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View Full Version : Was Biggs, Wedge, & Jessie's role in the game. [SPOILERS]

04-20-2003, 04:44 AM
To help carry along the plot of the game until Tifa, Barret, and Cloud were developed enough to take control of the game.

I always thought that was what their purpose was.

And once the main characters were developed enough to take over the game they were not needed anymore. And that is when they were killed off.

I always viewed them as kind of like while the house was being built they were the support for the house. And once the walls were strong enough to take control for themselves. The supporting boards are not needed, so they are taken down.

04-20-2003, 12:06 PM
Your idea is good, and better than this one, but it could have been because AVALANCHE would look pretty stupid with just Barret and Tifa as members...

04-20-2003, 02:04 PM
yeah, I wasn't so much focusing in on the plot of the gameworld. But more along the lines of how the game creators developed the story. And the role that each character was given to develop the story.

Mr. Graves
04-20-2003, 05:13 PM
They were killed off, storywise, because Shinra doesn't care about peoples' lives or the planet, proving Avalances point.

It was a pivotal event in the game because had they not died, Barret and Co' would've continued to blow up reacters and causing mayhem. Like Barret realizes late in the game he didn't go about fighting Shinra the right way. Plus, Cloud wouldn't have discovered Jenova/Sephiroth, and the whole rest of the game after the deaths of Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie wouldn't have come about.

Fate works in sad ways, sometimes.

04-20-2003, 07:00 PM
i agree with all these points,but...i also feel(as an add on) that they were killed because people would wounder 'why cant we play them'.they just didnt fit in the story quite right,or wouldnt have if they were never killed

Princess Rinoa
04-22-2003, 10:49 AM
I just think it as they died for the planet and they were there somewhere with that lifestream and that way they saved the planet.
Ok it's a dum excusse but that's how I like to think about it.

Big D
04-22-2003, 11:58 AM
Their senseless, self-sacrificing death's fuelled Barret's anger at Shinra even further. It re-affirms for the player that FFVII can, and will, be nasty and dark at times. Biggs, Wedge and Jessie were shown to be nice people at times; the deaths of nice people can be very provocative in a story. They make the player, as well as the characters, hate the antagonist even more. Until their deaths, however, the trio's main job was to fill the 'empty spaces' which would later be occupied by the main characters.

Mr Graves makes a number of excellent points. Biggs, Wedge, Jessie and Barret weren't entirely innocent. Jessie mentioned this before her death, Barret didn't realise it 'till later; but it's an important revelation for them nonetheless.

04-22-2003, 12:01 PM
I always thought of it as Square using the same gimmick with Aeris. She was killed so you would hate Sephiroth more.......and Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie were killed so you would hate Shinra more.

Ahhhhh......once again, Big D gets there before me, and says it better than I do.

04-22-2003, 03:18 PM
Not to be cynical, but they were killed for the same reasons most FF PC's or NPC's are killed off, like Josef, Tellah, Galuf, and General Leo.

Princess Rinoa
04-22-2003, 11:24 PM
Hate to seem mean but I ddn't miss Briggs much... the other two yea but I think they died for the good of the planet! And Im trying to learn not to get too fond of these characters as they usally are killed off.

04-22-2003, 11:58 PM
I dont really MISS them.now that i have gone through the whole game,they are but just a small part,and just a memorie.BUT,the part they did play was to make us hate shinra.So..maybe not such a small part at all

04-23-2003, 05:15 PM
Watching the more rotund one's (Wedge I think) death was actually very well done, as he was shown being shot and then falling from high off the stairs. He is then on the ground with Aeris tending to him and says his last words.

Pretty good stuff.

04-24-2003, 05:22 AM
actually from that big of a fall shouldn't he have died on impact.

Big D
04-24-2003, 05:32 AM

Gravity seems to be a little different in the FFVII world. Cloud fell from the bottom of the Plate, through a roof and onto a flower bed largely unscathed (but he had Mako and Jenova treatment on his side). Tifa had a huge fall escaping from the Junon gas chamber. Cid and co were able to jump about 15 metres to get onto the Shinra cargo train during the Huge Materia quest. Throughout the game, characters' falls and jumps suggest that gravity isn't quite so strong on FFVII's Planet.

Princess Rinoa
04-24-2003, 11:18 AM
Thinking about it Cloud (maybe a spoiler) had a fall near the start of the game and he wasn't hurt but I realy don't think flowers can realy cushion you that much.

07-05-2003, 03:24 PM
They die to make YOU hate shinra more just like

FF7 The killing of Aeris makes you mad at Sephy Or FF6 Leo's death makes you wanna kill Kefka

07-05-2003, 07:14 PM
They are but a small part in a massive game. Fuelling Barrets anger to move on and.....oh wait everyone has said this before me *sulks*

Big D
07-06-2003, 03:28 AM
Fuelling Barrets anger to move on... That's a very good point. If they hadn't died, if the Sector 7 disaster hadn't occurred, Barret would've just stayed in Midgar to continue his fight. When Shinra escalated the conflict, the characters had to take more drastic action, which in turn allowed the bigger crisis to come to the forefront.

08-02-2003, 04:05 AM
I've always thought Jessie had a bit of a crush on Cloud. She does a number of things throughout the game that make me think she fancies him:

1. Cloud helps her get her foot loose from the bridge in the No. 1 Reactor. I think she got stuck on purpose so Cloud would touch her leg.

2. On the train after escaping the No. 1 Reaactor Jessie makes an effort to clean Cloud's face. Why does she care about a bit of dirt? She lives in the slums!

3. On the train on the way to the No. 5 Reactor Jessie calls Cloud over to look at the railway display. Just an escuse to get him close?

4. After the train, but still on the way to the No. 5 Reactor Jessie mentions she will put extra effort into making Cloud's fake ID card. Why wouldn't she want everyone's ID card to be believable?

5. On the pillar Jessie says she is glad to see Cloud "this one last time", to which you can reply "Don't say last" or "Is that so?". Her choice of words here are far too cliched and an obviously poor attempt of making Jessie seem romantic.

And as for Biggs and Wedge, they are just there to mantain the long tradition of having characters with those names in the Final Fantsy series.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
08-02-2003, 04:14 AM
I really doubt she would risk time running out and the incineration of her closest friends and self just so Cloud might touch her leg. But yes, it's incredibly obvious that Jessie liked Cloud. No use even pointing it out, really.

08-02-2003, 08:09 AM
Cloud is just a Pimp...

08-02-2003, 05:47 PM
she did, everytime she talked, cloud was the first perosn she went to, she cleaned him when he jumped into the train, she made his id 'special', and when the plate falls if u answer "is that so" when u talk to her, she sorta comes out and admits.

damnit. darkness beat me to some of the points. i should really start to read through all the posts

08-03-2003, 04:00 AM
well I am sure cloud was just a little bit better looking than most of the guys who were around her in the area in which Jessie spent most her time.

Think about it. If a girl coming from the slums spends most of her time around more than likely members of the opposite sex who are not very attractive and probably do not physically take very good care of themselves.

Then a young lad appears who is probably similar to her in age who is attractive, and who comes from a fighting force where people are in good shape. It would only be natural for someone whose eyes are hungry for something nice to look at. To build up a bit of a crush once her eyes do fall upon something that is nice to look at.