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View Full Version : Who was the worst FF Heroine?

07-06-2003, 09:47 PM
I'm curious to see who you guys think is the worst FF heroine, because I've seen so many different opinions about them- both good and bad. So I decided to make this poll.
What do you think?:D

07-06-2003, 10:21 PM
Well I voted Aeris. Though I think what she did was very brave and noble, I just didnt like her.

I just remembered Rinoa when I saw the other vote though, and I think I should have gone that way. Rinoa and Aeris to me are alike in their love obsessions (Rinoa is way worse than Aeris though) and though Rinoa seemed brave at first with her Forest Owls group, she was just being selfish and trying to get back at daddy. She risked other people's lives for that, and that's beyond wrong. She's selfish, whiney, and self-centered. And I dont like that.

07-06-2003, 10:36 PM
No Tidus?!?!? I thought Tidus was the most whiny of them all but I voted for Rinoa.

07-06-2003, 10:42 PM
Tidus doesnt qualify, he doesnt have the girl-parts :p

07-06-2003, 10:43 PM
Yuna. She didn't actually have a personality. All she did was say that she was going to defeat Sin, and never considered the consequences of her actions. Her stupidity could easily have led to the end of the world twice had it not been for her guardians. Her only real fighting method was to call for something else to come and protect her. Then there's that laughing scene....

07-06-2003, 11:02 PM
Rinoa's the only one of those who actually bothered me. A bad personality is worse than none at all.

Mr. Graves
07-06-2003, 11:54 PM
I have to say Rinoa. Just because she nagged alot after you first meet her.

Rinna Lee
07-07-2003, 06:12 AM
I vote for Eiko....that little brat....but then I saw Porom...what about Polom??....yep I hate both of them, too. So either any of them. But I agree with PhoenixAsh...Yuna did have no personality.

07-07-2003, 02:34 PM
Yuna - too boring and no wonder they picked her to fight sin so that she would hopefully die.

07-07-2003, 02:41 PM
Palom is a BOY. I've excluded the males on this one. This is a pole for the FEMALES. Females ONLY everyone. Even if you think your least favorite male is girly.:rolleyes2

Anyway... Next thought on these girls?

07-07-2003, 08:57 PM
I HAD to vote Rinoa... (failing that, it would be Tifa for all the whining she does)
Saying that, Rinoa whines too. Honestly, I don't know what Squall EVER sees in her. All she did was pester him, and only two minutes ago she had been getting it on with Seifer.
Actually, I wish I could vote both Tifa AND Rinoa, neither of them are worthy of FF-Heroine Status. Neither of them can look after themselves (Tifa always going on about getting in a bind, Rinoa getting captured/falling off cliffs etc) and waste valuable planet-saving time by messing around trying to get the guys to notice them!

07-08-2003, 04:55 AM
If I was able to vote twice, I would have voted for Rosa (I voted Rinoa too). Rosa was not very bright and was very weak-minded throughout the game (except when she refused to get off the Bg Whale). She was such a dummy.:eep:

If I was able to vote three times, I would have voted for Selphie as well. Why? Well, it's three words: TOO MUCH SUGAR!:rabite:

07-08-2003, 05:16 AM
Rinoa, she's a total ditz. And she fell in love with Squall. Only a complete moron could do that.

07-08-2003, 07:29 PM
Going against popular opinion, but I must say that Yuffie is teh sux0rz! I just find her to be overall annoying and if not for my compulsiveness in rpg's I would probably leave her out of the party.

07-08-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by TheAbominatrix
Tidus doesnt qualify, he doesnt have the girl-parts :p

He doesn't? lol, I was just kidding earlier

07-24-2003, 02:59 PM
Yuffie, Eiko, Quistis, Rikku kicks everyone else's asses. I gotta looks back into the otehr 4 at the top of the list and Faris she rock too.

07-24-2003, 05:19 PM
Quistis. I hated her for some reason. >_<'

Flying Mullet
07-24-2003, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by TheAbominatrix
Tidus doesnt qualify, he doesnt have the girl-parts :p
Prove us wrong. :p

I would vote for Tidus, but sense she's not up there I'm going to have to go with Rinoa as well.

Ki Ki
07-24-2003, 06:42 PM
Rinoa...but she wasn't technically a heroine...now was she?
She didn't save the day...so....
Well she sucks... :p

07-24-2003, 09:11 PM
Yuffie. I wouldn't have minded her being evil, if she wasn't annoying as well.

07-24-2003, 11:15 PM
Aeris, well she reminds me of alot of people i hate.

btw i cheered when she died.

07-27-2003, 02:13 PM
Yuffie. She's the only one that I felt particularly annoyed by - moany, whiney (not in a good way...) bitch with absoultely no sexual inuendo in anything she ever said... And she was a thief.

The ones before FFVII I didn't no, so I just assumed they could be as bad as Yuffie.

If I had to choose somebody else, it'd be Quistis for the sole fact she wears glasses and looks too nerdy (especially in her opening scene!) The fact is, of they aren't eye-candy I don't want to know! Conversely, my brother seemed to quite like her, and we usually have the same choice in women...

I think I only knew Eiko for about three seconds (STILL got to play FFIX more...) so I can't say about her.

But Yuna and Rinoa? What are you guys saying?! Yuna showed nothing but blind devotion to her cause (true, a little too blind, at times) but without her would Sin ever get defeated? (Do't answer that - I don't actually know yet!)

And Rinoa? Well, she looks quite a lot like a girl I liked in r/l... That alone makes her my favourite!

07-27-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Paleghost
Aeris, well she reminds me of alot of people i hate.

btw i cheered when she died.

Me too :D

And Zild, man... you gotta learn to start lookin past the T&A... particularily the digital kind.

07-27-2003, 02:37 PM
Rinoa. What!? You want more!? pfft....

07-28-2003, 03:43 AM
T&A is all that matters... especially on the digital woman!

Think about it... personality and the like only matter in a woman you'd ever get close to meeting. Until then, all you truly know about somebody is what they look like. Now, I'm never going to meet Rinoa, so what do I care if she's a useless waste of space, spoilt little brat? :p

Fraile Memory
07-28-2003, 04:10 AM
Rinoa or Yuna. Haha. I'd have to go with Yuna, she's pointless, and she doesn't even have a reason of being there, aside from defeating Sin.

07-28-2003, 04:57 AM
Originally posted by Zild
T&A is all that matters... especially on the digital woman!

Think about it... personality and the like only matter in a woman you'd ever get close to meeting. Until then, all you truly know about somebody is what they look like. Now, I'm never going to meet Rinoa, so what do I care if she's a useless waste of space, spoilt little brat? :p

So looks are all that matters in deciding whether you like a character or not? That's... weird. Oh well, whatever floats your boat.

07-28-2003, 09:28 PM
I picked Yuffie, shes annoying and alls she thinks about is stealing clouds materia.
Yuna shouldn't even be on the list she is to great to be the worst.

07-28-2003, 10:12 PM
I hope Yuna's lack of votes is due to few people owning a PS2, and not some strange attachment to her.

07-28-2003, 10:55 PM
why is tidus on the list? lol, just messing around. yuna by far, shes weak, all she did was say "I must defeat Sin, I will defeat Sin." She had the worst personality out every character in all the FF games. she was by far the most annoying... more than tidus. i could not stand having her around

Originally posted by PhoenixAsh
I hope Yuna's lack of votes is due to few people owning a PS2, and not some strange attachment to her.

please... lets hope so.

08-03-2003, 12:00 PM
I voted for Yuna although it was a hard decision to make, sorry Yuna fans...

But, I didn't like Aeris at all either, she might have been brave but she only did what she did because she wanted Cloud to save her. What did Cloud see in her anyway? Him and Tifa suited each other much more, Quistis kind of annoyed me as well.

08-05-2003, 06:12 AM
Rinoa... She's one of the most annoying characters of all time, male or female.

08-05-2003, 02:32 PM
dude, i couldnt stand rinoa. thats y i sent her to the missile base. i got a kick out of seeing it blowup with her in it