View Full Version : Do you think this is the best Final Fantasy ever?

06-07-2003, 04:55 AM
This is my favorite final fantasy of course its the best!
Oi c'mon which one really beats this one hello?:mog:

06-07-2003, 05:07 AM
Duh! :D

06-07-2003, 05:11 AM
What the bloody hell are ya talking about its an yes er not question IT IS THE BEST

06-07-2003, 01:11 PM
You love posting these kinds of threads, doncha? I think FFVI is joint second best with IV, V and IX. I really cannot decide between them.

Lost Heretic
06-07-2003, 04:12 PM
Final Fantasy 6 of course. I believe that squares peak of perfection was FF4-FF7...good times.

06-07-2003, 07:09 PM
Yea I do I get bored Ya know But really this game was the best! The characters were all awesome except i didnt like Edgur or Umaro!

06-07-2003, 07:14 PM
Yeah, i agree this is the best final fantasy ever made, every thing is great: characters, storyline, music, magic system ....

06-07-2003, 07:22 PM
Just to add ta yer list they introduced moogles I love moogles!:mog: :mog: Mog! That had so many characters I loved almost all of them!

06-07-2003, 07:33 PM
Actually, moogles were also in FF3j and FF5.

06-07-2003, 10:14 PM
Naturally the graphics of FFVI can't hold up to the later sequels, but it is beautifully rendered even now. The music is great, the characters well thought out and the plot is fantastic. The character conflicts, the heartbreaking developments, the operatic highlights.

What amazes me the most is I've played this game many times and I still make new discoveries! They really put a lot of thought and work into this one! :)

06-08-2003, 12:33 AM
But the graphics are awesome fer a Super Nintendo game! I mean yea how could they have made them as realist as now?

06-08-2003, 12:57 AM
Oh I agree. The graphics have held up really well over the years despite the better graphics in later FF games.

But these other games have been made and their graphics are better. Would you prefer I limit my comparisons to SNES FF games?

06-08-2003, 01:43 AM
Hey BG-57, "All your base are belong to us!"

And yeah I think that FFVI is probably the greatest FF game of all time. I love the way the story twists in FFVII but I think that after FFVI Square may have put a little too much focus on graphics and less time into stories and characters. Not to down any of these further games but I think that the fact that FFVI stands up tall against these other games and has lesser graphical abilities shows that if this game had been able to produce better graphical art (not that there's anything wrong with it now) it would blow any other game waaaaaaay out of the water. The story itself is art and so is the music which flows along with and compliments the story. Great game. Now I shut up.

06-08-2003, 01:55 AM
I agree eveningcross they do spend too much time on graphics and they focus on these love stories Ew who cares!

06-08-2003, 07:12 AM
Actually...the graphics are not up the par to Snes games at that time, but you see my username? That shows how much I like FFVI :)

06-08-2003, 12:15 PM
Final Fantasy 6 of course. I believe that squares peak of perfection was FF4-FF7...good times.

Maybe. They've also had awesome games that weren't on FF4-FF7 era, like Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy IX and Kingdom Hearts. Though yeah, I have to agree that SNES period was a great time for Square. The only thing that bugged me was how Nintendo of America refused to release many of the good games (FF5, SD3) outside Japan. :mad:

But the graphics are awesome fer a Super Nintendo game!

I disagree here. FF6's graphics looked alright, but they didn't shine until the final battle (Tiers) and the ending. Even so, I always thought Chrono Trigger's graphics surpass FF6's in every way, and Seiken Densetsu 3's graphics might do even better than CT's. And I mentioned only visually excellent Square games, but there are more of them, of course...

Just to add ta yer list they introduced moogles I love moogles!

I saw Moogles in Dorga's house in FF3j. Besides, FF2j had beavers, which looked like a primitive version of the Moogles.

FF6 is probably my 3rd favorite FF game. However, it doesn't beat FF7, IMHO. If I compared them, here's what I'd get (I won't compare their graphics, because that's unfair):


- Storyline: Many have said FF6's storyline is the best ever. However, I think the story stopped at the beginning of World of Ruin as you only get character development there, and the story itself doesn't develop until you enter the final battle. Considering that WoR is almost the 2nd half of the whole game, IMHO, the story falls apart since almost half of the game stops having one. And no, story and character development aren't the same thing. I'll analyze the characters later. Meanwhile, FF7's story keeps going on all the time. It's a really large story, and it's complex, dark, deep and tragic. I also love it how the plot twists are done so well. New surprises pop up whenever you think you're in charge of the situation. Great stuff!

- Characters: I've heard people saying that Vincent and Yuffie are useless characters, whereas all 14 FF6's characters have their uses. I disagree here. Vincent and Yuffie weren't bad at all in FF7's battles for me. I should actually be talking about the character development here rather than the characters' use in battles. Anyway, if I compared them to FF6's optional characters, Umaro and Gogo, Vincent and Yuffie have lots of background and personality. Umaro and Gogo are just there and we get to know nothing about them, and they don't have any personality that I would've noticed. For other characters, there were loads of characters that I found a waste of space, such as Relm and Strago. If I had to speak about how useful they are in battles, I found Setzer quite pointless. Someone might say FF6 characters' strong point is that there's 14 of them, and you've got so many to choose. I don't agree with this. I always used only 4 or 5 of them, and the rest were sitting ducks, and the only reason I used the rest was because I had to take them in Kefka's Tower. On the other hand, Cloud, Tifa, Aeris, Barret, Cid and the others have involving personalities and plenty of character development. For NPCs, FF7's Biggs and Wedge were a lot better characters than their FF6 counterparts (Vicks and Wedge in SNES translation), Rufus seemed to have a lot more development than that old weirdo Gestahl, and most of all... I prefer Sephiroth's "tragic fall" story over Kefka's "I'm a crazy sadistic clown! KILL KILL KILL! Fwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" stuff.

- Ok. Maybe I wrote a bit too much about the characters. Oh well... anyway, audio: I won't analyze the technical sound quality, because it keeps developing just like the graphics, so it'd be unfair to compare them. Instead, I'll compare the music. FF6 might actually win here. There's loads of tragic themes that are really emotional, and give some life to even those crappy characters such as Relm. But this doesn't mean FF7's soundtrack is much worse. There's lots of great songs in FF7 as well, and they provide good ambiance to the game. FF7 also has my favorite world map theme (The Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII), two of my favorite character themes (Aerith's Theme and Cid's Theme) and my favorite final battle theme (One-Winged Angel).

- Battle system: this is where FF6 has problems. I remember a thread where the battle systems were compared to each other, and I really can't see how the Esper system are more varied. FF7's materias allow you to use a lot more combos and be creative with them. FF6 only lets you equip one Esper at a time, and it only teaches you spells. Ok, it raises your stats too, but I only found Bahamut's +50% HP stat increase to be of any use to me. I don't know what some people are saying "I prefer FF6's desperation attacks over FF7's just because they're so shocking when they appear". Yeah right. Their weakness is that they appear too rarely, and when they do, they aren't that great. So what if they do 9999 damage near the end of the game? My normal attacks do just as much. IMHO, Vincent's transformations, Cloud's Omnislash, Tifa's attack combo and Aeris' Great Gospel are way more interesting than a little single attack that does a bit of damage. FF6's cool features are Blitzes, Tools, Sword Techs etc, as they make the charaters a bit more individual. However, I think the Espers really suck in FF6. I could use all kinds of attacks in FF7 (physical attacks, attack magic, support magic, healing magic, summons), but in FF6 I never use the Espers. The only Esper that did some damage was Bahamut, and my physical attacks always do more damage. Espers also consume more MP than spells, and spells can be used many times in battle, whereas Espers can only be used once. Fire2 is a lot more useful spell than, say, Ifrit. At least FF7's summons do some damage, and their usage is limited quite well there, since when they develop, you can use them more than once. And in FF7, you can summon as many creatures as you have equipped. FF6 lets you equip only one Esper for one character, meaning you can only summon 4 times in a battle. Whoever said Knights of the Round made FF7 too easy, FF6 has loads of stuff that make it too easy. These are Osmose spell, Economizer, Genji Glove, Offering, Gem Box (or whatever it was that allowed you to use X-Magic) and other things like that. I have to admit Safer Sephiroth is a cakewalk, but Kefka's even a bigger breeze.

- Gameplay: In FF7, I liked going around places, having fun, doing things and side quests. There was a lot of things to do and the mini-games were cool, but I'll get back to those later. The dungeons were also pretty fun to explore. In FF6, I did have a great time in World of Ruin, but I didn't find World of Balance to be that much fun. The opera scene was great, and there was a few great moments in WoB too, but I didn't really like exploring towns or places. Especially Zozo, I hated that place!

- World: As I said, I had more fun in FF6's World of Ruin than in World of Balance. The latter felt like a task to me, but the former let me spend some quality time with the game. Seeing character development (especially for Terra), doing side-quests, travelling around the world, enjoying the overworld music etc. Yeah, those were good times. Though FF7's world is still bigger. It's huge! There's tons of places to go and people to see, and when you think you've had enough, there's all that Chocobo stuff, which is quite cool. And when you're done with that, there's Gold Saucer, the home of dozens of mini-games that give you fun stuff to last for hours. Motorcycling, snowboarding, Speed Square etc expand the game really well and enhance your gaming experience.

You know, I hate comparing two FFs I like, because I always have to say that the (IMHO) better game is better than the other game. Anyway, FF7 is my favorite FF with FF6 staying in the 3rd rank.

Dignified Pauper
06-09-2003, 05:56 AM
Nope... FF VI Was a VERY good game, but the story line of any game will never top FF IV's. The superb beuty of plot twists and character developement was very good. The way you never got to pick your party i thought was quite nice since the characters always fit in with the story. The romance triangle of Cecil, Rosa, and Kain added to the storie's complexity and character motives. The way the main bad guy wasn't revealed until the latter part of the game made it over the top. Yep, I must say, i love FF IV. FF VI is my second fav. though. The villain who was subject to a horrible experiment gone wrong causing his inner most desires of darkness to be set free. His craving for power left the player with an anger towards Kefka, as well as a deep rooted hate for him, which all villains must possess. The storyline was a little hazy during the WoR. Considering you could just go to fight Kefka as soon as you got you're airship was absurd. Character developement did continue, but it was more or less useless to know in conjunction with the main story. But still, A FANTASTIC GAME.

MagicKnight Locke
06-09-2003, 02:02 PM
2nd favourite after ff8 and pretty much sharing it with ff9

06-09-2003, 03:08 PM
While Materia or Junctioning may give you more combinations, I like the idea with Magicite that you can permenantly give spells to your party. Without GFs or Materia, your characters are much weaker.

EveningCross, "What you say?!?" ;)

MagicKnight Locke
06-09-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by BG-57
I like the idea with Magicite that you can permenantly give spells to your party.

Silent Warrior
06-19-2003, 06:47 PM
Seph1999: Well, let's just respectfully agree to disagree about Kingdom Hearts.

Just wanted to drop by to say that FF6's music was completely bad-ass here and there. Like the beginning. Cheers!

06-22-2003, 05:07 AM
6 is the best so far.....................

06-22-2003, 05:22 AM
I loved everything about VI. Obviously we arent all going to agree, it's opinion, you cant like a game simply by superior facts.

The music was, in my opinion, the best ever in FF. Absolutely gorgeous, and the vocal songs for Tina and Celes were great (Toki no Horusha and the Opera). The characters were wonderful, VII really didnt have that much over all character development, and the ones after that didnt really either. I loved the sprites, too, and the way the grapics fit with the backgrounds. In VII, VIII, and IX (particularily in VIII) the beautiful rendered backgrounds didnt fit with the often choppy characters. I've played VI at least 30 times. At least. And I still learn new things and enjoy it fully every time around.