View Full Version : Best Battle theme

08-07-2003, 03:06 PM
FF1: very basic music, hard to comment on

FF2: Jumpy sorta music, personally my second fave, first time I heard it I just thought it was great

FF3: though Ive never played FF3 Ive heard the battle theme and personally its quite boring, when I hear it I always imagine an FF battle but with only a giant cartoon sun in the background:D

FF4: I really like this one, its royal and it gives that FF4 feeling

FF5: this was once my fave, it is very happy and adds even more of that fun element to the game

FF6: Its better when you hear it that when you remember it;)

FF7: A very forgetful battle theme with not much to say PS. I havnt forgotten it:tongue:

FF8: Though FF8 was my first FF, FF8's battle theme like FF7 is not so easy to remember but like FF5 it matches the game

FF9: My fave, loads of great parts to the piece, changes a lot but never goes out of tune

FF10: FF10 music is like FF5's if you ask mealthough they sound completely different they both have the same feel to it

08-07-2003, 11:03 PM
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest had the best music. Download the soundtrack and player from Zophas Domain. FF4,5,6 and Chrono Trigger are available as well.

Freya Coral
08-08-2003, 06:40 AM
:votes FF8:

Where's the "Laguna" battle music?? That was the best!! :( But the normal FF8 battle music was pretty cool too... the others (7 and 9) were good, but got kind of annoying after so many battles...especially considering how I like to level up my characters. :D

08-08-2003, 12:24 PM
Not sure at all, but I remember the battle theme in FFV as pretty good.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
08-08-2003, 12:48 PM
FFIV, FFV, FFVI, and FFIX have good ones. FFI and FFVII have the best ones.
Originally posted by Freya Coral
Where's the "Laguna" battle music?? That was the best!! :( "The Man with the Machine Gun" is indeed brilliant, but it's also not FFVIII's normal battle theme.

08-08-2003, 04:49 PM
FF1 - Pretty good. Even better in Origins.
FF2 - I didn't like this one that much. The Origins version was better, but still not my favorite.
FF3 - It's alright.
FF4 - Quite good.
FF5 - Good stuff.
FF6 - I'd say it's pretty good. Not as good as most people claim, IMHO.
FF7 - I guess this one's my favorite FF battle theme. Lots of action, aggressive, sounds nice.
FF8 - I like this one too.
FF9 - This one was good as well.
FFX - I didn't like it. It's too happy and annoying for my tastes.
FFX-2 - Not good, really. I haven't played the game, though.
FFXI - Not bad, although nothing special. Though again, I haven't played the game.
FFT - I haven't played this one much, either. But the battle songs are quite good.

For Laguna's battle theme, my opinion about it is pretty similar to my opinion about FF6's battle theme: It's not as good as everyone claims, IMHO. About Mystic Quest, I don't remember how its battle theme was. Meh.

Flying Mullet
08-08-2003, 04:51 PM
FFVI without a doubt. It has the best music to get the blood pumping. And as was said above, Mystic Quest just has the best music over all, simple yet powerful.

08-08-2003, 07:48 PM
I really liked the final kefka music aswell

08-08-2003, 10:41 PM
I like FF4 battle theme, it's simple but perfect.

08-09-2003, 10:54 PM
the battle theme for the beginning of FFIX (the play) was good. i think it was called "Feel My Blade" on the OST. not sure though. but that was my fave. next comes Laguna's battle theme. sounds like techno.

black orb
08-10-2003, 03:47 AM
>>> The FF1 boss theme in Origins and the battle with Seymour in ff10..