View Full Version : Lightning gems...?

07-23-2003, 08:35 AM
Alright, stupid question:

I'm making quad-absorbent armors for all of my characters. Water, fire, and ice gems are all easy enough to come by, but where the HELL do you get lightning gems? The only place i know to get them is from the Chimera Brains in the Calm Lands, but it's really rare to get them, and you only get 2. I need sixty and i'm not patient to spend a week robbing stupid Chimera Brains. Any ideas? Can they be stolen easily from any other monsters? Anything at all would be helpful... i'd hate to have the stats read "fire eater/ice eater/water eater/ lightningproof ".

Anal? Me? Don't know what you're talking about...

Nosereme of Twilight
07-27-2003, 03:14 AM
In the Monster Arena you can steal about 4 common lightning gems from the Species Creation Vidatu.

07-27-2003, 03:42 AM
Name: Imp
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, Mt. Gagazet
HP: 880 (Overkill: 1320)
MP: 300
Ronso Rage: N/A
AP: 770 (Overkill: 1540)
Gil: 610
Steal: Lightning Gem
Bribe: Level 1 Key Sphere x4 for 17,600
Drop: Mana Sphere

Nosereme of Twilight
07-27-2003, 03:50 AM
Yes I saw the Imp also. You can steal 1 lighting gem commonly and 2 rarely; however you may have a better chance fighting a Chimera Brain and stealing a rare lighting gem from it then meeting an Imp in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth they are rare it took me awhile to collect 10 of them for the Monster Arena.

07-28-2003, 03:34 PM
Thanks all... i actually _did_ end up getting them all from Chimera Brains. I got Master Thief on Rikku, and then fought them at the monster arena. She usually got about 6 gems out of it before it would stop giving anything up at all. For only 1500 Gil apiece, and considering i made back more than that at the end of a battle, it was the best way to go!