Tidus's Clone and Yuna's Clone rock!

Clones generally rock but although Tidus's Clone is kinder mean to be that cool, Yuna's is kinder hot. I now think of both Yuna and her clone, lying in a procative manner on a king sized bed. That is my Final Fantasy.

04-14-2003, 09:32 PM
I like Paine. Her whole look is just really cool. :choc:

04-14-2003, 10:29 PM
Shuin(Tidus' Clone) and Lenne (Yuna's Clone) are not exactly clones. Just people from the past who look like the Tidus and Yuna...

But to be on topic, my favorite characters so far are Paine and Lenne.

04-17-2003, 07:59 PM
Its like a female Squall which will always be good.

Too True!!

I think I will like Lenne and Shuin the most too. Than Rikku (How Ironic, it looks like my fav is Rikku from my banner and avater)

04-17-2003, 08:54 PM
Ok so... its Paine.

Paine Paine Paine Paine Paine!

Why, you ask? Because she is like a female Auron, and Auron was the shiznit in FFX. :love:

04-17-2003, 08:58 PM
Lol *takes Tidus' quote*

"He's the troublemaker... you can always count on auron to complicate things!"

Yeah! He made scenes better.

04-17-2003, 09:21 PM
Yeah.. auron did rock...pity he died *sniff*
but really, will paine be like auron or will she be like a harder yuna? Is she like squall or does she just look like him?

someone explain how the clones (I no there not clones!) are from the past? I think thats freaky and are they like Tidus (Squeeky and enegetic) and Yuna (soft and quiet) or have they got complety new personalities? And did they meet up and fall in love too?

04-17-2003, 09:26 PM
Yeah.. auron did rock...pity he died *sniff*
but really, will paine be like auron or will she be like a harder yuna? Is she like squall or does she just look like him?

someone explain how the clones (I no there not clones!) are from the past? I think thats freaky and are they like Tidus (Squeeky and enegetic) and Yuna (soft and quiet) or have they got complety new personalities? And did they meet up and fall in love too?

04-17-2003, 09:33 PM
I think she's gonna be a less introverted Squall. Like Squall near the end of the game.

I think since Lenne's a songstress she can't be entirely like yuna. They need personality! As for Shuin, I think he's gonna be a more mature Tidus.

04-17-2003, 09:59 PM
Yeah, the Squall at the end was as good as he got, at least he said what he was feeling and even got all huggy-kissy, hehe:greenie:

I would love it if Paine ends up like that, right now from what I know I would say that she's a mix between Squall and Auron, and yeah, maybe some rough Yuna. In all the movies I've seen she's been a little stand-offish and like a loner, but she also seems like a caring person, from some of the movies, but I can't say too much about that because they could be counted as spoilers, hehe.

I dont think that Yuna's personality will be much like Lenne's... if only because Yuna seemed like such a shy girl, I think she'd pee herself if she had to go out and sing in front of tons of people all the time.

But from what I've seen of Shuin, it looks like he and Tidus will be much more alike, he seems like he has a lot of faith in his own ideas and likes to take matters into his own hands to do what he thinks is right.

Auron... gone... but nevereverohnonever forgotten:love:

04-18-2003, 12:07 AM
I think she'd pee herself if she had to go out and sing in front of tons of people all the time

Lol, like...

"H-Hi, I-I'm Sum- err Yuna from the isle of B-besaid. I- I would l-like to s - sing my song R-real E-emotions."

^.^ :p

Yeah, the Squall at the end was as good as he got, at least he said what he was feeling and even got all huggy-kissy, hehe

Yup! He was really awesome at the end! ^.^

04-19-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by RikkuYuna89
"H-Hi, I-I'm Sum- err Yuna from the isle of B-besaid. I- I would l-like to s - sing my song R-real E-emotions."

Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:D :D :D :D :D :D

That would have been so funny.... oh jeeze.

04-19-2003, 04:28 PM
yup, then like everyone booing.

I know this is FAVORITE ffx-2 character but who here thinks that Le Blanc is gonna be the worst character?

04-19-2003, 04:42 PM
I dunno about Le Blanc... maybe its the outfit... with that big heart on her chest...

Hopefully she will have a good reason for being a villian, and not just some lame excuse. Does anyone know? Or is it just that she's in a rival sphere group?

04-19-2003, 07:10 PM
I don't think she's gonna be a "real" villian. I mean Kuja was a rival and a villian, same with seifer, but Le Blanc she jsut probably wants to get in the way.

Hopefully she will have a good reason for being a villian, and not just some lame excuse. Does anyone know? Or is it just that she's in a rival sphere group?

She probably wants them because she thinks that they'd make a good mirror or something, so she can admirer her sel all the time. That's the immpresion she gives me ^.^

04-20-2003, 03:20 AM
I am dying for a good villian. I think that this may be the area that lets me down in FFX-2:mad:

04-20-2003, 01:11 PM
What about the Bahamut? Maybe he's a villian *think* Nah....

04-20-2003, 01:27 PM
I read somewhere that Shuin is the main villian something about him being pissed at the world of Spira and wanting to destroy it

04-20-2003, 01:49 PM
Ooooo.... And I was gonna guess Lenne was the villian like the new yunalesca or something.

04-20-2003, 02:25 PM
Nope. 'Tis him. Lenne is the one who's gotta stop him or something.

04-20-2003, 03:39 PM
Ooo, heyhey, that could be very cool. I never even thought of that.... but now that I do... Shuin does seem kind of demented in all the FMV's that I've seen of him... just obsessed with Lenne.

You all have brightened up my hope for the game:p

04-20-2003, 03:47 PM
:D Well if you want more info on it just go here (http://lenne.nu/lenne)

04-20-2003, 03:49 PM
Shuin does seem kind of demented in all the FMV's that I've seen of him... just obsessed with Lenne.

A demented tidus look alike villian? Yay! That's all I could ever hope for ;)

Maybe that's why Tidus was captured. Because they thought he was Shuin who was causing trouble. Don't tell me if it's true or not though!

Swift Thief Rikku
04-21-2003, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Scandalous
I read somewhere that Shuin is the main villian something about him being pissed at the world of Spira and wanting to destroy it

Yeah, I heard that Shuin is supposed to be the Final Boss.

04-21-2003, 01:34 PM
yeah you fight him and the vengagun, or atleast thats what I heard.

04-23-2003, 01:12 AM
Oh man, that would be such a cool ending! I hope that the final fight has cool music like "Otherworld". Also, I have a movie in which Lenne reappears and holds Shuin close to her, he seems like he's hurt, then she says a bunch of stuff in Japanese... the only part I understand is "thank you" at the end... and then they disappears. This might be what happens at the end after the final boss fight?

*very excited:D

04-28-2003, 07:08 AM
lmaOs, i gueSs i'd go with Lenne and Shuin I like
the past/future kinda stuff ^.^ but thats just my
choice before the gaMe is out.

05-06-2003, 02:14 PM
Has any one got ffx-2 on import? I coul;d but i aint got a japanese ps2. Is it worth it?

Anyway, LeBlanc looks so poofy and her mates? They look like dumb and dumber. Are they supposed to funny? Are they the comic element or are they serious?

I no the real baddie, but how cool would it be if like Paine got possessed by somthing and yuna & Rikku had to fight her, it'lll be like that bit in FF VIII when Rinnoa was evil.

Oh, and what happens to the "clones" I want leanne and shuin to live but are they evil and therefore have to die?Although i am happy cos i no the ending (SPOILER)

answer my questions, cos im very confused, square is only releasing dripdrops of infomation over here.

05-06-2003, 07:03 PM
Well.. I guess you could buy one of those chips that will allow you to play import games on an American or European ps2, but IMO it just isnt worth it. My friend tried to chip his and it got all messed up and he had to buy an entirely new system. Also, its not really that long until the game comes out. November is only a few months away when you think about it:D

I would think that LeBlanc's little posse woud provide a bit of comic relief as the game seems to be much more upbeat than any of the others. Or maybe they'll end up being like Barthello. That's what I would guess, but I don't know for sure either.

As to the clones thing, you can find this in a bunch of the other topics, but lenne and shuin arent clones, never were clones, (this is a badbad rumor that should GO AWAY!!!!!:mad: ) They were real people who lived 1000 years ago. For more info on their story, I'd suggest you visit the link Scandalous posted in one of the other topics, which is think is http://www.lenne.nu/lenne/

Have fun!:D

Shuin Maxwell
05-06-2003, 08:49 PM
My favorite is pretty obvious, just look at my name. He is the orignal Tidus 1000 years ago.

Also theres a Shuin site in production here it is.


05-06-2003, 09:24 PM
I call that website "Spoiler Paradise" ^.^ It's good though. It would be cool if paine was possesed. Her red eyes would glow even more!

05-21-2003, 11:44 AM
I can't wait for FF X-2 but what the hell are the two losers with LeBlanc called? What is the F***ing point of them other then to cause a nuisence?

One question...Does Shuin or Leanne meet Tidus or Yuna? How cool would that be?!! But wouldn't that cause a problem with the space/time contimum and......(Star Trek Territory)

Spira's Cutie
05-21-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Legolas63
One question...Does Shuin or Leanne meet Tidus or Yuna?
Yuna meets them, but Tidus doesn't.

05-22-2003, 01:05 PM

Spira's Cutie
05-22-2003, 01:56 PM
I didn't know Leanne was in FFX-2!

06-02-2003, 11:26 AM
Fine i made a mistake, so sue me

How dare you mock me... im alone, im single, my girlfriend wont return my calls, my parents hate me and i got rejected BEFORE a date And now this?! I haatttttttte u and Im going away to the land above...or bellow, it doesn't matter now my time is almost up.

Oh yeah, thats all a lie in case u were worried. But hey cut me some slack. Im only human, and we make mistakes

Stupid Moomba 88
06-11-2003, 01:46 PM

Chill Man, it's only a game (Pun Intended)

Oh yeah, I like Shuin, he's cool because I Liked Tidus last time and now theres 2 of them.

Has any1 played it yet here?

06-12-2003, 10:46 AM
Well, I finish whole game. :P

06-12-2003, 01:50 PM
*is so jealous of Shuin she dies*

Talk to me on like November 7th. I should have finished it by then... I'll have been up playing since I bought it, neither sleeping nor eating. :moggie:

06-12-2003, 02:29 PM
Mmm.... Well then, Kupo will be 1st who complete FFX-2 (English Version) :P

Stupid Moomba 88
06-16-2003, 06:43 PM
U R so lucky! In England, Im still waiting and im so gutted. All these pictures on the web and I can't experience them!
Questions about it
1)Is It Good? (Apparantly, it's really easy and not even that good)
2)Is The Chocobo any good (Compared To FFVII)
3)Is It Worth £40?

06-17-2003, 02:50 AM
Well, I can't really tell ya if its good or not, because I haven't gotten it in my hot little hand yet, but it looks good and if you were a big fan of FFX then its probably worth the money.

Can the Chocobos in X-2 beat the VII chocobos? Well, I dunno... they were so damn cool in VII. Breeding gold ones was so fun!

Are they as good? Cmon somone let me know too!:)

06-18-2003, 02:02 PM
Chocobo can breeding by Clasko's help. Clasko is use Battle Arena as Chocobo Breeding Place, plus you can catch them use Chocobo's green. Same thing you do in FF7

06-18-2003, 03:08 PM
Ahhh! That is great news! Great great news!

I have a sudden urge to go play FFVII and make me some gold ones right now, heehee:moggie:

Stupid Moomba 88
06-18-2003, 09:49 PM
Oh thank lord that Square has decided to re-introduce Chocobo Breeding!
It is so cool and it's crazy they got rid of it for VIII ,IX & X. I love FFVIII but no Chocobo breeding, that must have been insanity.

Is that the main mini-game or is that the only one?

06-19-2003, 02:34 PM
Sorry, Chocobo breeding is not involve with story line. It just a mini-quest. There is more mini-games inside. For example... Needle quest. :X

06-19-2003, 03:25 PM
Needle Quest??? Never Heard Of That One Before...

06-20-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Paine6969
Needle Quest??? Never Heard Of That One Before...

Erm... Is Cactuar's quest. I don't want spoil everything. Play and know it. :p

Stupid Moomba 88
06-26-2003, 09:04 PM
Any other Mini-Games other than Needle Quest & Chocobo Breeding?

Is it like FFVII's Loads of Mini games (Most Good) or is it like FFX Loads of Mini Games (Most involve you running somewhere, doing something boring and then coming back)

07-07-2003, 06:45 PM
Yuna is so hot. When i first saw her new look i was amazed, from then on i knew ffx-2 would be a great game.

07-24-2003, 02:49 AM

actually i was reading a translated walkthough and i saw you had to fight dark aeons...:(

07-24-2003, 02:58 AM
My favorite character is soooo Paine! With the sword and the faded hair and the black outfit....she's so cool looking...

Anyway about that walkthrough FFboy4ever, I'll try and find it again...so. Be back to you guys on the walkthrough if you need it, Sega.

Stupid Moomba 88
07-24-2003, 10:02 PM
You have to face them again?!
They were annoying first time round so I hope their easier because redoing the same thing from the last game is really taking the piss out of us gamers.

Does Square actually think we are going to buy a rehashed copy of FF X? Still, It looks like thats the only thing carried over so my mood about it may change once I ACTUALLY play it....