View Full Version : experience egg

the tortured one
04-16-2003, 04:47 AM
what are the steps that i need to take in the colliseum to get an experience egg? i know I need a tintabar, but how do you got one of those?

04-16-2003, 05:00 AM
If you gamble an elixir, you will win a rename card. Then gamble the rename card and gamble it's prize, etc... until you gamble up to the experience egg. I know at the top you gamble the experience egg and win the tintinabar and vice-versa, but to start off all you need is an elixir.

the tortured one
04-16-2003, 05:23 AM

04-16-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by chadmonkey
If you gamble an elixir, you will win a rename card. Then gamble the rename card and gamble it's prize, etc... until you gamble up to the experience egg. I know at the top you gamble the experience egg and win the tintinabar and vice-versa, but to start off all you need is an elixir.

I personally do not like wasting elixir for rename card. (Even though I dont use them at all) I convert Imp Halberd (which I seem to have infinite of) and take it all the way to Exp. Egg, which at then point loops into tintinabra <-[/!] exp egg.

You can get infinte amount of elixir and I think elixir route is faster,but I dont remember on top of my head where you can get it.