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06-02-2003, 08:03 AM
does anyone know whether they are going to do a 'movie' for FFX-2 or not?just like the ones for FFX.....

06-02-2003, 08:50 AM
Nope, it'll never happen.

Read: Final Fantasy: The Spirits within was a complete failure, Square movies went bankrupt and are out of that business.
Have a nice day.

06-02-2003, 09:56 PM
hahaha xD yeah well it did Suck ! the only reason that ppl went 2 c that was 2 c how the graphics were great beside that bleh xP & i saw it 3 times & still didn't get the ending ! o.Ô

06-03-2003, 02:25 AM
Hey, I liked The Spirits Within. Of course I was expecting to see swordfights and magic, but it was still good. Storyline was pretty good and the graphics was bloody awesome, no other animated movie came close.

06-03-2003, 03:14 AM
I have just one thing to say:


06-03-2003, 11:03 AM
hey...i think the spirit within is totally meaningless....i just watch the begining and eventually stop in the middle...dun wan to waste my time!ha ha.....:D

06-03-2003, 10:27 PM
The movie did suck a bit, i think every1 was expecting the movies to be like the games which they didnt and that was a bit diapointing. If They did make another movie they should make it based on ff8 or ffx cause those to got the best stories and would make alot of money.

06-04-2003, 09:02 AM
ya...i think the story for ff8 and ffx is VERY nice....especially ffx,i cry in the end.....the story is so touching....

06-04-2003, 12:47 PM
As if there is FFX movie version and FFX-2 could not be miss out. Well, sad. It not gonna be happen in here since Squaresoft loss in movie track.

06-06-2003, 09:04 PM
I believe yuna~forever is speaking of this DVD that was put together for FFX showing just all of the FMVs and some story clips all put together so that you could just watch it. I don't know where they sell it or what language(s) it's in, but I've seen it online before.

I have no idea how well that DVD did in sales, but if it did alright, and given the enormous first day sales of FFX-2, I guess they probably would make a "movie" DVD for this game too.

Tidus Andronicus
06-07-2003, 02:28 AM
I'm the kind of person that would like to see any Final Fantasy make it to the big screen. But, of course, that probably won't happen, at least for a while.

As far as TSW goes, I liked it as a Sci-Fi type movie, but I thought that it was a big mistake calling it a "Final Fantasy", why not just "The Spirits Within"?
Sometimes a little mistake like a wrong name can be very bad for the movie. I think it would have gotten a lot more people interested without the FF tag, just TSW. People expected Final Fantasy material, and were disapointed. As just TSW, many FF fans would have still seen it just because Square produced it.
meh, oh well, still it had some killer graphics.

Who knows, maybe if Square make a lot of money in the future, they'll give FF movies another and hopefully better shot.

06-07-2003, 11:26 AM
ya!that's what i really mean......u've got what i mean,SeedRankLou.
hope that they are going to make one for FFX-2 too.....can't wait to watch it,bcoz i dun have PS2,which is sad :cry:
i bought the FFX one,and it is in japanese but with chinese subtitle.actually i enjoy it more if it's in japanese,rather than watching yuna speaking in english or some other language :D

Tidus Andronicus
06-07-2003, 04:33 PM
Oooh, I want those DVDs.
I didn't even know that existed.

06-07-2003, 10:40 PM
What DVDs???

06-08-2003, 01:12 AM
Actually is sell in VCD. Not DVD. Sad.

For FFX Movie is just display all gameplay, events, FMV. It do help me a bunch to solve that darn cloister of trial in Macalania. But many of the minor events it did't contain in it.

So if you see it still not fully understand the story goes. I still did't found FFX-2 Movie yet. I saw in FFX movie already. Is totally 5 CDs.

06-08-2003, 11:27 AM
yep...it's in VCD,which is alright....
em....i haven't seen the real game on PS2 before,so i don't actually know how it compares with the real thing.
but,it is totally nice.belive me.....u'll be like watching a movie rather than playing the game and waiting for the FMVs to appear occasionally.
it's a total of 5 VCDs,which is separeted by the name FFX part one and FFX part two.

07-03-2003, 07:15 PM
Dude, that movie REAKED. I was so excited, but when I went to see it I was really disappointed. They should make a FF7/8/10 movie.

Now THAT would rock.

07-05-2003, 04:56 PM
Spirits Within was disapointing... I expected some Final fantasy.. not some weird combination of most FF and *Where is the magic??* *cries*

07-06-2003, 01:29 AM
There was a DVD of FFX with CG movies in it. It plays the whole story of FFX in order like a real movie. I have one. Its real good.

It should be no problem for FFX2 to have same thing done.

FFX movie had nothing to do with Spirits within. Its all the game movies put together with all the scenes needed to bring story together perfectly. It even has boss fights in it.

I guess not of you knew what yunaforever was talking about. Too bad since you can order the FFX movie on Amazon or search for it on internet engine. I would recommend it to fans of the game. Actually the FFX CG movies play on DVD format. You need dvd player to watch it. One I own is on 2 DVDs not 5 VCDS. In Japanese with american subtitles.

Yunaforever, we can only hope they make one for sequel too. It would be great.

07-06-2003, 03:29 AM
oh....thank god someone understands what i'm talking about.is that FFX CG movie discs so rare till nobody knows about it???i thought it was really popular.
anyway,i cant get the dvd version of it.the one i own is in vcd format.too bad.
Kalel,thanks for the information.i cant wait till they make the same thing for FFX-2 too!!!lets just cross our fingers that they'll make one for the sequel too.

07-07-2003, 02:44 AM
Acutally, the DVD version of the FFX CG movies is pretty easy to find on eBay (type in "Final Fantasy X DVD" in the search), it just wasn't well known. The DVD version has English subtitles.

And they already have the FFX-2 DVD as well! Check it out:

07-07-2003, 01:43 PM
Hey... AT last I found the FFX's DVD in mall but I don't know is that same contain with VCD version or not?

07-09-2003, 11:08 AM
ya,i think the DVD is the same as the VCDs ones,shuin.
and,ShivaBlizzard8,i haven't bought it yet,bcoz there's some problem with my ebay account.but i'll tell u all about it when i have it already.thanks again.