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Old Delita
04-27-2003, 10:12 PM
Hamedo? the definition in the game is attack before being attacked but when ever i have this ability set on any of the people it doesn't get triggered... anyone got any ideas of how to get this to trigger? :eep:

04-28-2003, 01:13 AM
It only works if a human attacks you. I'm not sure if it's meant to be that way or if it's bugged.

04-29-2003, 01:55 AM
Hamedo also only works against physical attacks and only if the attacker is within range. (So your monk can't use it against an archer, for example.)
In most ways it's just like Counter, except that it occurs before the attack instead of after. It also seems to prevent the attack completely, even if the attacker survives your counter.

05-07-2003, 02:38 AM
Hamedo can be used if attacked by monsters...

Make sure your brave level is at least 90 or else it will hardly ever be used...

05-07-2003, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by MatrixManNe0
Hamedo can be used if attacked by monsters...

Make sure your brave level is at least 90 or else it will hardly ever be used...
If it could be used against monsters, it'd still work the same amount of times. Having 90 Brave means that the reaction will be triggered 90% of the time, if you're hit by the right kind of action. Since monsters don't trigger Hamedo, it has a 0% chance of working.

I think the trigger for Hamedo is actually "Weapon attack", and monsters don't use weapons.

05-07-2003, 01:02 PM
From Aerostar's 'Battle Mechanics Guide', available at gamefaqs.com :

Hamedo (1200 JP, Monk): If you are targeted by an ATTACK, BATTLE SKILL, THROW, or CHARGE directive and your attacker is within range of your weapon, the attacker's directive will be cancelled and you will instead execute an ATTACK directive on the attacker. Note that this only works on the above-listed commands, which means it is useless on monsters, since they have special forms of physical attack. This ability will trigger Br% of the time. Note: unlike Counter, Hamedo will activate against spell guns.

05-08-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Skye-chan
If it could be used against monsters, it'd still work the same amount of times. Having 90 Brave means that the reaction will be triggered 90% of the time, if you're hit by the right kind of action. Since monsters don't trigger Hamedo, it has a 0% chance of working.

I think the trigger for Hamedo is actually "Weapon attack", and monsters don't use weapons.

Incorrect, do you have hamedo with one of your characters?

Hamedo isn't used as often as Counter or Auto-Potion. It works on monsters if you have 100 Brave (like anyone will do that, lol), but besides that, it doesn't affect monsters (yes, I'm agreeing with you on that).

What I'm saying is if you have 90 brave, it's not 90 percent. It's more like 75 percent. That 90 brave = 90 % works for other counters...

05-08-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by MatrixManNe0
It works on monsters if you have 100 Brave (like anyone will do that, lol), but besides that, it doesn't affect monsters (yes, I'm agreeing with you on that).

What I'm saying is if you have 90 brave, it's not 90 percent. It's more like 75 percent. That 90 brave = 90 % works for other counters...
Um, no.

From the Battle Mechanics Guide
Hamedo (1200 JP, Monk): If you are targeted by an ATTACK, BATTLE SKILL, THROW, or CHARGE directive and your attacker is within range of your weapon, the attacker's directive will be cancelled and you will instead execute an ATTACK directive on the attacker. Note that this only works on the above-listed commands, which means it is useless on monsters, since they have special forms of physical attack. This ability will trigger Br% of the time. Note: unlike Counter, Hamedo will activate against spell guns.

To have it happen, all of the requirements have to be there (be hit with Attack, Battle Skill, Throw or Charge by a human; must be within your weapon range). Br% of the time means that you replace Br with your Brave value. Your Brave value equals the success rate of the reaction. That's always how it's done, with the exception of Abandon and Weapon Guard.

05-09-2003, 12:04 AM
Yes, skye is on the ball for this one. She's 100% correct.

It is b%, 100 brave will not let you hamedo monsters it just makes it always trigger.

05-12-2003, 10:46 PM
What Skye said.

Also, if you haven't tried this sexy combo yet, do so:

Hamedo + Equip Gun

Now you can hamedo archers, ninjas, lancers (even when they attack or throw at you from up to 8 panels away) etc... and it is a beautiful thing. Especially when fighting Balk.

05-13-2003, 03:29 AM
I don't know about any of this br% or anything but I'm glad you all do. It's news to me. All I know is that when I first equipped hamedo I was happy as a muskrat in heat. I made sure that I put Ramza ( who was my monk at the time) in the most perilous of situations and he would often kill his assailants before they could even strike. That's right, one hit did it. However, the further into the game that I got, he did it less and less and what was once a bloody slaughter of enemy humans and monsters became Ramza getting the puke beaten out of him. THEN I began to like hamedo less and less until I just took it off because it was more of a burden than anything having to constantly heal him (his armor sucked). Judging by what you all have said, it was probably because his brave level dropped and I just hadn't realized at the time that it could change at all. Now I HATE HAMEDO!!!:mad2:

05-13-2003, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by EveningCross
Now I HATE HAMEDO!!!:mad2:
Well, if you just raise your Brave again, you can love Hamedo like you used to. =)

05-13-2003, 03:46 AM
Meh, it doesn't really matter. HP restore is a superior reaction ability anyways.

Just use Cheer up or scream on Ramza until his brave is maxed out, and your Hamedoing ways can continue.

05-13-2003, 10:57 AM
Lol, nice to see more new people in the FFT forum

Let's make this clear:
--> ALL reaction abilities are dependent on 'Brave points' and like Skye said, it's b% meaning that:

Amt. of Bv points = percentage of reaction ability working

THEN I began to like hamedo less and less until I just took it off because it was more of a burden than anything having to constantly heal him (his armor sucked). Judging by what you all have said, it was probably because his brave level dropped and I just hadn't realized at the time that it could change at all. Now I HATE HAMEDO!!!:mad2:

Actually...you should switch to Blade Grasp. Hamedo isn't worth its JP in the first place but Blade Grasp is worth much more than its 900JP. (Alternative choice is Damage Split)

--> Attacks enemies beofre they attack you, meaning you get one extra attack and they lose one.

--> Can't counter long range lol! (I just shoot you from afar and you can't touch me!)
--> Can't counter spell

Balde Grasp
--> Deflects everything from melee punches to speeding bullets

--> except for spells

Damage Split
--> Split 50% of the damage back to the enemies (that includes melees, range and magic)

--> If you die in one hit, it's not worth it.
--> You still take damage lol...

So you people can decide between these skills and have fun! :D

And...brave points can only go up to 97...

Hamedo + Equip Gun

That's a nice combo!
But what if the opponent has Balde grasp?

Nice combo though! :) *applaudes*

Giga Guess
06-01-2003, 04:06 AM
Meh. If he has Blade Grasp, It's just a no fault, no foul deal.

08-14-2003, 04:39 PM
Hamedo doesn't work on monsters, so it's best to equip it when you fight some story battles. It does work on Zodiac bosses, like Velius. I killed Velius with Hamedo. And yes, a long range weapon user with hamedo might kill, but I don't know if it's effective against short range users. I think if you use a gun and you have hamedo, you might pary all of Balk's attacks.

Yes, that...guy... Balk. I hate his guts, because he has long range and he's a sniper.

08-19-2003, 01:29 AM
I'll explain EVERYTHING about Hamedo:
First, what triggers it is PHYSICAL ATTACK. Since monster uses SPECIAL ATTACKS, Hamedo doesn`t work.
SPECIAL ATTACKS are rather different from PHYSICAL ATTACKS or MAGIC ATTACKS.They can be counered, but never hamedoed even if your brave was 100000000. Choco Ball or Choco Meteor can be countered by Counter Magic, But not Hamedoed. The same fro choco attack: It can be countered but not hamedoed.
If you`re equipped with a Bow, Crossbow or Gun (including magic ones) you may ONLY counterattack/hamedo the ranged attacks. It will not work for near ones. Spears or Papyrus will counter/hamedo the same as normal range. Harps will only counter/hamedo 3 panels away of attacker (so, it will only counter bow/gun attacks, but since only a sucker archer would attack from 3 panels of range, don`t use hamedo/counter on bards... anyway, their PA sucks).
So... only use HAMEDO when you`re in Story Battles and you`re facing humans.

08-19-2003, 02:01 AM
Hamedo is fun for a while.... especially with a Chemist or gun-using dude.... but ever since I got blade grasp.... I am a brave-raising blade-grabbing moron!!! its totally awesome! any little non-magic attack is el block-o'ed!!! and the magic.... umm... i just innocent myself using Beowulf