View Full Version : whos your fav final fantasy character???

07-08-2003, 05:53 AM
my favs rinoa from ff8 and out of ff 10 + 10-2(wat ive seen of it) rikku.

Squall's Gal
07-08-2003, 12:03 PM

IRVINE!!!! He's such a funny character!

Squall used to be my favourite, but now I like Irvine.

Big D
07-08-2003, 12:23 PM
Seems like a question regarding Final Fantasies in general... so the "General Final Fantasy" forum would seem like the place to go.:)

*Gently shoves thread*

07-08-2003, 12:37 PM
oh oops i meant to put an 8 at the end but the ff10 stuff was a little extra:choc:

07-08-2003, 06:13 PM
Ramza. He's an all-around nice guy, and one of the only protagonists who didn't get on my nerves. If you can find a character who truly cared more about saving the world than he did, I'd like to hear about it.

07-08-2003, 11:35 PM

Auron - FFX
Rikku - FFX
Seifer - FFVIII
Yuna - FFX
Lulu - FFX
Wakka - FFX

07-08-2003, 11:35 PM
my favorite ff8 character has to be seifer he is so cool and mysterious.:whoa:

07-09-2003, 04:24 AM
Well... maybe it's the answer everyone'll groan at, but you gotta love Cloud. i mean, hell, for someone who ends up being rather mental, he's a pretty likeable guy. Plus, he's got sufficiently badass spiky hair to avoid that whole "Sonic the Hedgehog" look.

Then again, he's not really my favorite character... that'd have to be Squall. Squall's surprisingly dynamic, in a game where all but a handful of characters fall rather flat. Or at least, don't do well with such a jerky story. He grows and matures throughout the entirety of FF8, in a noticable and only slightly cliched sort of way. Score.

07-09-2003, 05:02 AM
Yuffie the best.she dont let anyone push her around

07-09-2003, 04:53 PM
I gotta agree with you on Cloud, Blancomeow. But Irvine is my favorite character simply because he's funny.

Ki Ki
07-09-2003, 07:09 PM
Squalls REALLY HOT...
And ZELL's extremely funny...
But...Vivi's the cutest little thing EVA! :D

07-09-2003, 07:10 PM
kain, auron, cid(7), shadow, and zell were my favs. i couldnt pick one so i said all of them.

Freya Coral
07-13-2003, 08:36 PM
Here's my favorites:

FF1-Black Mage
FF7-Vincent :love:
FF8-Laguna :love:
FF9-Kuja :love:

07-26-2003, 10:26 PM
FF7-Cloud, Sephiroth.
FF8-Zell, Squall.
FF9-Steiner (later in game), Amarant.
FF10-Auron, Kimahri.
Steiner early in FF9 is a total idiot and I despise him. Later he proves he's worth something!

Aya Nekoneko
07-26-2003, 10:33 PM
This is rather hard... but I really loved Rinoa from FFVIII. I could see why people could dislike her, but I just found her interesting and likeable. She made an ubercute entrance as well. ^^ She just seems like a real fun type a gal.

But yea, I've got some really close seconds as well. Tifa, Aerith, Zell, Sephy, etc.